Professions related to computer science

Professions related to computer science are the result of the massive computerization that has been taking place in the world for several decades (from stationary devices to mobile devices), the rapid development of new information technologies, and the high speed of their implementation in all branches of human activity - from industrial and scientific to cultural and emotional. This was the reason for the emergence of a whole list of fundamentally new specialties.

When listing and characterizing these new professions related to computer science, one cannot fail to note their diversity and diverse focus. According to some statistics, there are now about 300 specialties in this area and the same number of higher educational institutions that train professionals in the field of the latest technology. There are other interesting facts:
- no organization working in any industry can do without applied informatics in its activities;
- Generalist IT professionals work at the boundaries of their profession and professions in other fields;
- information technologies are needed not only for maintaining documentation and reporting, but also for combining and analyzing existing knowledge bases in individual and related areas, obtaining solutions to existing problems, innovative products;
- in different industries, informatics is aimed at meeting the urgent needs: accounting of operations, development of marketing strategies, design, collection of information and analysis, quality control;
- the level of professional knowledge depends on the nature of the work, but there are ample opportunities for its replenishment;
- it became possible to work not only in a company or in a production facility, but also to freelance (remotely perform certain volumes of work within a time frame agreed with the customer);
- professional growth does not depend on the undercover intrigues and sympathies of the bosses, but on skills, creative thinking and best practices in the chosen field.
The name of some specialties perplexes people whose activities are far from the information sphere. But every year the society's need for new professions is growing. This opens up wide prospects for those who feel the potential to engage in interesting activities, master new professions, find practical application of the knowledge gained.
If we compare new professions with familiar ones (with a narrow everyday specialization), then the former are now in widespread demand. The salary level of many competent IT specialists is quite decent.

Profession overview
Modern computer technology allows you to work anywhere, you do not even need to be in the office every day. There are demanded specialties for both boys and girls. In the list of computer-related professions, there are those that require knowledge in the field of improving the used computing and information devices (for example, the development of programs and applications aimed at optimizing and increasing production efficiency).
After offline courses or distance learning, you can find a job related not only to computer technology, but also to chemistry and biology (for example, bioinformatics). Continuing the list, we can name other interesting options for applying already mastered knowledge in any field:
- English is useful for a programmer, game tester, website builder, system administrator;
- sciences related to society, its structure, the study of the processes occurring in it, will help in the advertising business, network marketing, ERP applications (for a person familiar with social science, it is much easier to manage personnel or determine a suitable topic for new computer games);
- there will be work for those who have been involved in geography - a special site administrator, a developer of training programs, an employee of the advertising business and a video creator.
Timely acquired information technologies are the best levers for advancement in one's own profession, as well as useful mechanisms for its application, if viewed from a practical point of view. Fundamental informatics is a specialty that provides a fundamentally new direction for practical activity.
There is a whole list of demanded and well-paid types of activity that provide a person with a certain freedom (both in time and in creativity), the possibility of decent payment and a sense of a permanent need for society.

A promising profession that requires a certain talent and knowledge in the chosen field. Its task is to develop algorithms and write them in a special language for a computer device. However, this is not enough - the program must be able to debug, correct and update, ensuring its smooth operation in the future. Having become a professional in this field, you can make excellent money, but for this you need to know and love the computer, have a special mindset.
Mobile developer
This profession is called the most demanded in the promising and growing at space speed sector of information technology. Mobile developers have high salaries, but they also need a lot of knowledge - discrete mathematics, programming languages, algorithms.
Against the background of the continuously growing demand, there is a serious shortage of such specialists all over the world.

System Administrator
You can get the specialty of a system administrator without much investment of financial and temporary funds for education, and then earn good money. The system administrator deals with variable issues - manages servers, monitors the correctness of the software, is responsible for information security, resolves issues with health checks and service levels. It all depends on the level of knowledge and status of the organization - in a corporation he can manage the system of access to resources with information, and in a computer club he can solve simple technical issues.
A person who has received a design education opens up wide prospects in creative work. A variety of tools at the disposal of a designer allows him to design websites, draw logos, design houses and furniture, optimize navigation and interface of web resources, increasing its attendance and demand from users. A web designer is the second most in demand specialty in the development of Internet resources.
The apparent simplicity of this type of activity has become much more complicated with the advent of information technology. Now, for applying for a position, one needs skills in working with primary accounting, office work, correspondence, and the ability to plan a working day in electronic format. You can get a decent salary by becoming an assistant manager, and this will require professional knowledge of PCs and mobile devices, knowledge of programs and other subtleties.

An important person who has many responsibilities, from simple and complex financial transactions to paying taxes and preparing reports. The many areas that have to be dealt with greatly facilitated the emergence of electronic documentation and special computer programs. Making settlements (currency, payments, salaries), managing material and information flows are now impossible without IT. But this led to the emergence of a new form of work as an accountant - through freelance exchanges, which is more convenient and better rewarded.
Now this term is applied to any person for whom photography serves as a means of ensuring or maintaining the proper level of their existence. Having the knowledge and practice of working with equipment, graphic editors and photoshop, you can put your work on stock exchanges, sometimes getting good money if sold.
Software tester
You need special qualifications that will be required to obtain this profession. The creation of computer games is paid slightly less than programming and even design, but the profession is always in demand, since a specialist must have important qualities. The ability to quickly navigate, identify bugs and draw up test documentation - these are the basic requirements for the profession, without which the further development of the IT industry is impossible.
Knowledge of programming languages is required. Therefore, there is always a demand for IT specialists.

3D animator
An interesting profession, the essence of which lies not only in creative activity, but also in the employee's individuality and imagination. Possession of a 3D editor and design skills is required. It is necessary to create an original character - believable and attractive. It is in demand in games, cartoons, advertising and website design. With such a profession, it is difficult to be out of work, and a professional will always be able to make good money on the same freelance exchanges.
ERP consultant
An excellently paid specialty, as it is still quite rare and difficult. Not all companies have already implemented a system of applications for human resources and human resources management. But this is already in the foreseeable future, although even now large banks and mega-companies are interested in an analyst who can identify their shortcomings and optimize their work. The consultant will need knowledge of marketing and management, psychology, management and even logistics.
Offhand, you can name more than a dozen professions that did not exist a few years ago (webmaster and web programmer, video game developer and tester, software architect, usability specialist). But the former specialties also received a new quality (for example, manager, marketer or salesman).

What specialty to choose?
The transition to a new information era has led to the development of new models of teaching, the importance of informatics in the development of open source software began to be considered as an important and vital component. You can get a profession in the field of fundamental informatics and information technology offline and remotely. The difficulty is not that you will need to pass entrance or final exams, but in making an independent choice, focusing on your own abilities and needs.
If creativity attracts, there is a wide choice - designer, photographer, website developer, animator. With a clear organization and technical focus, you can take up administration, accounting, become an ERP consultant, a tester. Even a humanist can work on a computer as a translator, copywriter, write advertising texts and slogans.
You need to soberly assess your potential, and not be guided by the upper level of the expected salary of a programmer, if you do not have aptitude for mathematics. Having achieved professionalism in something that you like, you can always count on not only decent pay, but also enjoy your favorite work.