Professions related to foreign languages

The life of a modern person in the 19th century is almost impossible to imagine without knowledge of at least one foreign language. But it is necessary not only in order to read foreign literature with its help - it is also often used in work, on business trips and, of course, on travel.
Many universities today offer a lot of specialties, where a foreign language is necessarily included in the list of subjects studied. And this is a huge plus, because some employers give preference to graduates with knowledge of a foreign language, and at a good level.

Most modern professions need a foreign language, or rather, today it is an integral part of them. Many experts attribute this to the fact that our world is developing dynamically and progressively, and the borders between countries are gradually blurring. International and intercultural development is relevant. Today, when obtaining a diploma, it is very important that the studied foreign language is indicated in it for several years, or when applying for a job, you can attach an appropriate certificate of additional education in the field of a foreign language. It would seem that a simple waiter working on a cruise liner may need knowledge of more than 4 foreign languages - otherwise he will simply not be hired. Of course, the payment for such activities is several times higher than the salary of an ordinary waiter in an average city cafe.
One of the most popular languages directly in Russia is English, it is taught in many universities, as well as in various courses.In general, if it turned out that the student did not study it in the institution that he graduated from, but at work a foreign language is required, then it will not be difficult to study it in a specialized school. But it should be understood that language acquisition should be started as early as possible. And also in Russia languages in demand, especially in recent years, are Chinese, Spanish, French, German and, oddly enough, Farsi. The latter is relevant for employees of large companies and corporations dealing with the countries of the Middle East.

We can safely say that in order to get a well-paid job and a good position, a foreign language will be necessary... Especially when it comes to various companies. They often recruit translators, as well as all sorts of managers and secretaries who are required to know at least one international language. English may be needed in any profession, even in one to which it would seem to be irrelevant. For example, back in the past, domestic tourism managers did not have to know a foreign language - today it is an urgent need for this profession, otherwise they will not get a job. The same applies, for example, to service personnel and governesses. Today, many families also want to hire not just a nanny, but a nanny who speaks a foreign language. Since there are few of them, young families often invite foreign women.
An important point should be noted. Not all professions require perfect knowledge of a foreign language. For each specialist, his own level is important, sometimes knowledge of basic phrases is enough.
For example, flight attendants can speak 5-10 foreign languages, but this does not mean that they can be called professional translators, because they only know the basics of each of them.

Review of popular professions
Let's consider a list of the most popular professions in which knowledge of a foreign language is considered mandatory.
- Teacher a foreign language at school or a teacher of a higher educational institution in such areas as linguistics, translation and translation studies, philology. Oddly enough, but every year foreign language teachers are becoming more and more in demand. For example, a teacher from a university can easily additionally work as a translator or combine his main activity with tutoring. The only nuance for teachers of general education schools is that they, as a rule, receive not just linguistic education, but specifically pedagogical. Usually, future teachers graduate with knowledge of 2-3 languages, one of which they must learn no worse than their native language.
- Photomodels... The relevance of such a profession as "model" is largely due to the global development of the fashion market in recent decades, which annually receives a huge amount of clothing and accessories from various brands. And all this needs to be advertised by someone. But designers do not want to invite only "local" models to shows and photo sessions, and therefore, thanks to business cooperation between modeling agencies from different countries, girls and boys are sent to catwalks and photo sessions in different parts of the world. And, of course, they cannot do without knowledge of at least English.
- Simultaneous translator. This is a very popular, and most importantly, a very highly paid profession. At the same time, it requires perfect knowledge of foreign languages, professional training at work, as well as the presence of "steel" nerves, great responsibility and self-confidence. Simultaneous translation is the most difficult interpretation, and such specialists can be invited to work in government agencies. Simultaneous interpreters should understand a wide variety of topics, as well as know the intricacies of using certain words. They need constant practice as well as self-improvement.
- International journalist. Typically, these journalists specialize in foreign news coverage. That is why it is very important for them not only to be able to write these very news well, but also to translate them into the required language. In addition, such professionals tend to be culturally savvy, especially when covering cultural news from different countries, as well as politics and economics, respectively. The profession itself is very interesting, it allows you to travel around the world and learn something new, but at the same time it is very responsible. It is also worth understanding that some journalists, going to foreign countries with difficult political situations to cover news and publish various reports, risk their lives.
- Sports commentator... In recent years, the profession of a sports commentator, as well as a commentator on eSports tournaments, has become very popular. But in order to comment on international matches, as well as cover various sporting events, it is extremely important to understand a foreign language. In addition, very often events are covered directly in real time, which requires special attention and stress resistance from the specialist.
A foreign language for such specialists is also important for communicating with colleagues. Journalists from one or another professional field often become commentators.

In what professions do you need other subjects besides a foreign language?
The foreign language has had a great influence on many professions that previously had nothing to do with languages. Today they are taught to almost everyone. Even athletes today learn a foreign language for several courses at institutes and universities. The only difference is that each specialty in the university is supposed to have its own language level. For example, some people just need knowledge of the base. Consider a list of in-demand professions that require not only knowledge of a foreign language, but also other important subjects.
Physicians and Bioengineers... Every medical student is required to study chemistry. But in recent years it is also very important for doctors of various fields to know a foreign language, in addition to the main subjects studied in universities. For example, dentists, in addition to taking a course in chemistry, today, in almost every university in the country, study a foreign language, which in the future will allow them to work at the international level, and will also allow them to gain knowledge from foreign colleagues. The same applies to plastic surgeons and geneticists, who very often not only travel abroad, but also work with foreign patients.
Before entering a university for a particular specialty related to medicine, as well as, for example, bioengineering and bioinformatics, it is very important to clarify the entrance examinations, which must be passed in advance.
In addition to chemistry and biology, there is often a foreign language there.

Lawyers with a good command of a foreign language will certainly find a place not only in the civil service, but also in any international company. International lawyers, while studying at a university, as well as upon admission to it, they must pass an exam in the discipline of social studies, since they will work with people directly in the process of their activities.
International lawyers usually know several languages; they can carry out their activities not only on the territory of the country, working with foreign partners, but also directly outside of it. It is believed that the main language for international lawyers in our country is English, but depending on their specialization, they may also know, for example, German or any other European or Eastern. Specialists with knowledge of rare languages are worth their weight in gold.

If you look at such specialties as environmental engineer, geoecologist and ecoanalyst, you may find that in addition to geography, knowledge of a foreign language is also very important when entering a university. Ecoanalysts, for example, can analyze existing and potential environmental risks not only within the country, but also abroad, as a result of which it is extremely important for them to know a foreign language. To gain experience from colleagues, as well as to understand relevant foreign literature and documentation for environmentalists and environmental engineers working in large companies, it is also very important not only to understand a foreign language, but also to be able to speak it.

Literature and Russian
In addition to studying a foreign language, philologists in our country will have to take a very serious approach to mastering the Russian language and literature.... And also such a direction as foreign philology, where the main emphasis is placed not only on several foreign languages, but also on foreign literature, which such specialists thoroughly study in the process of their studies. They can then teach foreign and domestic literature, as well as teach foreign languages, which they study several at the same time.
Philologists also very often work as editors for various publications, which is why it is so important for them to have excellent knowledge of not only Russian and literature, but also foreign languages, and they can also be Internet marketers.

Together with the study of history, for example, the future archaeologists, you will probably have to learn a foreign language, ideally several at once. As a rule, archaeologists very often go to excavations abroad. Therefore, this profession both earlier and now is almost impossible to imagine without knowledge of several languages. The study of ancient languages, such as Latin, is especially valued among archaeologists. And also many archaeologists can independently study any foreign languages - as a rule, they choose a language according to the criterion in which country they want to work in the future.

Future computer linguists, in addition to learning foreign languages, will definitely need knowledge of mathematics... Usually, specialists of this kind are trained in the direction of fundamental and applied linguistics, where, in addition to studying linguistics itself, they study the basics of higher mathematics. Despite all the complexity, this specialty is relevant for both girls and guys. In the future, such specialists may work not only computer linguists, they can create electronic dictionaries and even entire intelligent systems, and also engage in automatic processing and transmission of text information.
There are also programmers for whom, in addition to knowledge of computer science and mathematics, it is now almost impossible to do without English.