All about professions related to children

There are a lot of professions related to children. The choice of work depends on your abilities, desires and creative ideas.... In this article, we will analyze the features of such working specialties, their types and what profession allows you to work with people with disabilities.

Professions related to education usually imply a pedagogical, medical direction. Anyone who wants to engage in this area needs to think carefully, since the work has its own specifics.
Pros of working with children:
- the ability to see the results of work (new knowledge, intellectual development and growth of children);
- optimistic mood - communication with children adds energy;
- this work is creative - you can realize your ideas;
- you will be appreciated, will be loved and respected in their own way;
- education professionals can earn extra money by giving private lessons;
- teachers with a university diploma can get a job in a family, a private kindergarten, a private boarding house as an assistant educator, a governess.
Cons of working in the education system:
- you will need to find a common language with any child;
- knowledge and practice are different things;
- a responsible approach, since other people's children are entrusted to you;
- preparation of reports, documents, curricula;
- very often you have to take work home, spend personal time on paperwork, making visual teaching aids;
- stable, but low wages - workers are regularly raised and indexed payments, but it cannot be said that these actions radically affect the material side.

What professions are there in pedagogy?
If you find it difficult to make a choice in favor of a particular specialization, but you are sure that the desired job is precisely related to children, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a brief description of the professions.
- Educator... As a rule, she works in kindergarten. This is everyday work on weekdays with a large number of children of different ages.
- Defectologist... Refers to the medical field. His work is irreplaceable when you need classes with a child experiencing difficulties in the emotional and mental spheres, with physical disabilities.
- Speech therapist Is another profession in the field of medicine. It is aimed at eliminating speech defects in children.
- Teacher... A wide range of work has greater potential than the work of a teacher or teacher. The teacher can work in universities. There is a real opportunity for professional and career growth. There is a chance to grow up to the rector of a university or vice-rector (substitute rector in some moments). The teacher communicates with both toddlers, preschoolers, schoolchildren and older children.
- Child psychologist. There is a contact with difficult children, whose psyche and emotional background are damaged for various reasons. Sometimes a child does not immediately open up to a stranger, for a long time he cannot trust him. You will have to be patient, stay calm, and try to build relationships and emotional contact with your child.
- Social teacher. The employee needs to organize work with children in order to adapt them to the social environment.
Of course, this is not a complete list of professions. The features and specifics of the work should be understood by you, which will help you make the right choice in favor of a particular specialty. It is very important to adequately assess your capabilities, abilities, creative inclinations, physical strength.

Work in the field of medicine
There are no fewer professions that allow working with people with disabilities in the field of health care. Moreover, people choosing such professions, as a rule, do not regret in the future and work with desire.
- Pediatrician... The doctor works with children between the ages of 0 and 18. The pediatrician conducts diagnostics, treats childhood illnesses, is engaged in preventive work, rehabilitation of disabled children, and vaccinations. He monitors the correct development of the baby or child, advises his parents. Such work is impossible without a serious medical education, but no less important is a great love for children, patience with their tears and complaints. The pediatrician is in contact with sick people for a long time, so you need to have strong immunity and get vaccinated. Work lies ahead both in public clinics and in private medical centers. Many experts point out that communication with children brings health workers a healthy and sober view of the world around them, charges them with optimism. Working with children is capable of rejoicing, and after all, any person wants to receive not only material benefits, but also a positive experience from communication, pleasure from success in work.
- Pediatric orthopedic traumatologist... This is a highly specialized doctor who studies the consequences of trauma, problems associated with skeletal deformation. The doctor is also engaged in the selection of methods for further treatment.
- Children's surgeon. The tasks of this doctor include examining the child, diagnosing a surgical disease, preparing for the operation and its implementation. Also, the doctor takes care of how the child's postoperative period goes.
- Children's masseur. This specialist conducts training sessions with parents of children with disabilities. The masseur conducts master classes in which he clearly shows the techniques used for certain diseases and injuries. Massage is necessary for children with cerebral palsy, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system. Medical massage courses have a positive effect on the dynamics of recovery, as they improve the work in the lymph tissues and blood circulation in general.
Disability is not a sentence.But this is a different life in which a person can discover his potential, realize his ideas and dreams.