Automotive occupations

There are a huge number of professions associated with cars. Car lovers can engage in both driving and repairing or even selling a car.
All specialties related to cars are quite in demand today. They have many advantages. These include:
- a large number of different vacancies in the labor market;
- the opportunity to work both in your own country and abroad;
- no need for long-term training;
- the opportunity to apply your professional skills in everyday life.
The disadvantages include high responsibility for passengers and those who use the services of auto repairmen, as well as not the most comfortable working conditions.

Renovation professions
In car services and auto centers there are craftsmen who work in several basic specialties.
- Master diagnostician. This is a versatile specialist who is engaged in determining the causes of malfunctions and finding ways to eliminate them. As a rule, such a specialist does not repair the machine.
- Driver and painter. Professions are related to each other, but there are significant differences between them. The driver is engaged in filling cracks and leveling dents. The painter is responsible for painting the car. He can also apply the necessary drawings to the car.
- Mechanic. This person is responsible for the repair of all internal mechanisms of the vehicle. The specialist repairs both trucks and cars.
- Electrician. The specialist is engaged in the repair of all electrical appliances that are inside the car.
- Auto welder. The essence of the work of such a specialist is that he carries out all the welding work that is associated with car repair.
In addition, station wagon mechanics often work in a car service, who can perform most of the above tasks on their own. In order to repair cars, you need to enroll in a car mechanic in a technical school or vocational school. You can study there both after 11th and after 9th grade. Study is often combined with work, which allows you to quickly master the necessary practical skills. After training, you can work in a small auto repair shop or service station.
It should be noted that the professions associated with car repair are quite in demand. In any city there are several car services or service stations. Therefore, there is always a place for a good specialist.

Other specialties
Other auto-related professions are also in demand.
- Car washer. According to statistics, men from 19 to 30 years old are most often hired for this position. A car wash employee serves from 5 to 20 cars per day. The work takes place both in automatic mode and in manual mode. The car washer must be physically strong, hardworking and non-conflicting in dealing with customers.
- Driver. A person who wants to become a driver must be careful on the road, have good endurance and memory. The specialist can drive public transport, be engaged in courier delivery or transportation of goods. In order to get a job as a driver, you need to have the rights of a certain category and be responsible enough.
- Taxi driver. The job of a taxi driver can be made the main one, or it can be combined with other types of earnings. The advantages of the profession are good income and the ability to communicate with various interesting people on the road, the disadvantages are danger and irregular work schedule.

There are also more “money” professions that may suit car enthusiasts.
- Race driver. The profession is suitable for people with good physical fitness. But in order to build a career as a successful athlete, you need to train hard and hard. The main plus of this profession is its prestige, and the minus is the danger to which a person participating in the race is exposed.
- Personal driver. This activity differs from the work of a taxi or public transport driver, first of all, in that a personal driver works with one family or with a specific person. As a rule, such a specialist performs additional duties. He can combine his activities with the functions of an assistant or bodyguard. A big plus of this job is the high salary. On the downside, finding a suitable high-salary job can be difficult. In addition, the work schedule of a personal driver is often irregular.
- Car dealer. In order to sell cars, you need to be well versed in their technical characteristics. Also, a good specialist must constantly monitor world news in order to keep abreast of the wishes of his clients.
- Autojournalist. Another car-related profession is a journalist for an automotive publication. You can work both in offline publications and with various blogs or online projects. But in order to write about cars, it is not enough to be interested in them. It is desirable to have a well-delivered speech and journalism education. The salary of a specialist employed in this field depends entirely on where exactly he works.
In general, it is quite easy to find a job for a person who is well versed in cars and knows how to drive. The main thing is to know your strengths and be able not only to understand cars, but also to interact with people.