Professions related to economics

Economic, economic activity attracts many people. But those preparing only to choose their own path in life often do not understand very well the peculiarities of specific types of activity. And that's why it is very important to properly understand the nuances of professions related to economics.
List and characteristics
There are a number of professions related to economics and finance that are considered the most popular.
This position is deserved opens the list of financial and economic professions. Despite all the changes that have taken place in recent years, and frequent discussions about the uselessness of accounting activities, it is only becoming more significant. In addition to accounting, this specialist is responsible for tax documentation. It is easy to understand that no computers and the most advanced programs can seriously be entrusted with such activities.

This does not mean, of course, that there is no place for information technology in accounting. On the contrary, people working in such a field should be able to use a number of specific programs. Job descriptions of accountants are approved in each organization separately. But, one way or another, these specialists are constantly working with primary financial documentation. Based on it, they make up complex information materials, reports and statements.
Each new operation for the purchase or sale of material assets by the enterprise does not take place without the participation of accounting personnel.
Also, the accountant is obliged:
- take into account the obligations of the organization (and obligations that someone has to the organization - likewise);
- keep track of wages and other payments due to the staff of the company according to the law, according to internal documents or on other legitimate grounds;
- issue certificates on the real level of wages to all employees at their request;
- participate in the inventory of the property (if this changes its overall balance sheet composition, the cost is revalued).

The very name of this profession shows that it is included in the category of occupations related to economics. But it is important to understand that several specializations are hidden under one general name. Manufacturing economist, is mainly engaged in balancing material assets and financial resources of the organization. It takes into account the volume of raw materials, warehouse balances of products. And he also makes sure that sales, production, delivery of new batches of raw materials take place rhythmically.
Another variety is economist for labor and wages. If an accountant prepares documents for payroll, then the economist calculates who and how much specifically worked for the reporting period. He also makes sure that all the necessary incentives and bonuses that an employee can apply for are added to the salary. Pricing economists are also part of this group of specializations. They are engaged in calculating the cost of finished goods and services, calculate costs, also calculate the desired level of profit - and then draw conclusions about how much it should cost.
We also need to mention economists-analysts who:
- planning economic projects in the near and distant future;
- assess the degree of implementation of the initiated projects in practice;
- assess the prospects of competitors and the chances of getting around them in one way or another;
- determine how good the state of the organization is, what are the reasons for the situation and how to improve the state of affairs.

it one of the highest paid professions even among all the occupations in the "financial world". It is this specialist who performs large operations with financial flows. And it is not surprising, therefore, that he gets a serious reward.
First of all, for maintaining commercial secrets, and for not being tempted to direct the financial flow into your own pocket. Financiers are engaged in lending, investment work and many other types of transactions in the market, on the stock exchange.
This is not an economist or an accountant in the usual sense. However, skills in both of these specializations are vital to the full performance of the duties. Higher education in socio-economic profile is strictly required. It will certainly have to be backed up by practical advances in financial management. This is one of the most practically oriented professions, where dry theory and mathematical models cannot be dispensed with.
The financier is bad who:
- does not monitor the state of markets, including those adjacent to its segment, international and national;
- will not be able to understand the specifics of a particular market or investment in a matter of minutes;
- has difficulty maintaining the competitiveness of the promoted products;
- does not clearly understand how the banking sector works, how interest rates are determined in it;
- will not be able to predict the likely actions of the financial authorities of any state in a certain situation.

This profession is relatively young and deserves special attention. This is what they call authorized people who are engaged in the audit of financial statements and other documents. But auditors are also engaged in consulting. It is already extremely difficult to imagine modern economic practices without these people. There is a common myth that auditors collude with the leaders of various organizations and help them hide their income. Of course, there are isolated cases of such a development of events.However, in general, the auditor, on the contrary, is a threat to dishonest officials. The audit is very time consuming and responsible. And yet it is extremely interesting because it allows you to get acquainted with the current state of the modern economy.
Auditors work in both the public and commercial sectors. They must be very careful, because the slightest mistake can turn into very unpleasant consequences. Even if it was admitted unintentionally. Intentional mistakes are usually just a cover for scams or a tool for their commission. Private auditors as opposed to state, are focused primarily not on punishing the perpetrators, but on improving the state of documentation and reporting in the organization so that it does not suffer losses.
Most often, the audit is carried out at the location of the organization, because not only documents are important, but also live communication with employees.

Financial analyst
A good financial analyst comes first one who is guided by the existing market and can make the most profitable decision for the organization. This is an activity for assiduous and thoughtful people. A penchant for mathematics is also highly desirable. Not a single significant financial manipulation in any organization can do without financial analysts. It is their opinion that is taken into account in the first place in order to find out the actual magnitude of the risks and the degree of danger in a particular case. It is generally accepted that this profession belongs to the category of “person - a sign system”.
It is the analyst can say whether a market offer will be profitable or an attempt to do it will turn out to be a failure. If you plan to invest in a certain project or cooperate with a counterparty, or strengthen your presence in any industry, you will again have to analyze the prospects. And even another higher education without analytical skills rarely allows you to make the right decision.
This activity is at the intersection of financial disciplines, but special attention is paid to assessing the adequacy of expenditures and verifying the accuracy of calculating probable income.
Also, analysts are busy:
- preparation and evaluation of business plans;
- preparation of recommendations on how to reduce risks;
- an assessment of the creditworthiness of borrowers (especially important for a bank);
- forecasting general economic dynamics and industry processes.

This, of course, does not end the list of economic professions. There are dozens of them. And a number of specializations have appeared only very recently. This area, for example, includes "technical writer" in part. He is busy documenting the routine procedures by which common tasks in the organization are solved. Economic and economic activities, of course, also have many "typical" components. Therefore, they can be optimized.
Other important specializations:
- market risk analyst;
- private equity analyst;
- anti-crisis manager;
- project manager (for him, of course, the practical financial side of the implementation of each project is also important);
- foreign economic activity manager;
- portfolio manager of venture investments;
- leasing specialist;
- tax consultant;
- customs inspector.

Demanded specialties with higher education
The general list of specializations is important, of course. But even more significant may be the composition of professions that are among the most demanded in the labor market. Knowing them, it will be much more difficult to miss the target. And definitely one of the attractive professions of the financial plan is still the activity of an accountant. It is not for nothing that even the faculties of modern universities and institutes pay much attention to this specialization. The maximum income awaits "accountants in the singular". But this is a very busy option and an extremely high level of responsibility.Beginners will have to work in a narrow area and only deal with the same type of operations. And no one will entrust them with the most responsible matters. But even in such a situation, income can be relatively acceptable.
Of the professions already mentioned, an economist can also have a high income. First of all, this applies to those who are associated with forecasting the market situation or are engaged in a promising project. Still worth mentioning trader... The role of the stock market in the economy is growing steadily, and to consider seriously an organization that is not represented there, it is unlikely that someone from the world market players will be. Not to mention how profitable it is for the company to even have a separate division that deals with trading. Of course, the work of the specialists employed there is also well paid.
But without experience it will be very difficult. Customs and freight brokers are eligible for government accreditation. This admission will allow you to take up private practice.
Still high incomes can be received by:
- banking professionals;
- marketers;
- tax inspectors;
- business consultants;
- economic engineers.

Promising directions without higher education
Customs broker you can work even after grade 11. Potentially even after the 9th grade. You just need to be trained in a good educational institution of the appropriate level. It is also provided by some colleges and training centers. True, you will have to choose very carefully. The slightest mistake - and hopes for a good income in the field of customs circulation will collapse.
But those with a secondary education are much more likely to become an economist. Other options are a financial advisor and an insurance agent.
Insurance is becoming more and more relevant these days, and the state is making efforts to spread it. A worthy completion of the general list will be the profession of a commodity expert.