Geography-related professions

Based on geography, which is still very relevant, you can get a huge variety of interesting and highly paid professions that will become the meaning of life and help civilization develop further.
Profession overview
To begin with, let's go through the list of in-demand specialties related to geography. Perhaps some of the professions for which this science is necessary may be generally unknown to the reader, but this only makes the article more useful.

One of the most exotic and mysterious modern professions related to geography is a speleologist. Such a specialist is primarily associated with the exploration and mapping of caves, and this does not always have to do with tourism and extreme hikes. - you can be an employee of archaeological, hydrological and biological expeditions, or even work at a construction site, helping with the construction of underground premises.
Despite the fascination and usefulness for society, it will be difficult to find a job - it is very fickle. They also pay not too much - on average, 30 thousand rubles, and it is not possible to get the relevant knowledge everywhere, but impressions, as they say, last a lifetime.
Geography teacher
Contrary to popular belief, a geographer should not simply remember a map with maximum accuracy - it would be more accurate to say that it is a storehouse of information on all sciences, one way or another describing the Earth. Such a specialist should understand the history of the formation of the planet, geological processes, biology, cartography and even economics.However, his main task is not just to share his impressive store of knowledge with children, but to teach them to love their home, because otherwise we will have nothing to leave to our descendants.
They pay for such work quite modestly - only from 16 thousand rubles, but there will be no special problems with finding vacancies, and you can study in almost any large city.

Many man-made structures are based on a plan drawn with a clear understanding of what kind of foundation was created by nature under the future city or highway. A geomorphologist is exactly the person who is able to answer such questions, he is ready to tell when and how rocks, soils and other tectonic structures were formed, to predict whether they will move in the near future and whether they will withstand a certain load. For society, such a specialist is invaluable, which sometimes affects the salary, but there are not so many relevant vacancies. However, lovers of business trips far from civilization will be happy in such a position.
Biogeography is a branch of knowledge at the junction of geography and biology proper, that is, dealing with the issue of studying living populations with a clear reference to a specific area. Such a specialist as if describing the area, but in an effort to show what kind of living creatures are found here, how its numbers change over time... The biogeographer determines what should be the tactics of mankind in order to benefit from natural lands without destroying the natural environment. In a sense, working on responsibilities resembles the care of a forester, so this is definitely not an armchair pastime. They pay for this on average about 40 thousand.

Since geography is a complex of sciences about the entire planet as a whole, one of the areas of relevant knowledge is also understanding atmospheric processes and the ability to predict them... As much as we criticize everyday weather forecasts for their questionable accuracy, in fact, this work is much more important than simply predicting rain on TV. - for agriculture and transport, “unpredictable” weather can mean multimillion-dollar losses and even human casualties. On average, such a professional is paid 35 thousand rubles.
Landscape scientist
Landscaping responsibilities are partly similar to what a biogeographer and geomorphologist do. - you are given a certain piece of land, most often noticeably limited in space, and you must understand the laws of its formation and functioning. Then you need to either keep it in its original form, or transform it into a beautiful park or garden, creating a new, well-oiled ecosystem. Given the growing demand for landscape design, we can say that such specialists are now needed, and the salary in the industry starts at 20 thousand.

An oceanologist is, in principle, the same biogeographer, but with an eye not on terrestrial ecosystems, but on underwater ones. Such a person understands the principles of interaction of marine species with each other, is able to explain why individual populations are declining and how to prevent this, can calculate the adequate volumes of harvesting biological resources. Indirectly, this person is also related to the extraction of minerals from the seabed, weather forecasting and even the development of seaworthy technologies. Payment - at least 20 thousand rubles, and maybe many times more.
While most geographers are broadly interested in what is on the surface, the geologist is focused on what is underground. The salary of such a specialist starts at 45 thousand rubles. You will have to work mainly on expeditions and on a rotational basis.

The surface of the planet is constantly changing, including humanity redrawing borders, building new cities and roads, discovering new deposits. To solve various engineering problems, in the end, detailed mapping of a certain region may be required with an aim, for example, on the relief or some other parameter atypical for most maps... An average of 27 thousand will be paid for such work.
Soil scientist
As it becomes obvious from the name of the specialty, the main sphere of interest of such a specialist is, in fact, soils. Interest in the study of their properties is most correctly attributed to agricultural enterprises, but the work is not tightly tied to field conditions - there are enough responsibilities in the laboratory.
The payment for such work is quite modest - only 20 thousand rubles, but the usefulness for humanity is invaluable.

If the cartographer nevertheless creates maps of the scale of the view from space, then the surveyor is engaged in drawing up detailed three-dimensional plans of the area, which can be viewed with the naked eye from a certain point on the earth. Without such a professional, it will not be possible to adequately construct any large building - simply because for correct design you need a clear idea of the relief and height differences. Working in construction and mining companies, as well as architectural bureaus and government agencies, this person gives others an accurate idea of the boundaries and shape of something, for which he receives 45 thousand rubles or more.
Archeology is usually considered to be more tied to history, but geography cannot be dispensed with here either. After all, you need to know in which exact place to carry out excavations. Moreover, an archaeologist is not always the same employee who travels on multi-month expeditions, because many of them spend most of their time, if not in the laboratory, then in the museum, which is the main workplace. From the outside, this does not seem obvious, but now there are quite a few such vacancies, and the entire industry as a whole is on the rise - the starting price tag for work is at least 45 thousand rubles a month.

Tourism manager
This specialist should help the client decide on a future trip and provide the necessary information so that there are no questions left. You also need to be able to interest a person and inspire them on this or that trip. Moreover, the salary may also depend on this. An active trainee may well receive 25 thousand rubles.
Forest pathologist
In fact, this is another name for the profession that is widely known as a forester. The duties of a specialist include collecting versatile information about the current state of forestry, identifying various problems and trends, finding methods for solving the assigned tasks and preserving the original state of the forest, even in spite of its intensive human use. You can work in your specialty even in a botanical garden or laboratory, as well as in conjunction with ecologists and researchers, but you will definitely have to visit nature often. The price of the issue is about 35 thousand rubles on average.

Nature has not so many trials in store for humanity, in terms of the degree of danger comparable to a volcanic eruption. In fact, there is no way we can protect ourselves from this natural phenomenon - unless we predict it in advance and organize the timely evacuation of local residents. Actually, this, as well as other tasks related to the study of the activity of volcanoes, is the responsibility of the volcanologist, who makes a kind of "weather forecasts" and along the way understands whether it is worth starting some kind of long-term activity near the "smoking mountain".
This profession will be rightly called very rare, and at the start, its representatives are not offered so much - only 25 thousand, but for those who have always dreamed of working on real expeditions, this is a godsend.
Which one to choose after grade 9?
Most of the professions listed above do not involve leaving school after grade 9, because people who want to get an appropriate education will have to take not only geography, but also related sciences, such as chemistry, biology or history. Anyway a fairly decent level of understanding of natural processes is required, due to which the list of options with incomplete school education is quite limited.
Most often, after the 9th grade, you can enter those specialties related to geography, which, although they assume the presence of narrow-profile knowledge, do not require the broadest knowledge of several sciences at once. Most often these are professions that are somehow related to agriculture or forestry, for example, a soil scientist or a forest pathologist. In theory, surveyors can be trained in the same way.

Options after grade 11
If you have a full school curriculum behind you, and at the same time you have successfully passed all the necessary USE, you have the right to enter higher educational institutions, which means that now you have a choice of any geographical or near-geographical specialty. Note that from the point of view of monetary value, most of the options presented above are not so tempting, but here you have to decide what is more important for you - doing what you love or making a lot of money.
Note also that dreaming about adventure expeditions and actually working on them are not exactly the same thing. If comfort is fundamentally important for you, which is inextricably linked with what we call civilization, from the entire list listed above, perhaps teaching is just the right thing for you - other professions involve regular stay on the street, including in bad weather, and in some cases it is possible and living in a tent for many months somewhere in the North.