Top rare professions

Today, many people are completely unhappy with their profession, especially if it requires a lot of physical or moral strength, but at the same time it is poorly paid. Indeed, it is difficult to be inspired every day if you constantly have to do the same boring job, while there is still no prospect of moving up the career ladder. Many ordinary people dream of doing a truly unusual and extremely exciting job, especially since today you can find quite original and rare vacancies on the labor market.

Overview of highly specialized professions
Among the male specialties there are those that can be found especially rarely. For example, the profession is dergal. This is a specially trained person who collects various seaweed for only 3 months a year. It is extremely rare that we hear about those specialists who test equipment for climbers. At Frankfurt airport, as it turned out, there is a separate vacancy for an airplane washer, and at Volker Loos there is a professional climber who examines cracks on the wide blades of wind turbines.
Another weird job for men is keeping an eye on strippers. One of the American research institutes recruited employees who just watched the dancing of sexy strippers for 2 months and received 20 thousand dollars for this work.
The line between purely female and strictly male specialties is almost erased these days, but still there are professions where seeing a girl is a huge rarity.
For example, there is only one female gondolier in the world today. In order to obtain the right to drive a gondola, the Venetian underwent special training for 6 months - and passed all the exams with flying colors.
For many women, male professions are closed, so it is rare today to meet a woman with a male profession. Glassblowers, for example, mostly work only for men - this business requires serious physical efforts. However, there are women who create unusual glass masterpieces, sometimes surpassing men in their skill.
The top of the rarest female specialties includes a woman bodyguard. Bodyguards from among women do not have much weight, do not differ in physical strength, however, many stars prefer to hire women to guard them. And also among the rare professions among women, you can find the specialty of a balloon pilot.

Poisonous snake milkman
Usually ordinary employees of the serpentarium can constantly work with hundreds of rather poisonous reptiles without harming them, and also trying not to endanger themselves and others during their work. More than 10 procedures per month can be performed with one snake. Herpetologists from Russia most often choose to work with vipers. And although the poisonousness of the viper is less than that of the well-known cobra, it is very risky to contact with vipers.
For this kind of profession, special endurance and dexterity will come in handy, which will come only with the experience of milking several thousand poisonous snakes (although this will not save you from the possibility of accidental bites).
He is actually an indispensable person in the wine industry, as he knows everything about the ways of creating wine and methods of growing quality vines. This specialist is well aware of which variety will be right to plant on what soil, how to properly care for it, how to safely fertilize and protect it from various pests. His knowledge is also often used in the production of special equipment for wineries.

It is even less common to meet people with such a profession as fumelier. Representatives of this specialty know how to competently choose the perfect combination of a real Cuban or French cigar and an alcoholic beverage. Fumelier should be able to understand all the available varieties of cigars, in general.
He is actually a cigar-rolling master. This person at every stage of creating a cigar must know a complex technology: fold the raw material correctly, secure it with high quality, "roll the doll", carefully wrap the almost finished cigar with a sheet of tobacco so that the sheet does not break or break, professionally twist the "cap" (top), cut off all unnecessary.
The training of this technology actually lasts as long as 10 years and is carried out only in Cuban tobacco factories.
Pearl catcher
Divers for pearls, valuable at the present time, are required only in rather warm coastal countries, where there is a fishery for pearls. A trapper must be able to stay under the water column for as long as possible, and therefore rarely anyone can train such a skill in a couple of years. That is why the aborigines of the Indian Ocean coast, the inhabitants of the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, who learn to dive from childhood, are traditionally engaged in pearl mining.

Cheese listener
In order to prepare Parmesan for sale, it is grown for 3 years. The degree of ripening of the product must be kept under control at all times. This is most often done by ear. The specialist knocks on the head of cheese with a special silver hammer, judging by the sound the degree of maturity of the Parmesan - the finished cheese will sound louder. Only a trained professional with perfect hearing and special training will be able to understand the transfusion of the cheesy "voice".
There are many more interesting and unusual professions. Let's list the most unexpected ones.
Wrinkle smoothing shoe. In expensive shoe stores, you can often see people whose direct responsibility is to bring shoe samples back to normal after a visitor has tried it on. The specialist should carefully smooth out any possible wrinkles that have appeared on the skin of shoes, boots or other shoes.
Professional "tenants" of the house. Usually, houses in which people still live are acquired much faster than empty uninhabited mansions. To speed up the sale of expensive apartments, realtors began to hire special people - and they live in the right house until it is completely sold. Themselves supposedly "tenants" should in every possible way portray a happy family during the inspection of the house by the next buyer, and at the same time - keep the mansion clean and tidy.

The rarest specialties in the world
Among the huge number of rare and extremely interesting specialties, one can immediately single out the rarest profession on Earth - it usually heads all kinds of tops. This is the profession of the caretaker of the "paradise" island in the middle of the desert ocean. The need for such a person first appeared when the owners of a travel agency needed to find a lucky person who, for a fairly large amount, would start promoting a relaxing holiday on the paradise tropical islands.
Detective dogs
Every Swedish citizen who wants to keep a pet is obliged to pay a special and very high tax for it. That is why many residents of the country keep their animals in complete secrecy from the authorities in order to significantly reduce costs.
In Stockholm, the authorities solved this problem quite simply: the tax office hired a special dog detective who manages to quickly and easily find any four-legged friend living secretly in the house.
The vacancy of the interlocutor can be found so far only in the capital of Japan. Those selected for the position of an employee must be able to calmly listen to any person and communicate as politely as possible for the required period of time. On the streets of Tokyo, they even put up special gazebos, where for a small amount anyone can find a nice companion for themselves.

This is the person who operates the machine, with the help of which sulfur is applied to the matches. This profession still exists at the factories for the production of matches. And what is most interesting, despite the proliferation of lighters, matches are still popular, and the profession of an oserivator will not die out.
Panda Behavior Researcher
This person should be actively engaged in the study of the life of the cutest animals that are practically on the verge of complete extinction. Popular reserves employ people to care for pandas. This departure can mean the most original measures - for example, these people put on panda costumes, and in this dress code they play with baby pandas left without parents.
Another pleasant duty is cuddling with all animals to improve the immunity of these creatures.
What are rare in Russia?
There are also quite a few rare specialties in our country.
Zoo hotel worker
Zoological hotels in Russia are considered to be a rather rare phenomenon. When the owner simply has no one to leave his four-legged pet with, for example, if he needs to go on a business trip to another city, go to the hospital for a long time, such institutions will come to the rescue.
The task of the workers of the zoo hotels is to feed, walk and play with the animals, clean up the "numbers" behind them, and also send a photo report to the owner so that he knows that everything is in order with his pet. This is a suitable job for those who love animals and are ready to devote a lot of time to them.

Tea sommelier
This is a person who can competently advise guests on how to choose the right type of tea, primarily focusing on the guests' personal preferences and their choice of dishes.This specialist has learned to easily compose various tea compositions, add delicious herbs, fragrant pieces of fruit to tea, can make unique cocktails from real high-mountain tea and elite alcohol.
Many ordinary people mistakenly equate tea sommeliers and tetesters who work in specialized tea factories. However, tea sommeliers usually work in the catering sector, and tea testers in the production itself. They give their professional opinion on the quality of the tested type of tea.
It will depend on their decision whether this variety will be released on the tea market or not. In addition, the tester takes part in the aromatization of the best teas.
Metrology engineer
The work of this specialist is directly related to the control of the correctness of the measurements and the existing technological processes. Besides, he checks the measurement procedures and the measuring instruments themselves for compliance with the developed standards.

Ordinary people choose alcohol, focusing either on the price or on the advice of friends. And here VIPs usually do not worry about choosing an elite alcohol on their own for a specific occasion or mood. Most often, a cavist (in French - "cellar keeper") comes to their aid, who will give a competent recommendation on the choice of elite wine or other alcohol-containing drink with a great aroma and taste.
Sign language interpreter
To get a job in this specialty, you need to know well the professional sign language, with the help of which full-fledged communication with deaf people is carried out.

This person is responsible for keeping the lawns in good condition for golf, rugby, baseball, football.
This specialist is a true connoisseur of trees. He knows everything about their diseases, knows how to treat them correctly, owns many secrets of high-quality preservation of green spaces. There are a lot of forests in Russia, but the profession of an arborist in our country is for some reason not widespread, although in Europe it is in great demand.