Space professions

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and dreamed that they could fly. With the development of civilization and progress, it became possible not only to rise into the sky, but completely leave the planet. There are not so many professions related to space, but they are all important and necessary, as they allow you to learn more about our planet and the structure of the space itself.

Who are astronauts?
The work of an astronaut is very interesting, but also difficult and dangerous, therefore only a few can get into open space. You can work both on a space station and on a ship, in open space. Preparing to become an astronaut, a person must acquire a lot of knowledge that will help him in the study of cosmic bodies, the discovery of new patterns and confirmation of the existing ones. Besides, preparation for flying ship is an important component.
Astronauts, in the learning process, train on simulators that offer different versions of the development of events, so that in the event of any situation, a person can quickly, and most importantly, make the right decision. This type of activity is not suitable for everyone, since you need to have patience, perseverance, willpower and the ability to endure unpleasant environmental conditions for a long time.
In the process of preparing for flights, astronauts are subjected to various checks, testing the reactions of the body. Only those who have passed all the tests, whose body coped with all the assigned tasks, which are sometimes extremely difficult, are sent into space.
When future cosmonauts finish their training, they must pass exams, according to the results of which they can either be admitted to the flight or left in the command center for other work.

Description of the work of astronomers
The work of an astronomer is connected both with the stars and with the study of planets, they observe celestial bodies, study their characteristics and features. For a better understanding of what is happening in space, what are the patterns of processes, astronomers study the position of stars and planets, their orbits. Observing space bodies through a telescope is only a small part of the work; it takes much longer to carry out calculations, process the data obtained, draw up maps of the starry sky and process formulas.
All the work of an astronomer is needed in order to find the answer to the eternal question of how life originated and how the universe appeared through the study of cosmic bodies.... In addition, there are specialists who are working to create more modern and multifunctional devices that make it possible to learn more about space and process the information received at a higher speed. Thanks to such hard work, astronauts receive the necessary knowledge about what awaits them in space, and can properly prepare for the mission. To become an astronomer, you need to have a very deep knowledge of mathematics, good computer skills and technical knowledge.
In addition to being educated, a real specialist in this field must also be assiduous, attentive and patient, otherwise it will not work to get the desired result.

What other space professions are there?
Since space exploration is a very complex and multicomponent field of activity, people of various professions can work in this direction.
- Space biologist. These specialists study exactly how living organisms will behave on a particular planet. In addition, cosmobiologists are exploring options that can help maintain the viability of astronauts. Workers in this industry cultivate plants and try to breed different types of animals right on the space stations. Thanks to the new habitat, it is possible to study the process of development and growth of different organisms, to look at their changes and possible mutations.
- Astrobiologists... Professionals who study the origin, evolution, and spread of viruses and microorganisms outside the Earth, on other planets.
- Robotic engineer. In space conditions, automated systems are needed that will assist astronauts in any business. Such innovations play an especially important role in emergency situations when the assistance of machines is vital. The development of mechanisms, software and other modern structures makes it easier for the astronaut to fly and stay outside the Earth. In many ways, inventions go beyond the scope of exclusively space purposes and are used in everyday life for a variety of devices and devices.
- Telecommunications engineer... A very important profession that allows you to provide reliable communication channels with astronauts throughout their entire flight. Engineers work all the time to make the connection clear, regardless of the stage of the flight. Their responsibilities include working on setting up communication with the satellite and solving any communication problems that may appear or have already arisen.
- Cosmonaut researcher... Professions related to space can be very different from each other, for example, astronauts-researchers must receive additional medical education and make sure that everyone in the crew is healthy and well. In the event of any discomfort, it is this specialist who quickly and competently copes with it.In addition, these people study the activity of living organisms in zero gravity, conduct experiments and research.
- Cosmonaut engineer... Astronautics would not be so successful if there were no engineers on board each crew who are constantly working to ensure that all equipment is in good working order, working properly. It is they who are responsible for the technical security of the vessel, without which no successful flight is possible.
- Test cosmonaut... This person is the pilot of the ship, since it was he who was prepared for flights for a long time, trained, conducted special tests and given difficult tasks. People who have coped with all the difficulties on their way are rightfully called test cosmonauts. The duties of a specialist, in addition to managing the aircraft, include coordinating the work of the crew and monitoring the operation of all systems.
Astronautics is the science that studies space and everything connected with it. Thanks to the flights and the work of scientists, we have a lot of new and interesting knowledge that allows us to make discoveries and conclusions that no one had ever suspected of before.
The work of all employees related to space is very important and extremely difficult, it is a respected and difficult profession, which has been considered popular and in demand since its inception and up to the present time.