Communication professions

The list of professions that require highly developed communication skills includes hundreds of different specialties - from sales managers to doctors, teachers and managers. Such work is especially difficult, since the result does not always depend on knowledge and competence - much depends on the ability to choose an approach to a person and choose the right interaction tactics.

The considered group of professions includes those that involve close interaction and regular communication with others. It can be a service industry, upbringing, or leadership. As part of their work responsibilities, people have to find a common language with strangers, organize collective events and quickly resolve any problems that arise.
All specialties related to communication can be divided into several subtypes:
- education;
- material and consumer services;
- trade;
- information service;
- medicine;
- control.
Any profession within the listed categories requires certain professional knowledge and skills. In addition, people working in these areas require the ability to establish contact and maintain a conversation with completely different people. The advantages of such professions include the opportunity to realize their personal potential, as well as gratitude from consumers of services.
There are also disadvantages - as a rule, such work is accompanied by psychological overload and stress. They are matched by an increased level of responsibility, but the salaries leave much to be desired.

What qualities are required?
Social work is only suitable for extroverts. They easily find a common language with others, strive to help them, empathize. It will not be easy for introverts in such professions - they will experience discomfort and doubt their professional choice.
In addition to communication skills, such qualities as politeness, tolerance and patience are important in work. Professionals in this field must demonstrate a high degree of self-control, the ability to listen to another person and delve into the essence of his problems is encouraged. Such people should be kind and ready to help. At the same time, only emotionally stable, responsible people who are able to defend their point of view achieve success.

Specialties requiring special education
Most of the professions based on contact with people require special education. Let's take a look at some of them.
- Teacher. The main task of representatives of this profession is to transfer knowledge and skills to others. We are talking about school teachers, kindergarten teachers, teachers of continuing education centers, sports coaches. This group also includes speech therapists and defectologists. Usually, people who selflessly love their work work in this area, since the material remuneration of such specialists is not so high. However, many of them find themselves part-time jobs as tutors, in which case their additional income may be several times higher than the main one.
- Medic. Employees of hospitals, clinics, health centers and sanatoriums are always in contact with their patients and their relatives. The main role in such institutions is assigned to doctors, but huge amounts of work are performed by junior medical personnel. There is a common phrase: “A good doctor heals not a disease, but a patient”, so they pay special attention to the problems of a sick person and his lifestyle. The number of doctor's contacts depends on his specialization.
- Psychologist. In Russia, this profession developed in the early 2000s, after decades of non-recognition of this specialty. Of course, to this day, many still treat psychologists with distrust. But the ice is gradually melting - today a visit to a family or child psychologist is no longer considered something shameful. In addition, such specialists are available in most large kindergartens and schools.
- Journalist. The profession of a journalist is unthinkable without communication. This person should look for the necessary information from eyewitnesses of events, receive expert assessments, find out the point of view of ordinary people, process the information received and provide it to the audience, listeners or readers.
- Interpreter. Knowledge of foreign languages in our country has not yet become widespread, so the profession of a translator is among those in demand. People who are fluent in foreign languages realize themselves in joint companies, they work to serve political, business and tourist delegations. These specialists provide simultaneous or consecutive interpretation at meetings and conferences, they can provide excursion support for foreign tourists in our country or work with Russian travelers abroad.
- Manager. The position of the head of the enterprise also requires skills in working with people. This person must organize the activities of each employee in order to achieve his maximum professional productivity. If the boss simply gives orders and instructions, then over time he will have a problem with personnel. This person should be able to build contact with his subordinates, to identify their strengths.
- Human Resources Manager. Usually any large company has its own HR department. The main task of its employees is to search for employees for vacant positions.In addition, their functions include personnel training, development of a system of motivation and penalties.
- Social worker. Such people provide assistance to those who find themselves in a difficult life situation due to illness, inability to live, physical limitations or lonely old age. Social workers help with their deeds and words.
Social workers often have to establish relationships with people who do not at all seek contact - with drug addicts, alcoholics, ex-prisoners and other asocial elements.

List of available professions
Other professions that do not require specialized education are also open for sociable people. Most of them can be learned directly at the workplace.
- Shop assistant. It is from this position that hundreds of thousands of young people begin their careers. They are required to know the assortment, as well as charm, the ability to find an approach to a potential buyer.
- Sales Manager. A similar profession, only this person should be looking for wholesale clients for the company. The work is not easy - specialists often have to listen to refusals, often in an incorrect form.
- Stylists, hairdressers and manicurists have to communicate with people, as well as waiters, hostesses, administrators and other service workers.
- Advertisers, librarians, guides and guides can add to the list.
All these people should be sociable and able to find contact with different people.