Tractor driver: description and place of work

The profession of a tractor driver has been “afloat” for many years. Many young people are being trained to work in agriculture. Today we will consider how to become a tractor driver, dwell on the description of the profession itself and the place of work.

This profession has always been very popular.... And even our age of universal computerization is no exception. The activity of a tractor driver has its own specific features and characteristics. In order to master the profession, you need to undergo training and get the appropriate crust. The profession of a tractor driver appeared in the 30s of the last century. This is the name of a person who drives a variety of tractors, including a variety of high-tech machines.
The activity includes workers of a wide profile, capable of performing a wide variety of tasks. In our country, many farms have old equipment, which should be constantly looked after and repaired. Often, when applying for a job, young tractor drivers are given a faulty tractor or requiring special maintenance.
Subsequently, the level of wages depends on how successful the employee is or how he wants to work.

Tractor drivers perform a whole range of all kinds of work:
- load and unload agricultural products, various substances for refueling and many others;
- operate a tractor equipped with a trailer, which transports various loads;
- control various agricultural machines: from a grader to a bulldozer;
- work stationary, while using special equipment;
- inspect the various mechanisms that are in the tractor;
- fill the tractor and other equipment with the necessary fuel;
- if necessary, carry out repair work on the tractor, trailers, attachments.

Every tractor driver must have a number of professional qualities:
- a specialist must be smart, since he will have to solve the most difficult problems in a short time;
- must have physical strength, since in the process of work, a person often connects or hooks on a variety of equipment;
- have the skills to repair any vehicles and equipment;
- have an accurate sensorimotor response;
- be interested in tractor equipment and accessories;
- each of the tractor drivers is hardy, as he spends a large amount of time at the workplace - in excess of the norm;
- the employee must have excellent eyesight and an eye.

To work as a tractor driver, a person must every year undergo an examination at a medical institution, as a result of which it is confirmed that he can engage in this activity. Also shown is the annual briefing on how to work with agricultural machinery, attachments. The duties of the tractor driver also include the need to check the equipment, whether it can work, and, if necessary, repair it. There are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which a person cannot get a job as a tractor driver. You can not work on a tractor if there are diseases of the heart, blood vessels, with pathologies of vision and hearing, nervous deviations.
The profession of a tractor driver has a number of positive aspects: demand in various spheres of the national economy, high wages, which increase several times during harvesting. Among the disadvantages of the profession, professionals note a high level of responsibility. A person should be responsible not only for himself, but also for others. The profession belongs to seasonal... In winter, wages are reduced significantly (in comparison with the summer rate).
The downside is also constant hard physical labor. A person must make a lot of effort to repair the equipment.

Job description
All duties of the tractor driver are spelled out in the job description. The text makes it clear what the tractor driver should focus on in the process of his work. There is also a listing of regulations, orders and instructions applied in the process of performing duties. The job description prescribes the knowledge that the tractor driver must have, the marking of the equipment that he must own. From the document it becomes clear what the employee should do in the event of a breakdown and an emergency.
The instruction contains explanations on the organization of the workplace, the observance of hygiene rules. The types of labor duties of a tractor driver are spelled out in the text, as well as information when a specialist must undergo safety training. Also, the tractor driver needs knowledge of how to provide first aid. Based on the instructions, in order to work successfully, the tractor driver must know the rules of the road. He also needs to understand how the key elements and mechanisms in technology are arranged. The specialist must be able to operate the tractor and various accessories necessary for the implementation of the work process. A person must have the skills of a mechanic, and he must also be able to cope with all types of breakdowns.

Another tractor driver must drive a certain number of people. For example, he may lead a group of students or assistants. At the same time, the specialist is responsible for their health and the effectiveness of the work process. This instruction is used at the employing enterprise for a specific purpose, that is, the clauses in the employment contract are concretized and explained there.
The employee bases his work on the job description, due to which he concentrates on the set of works prescribed in the text of the document. At the same time, he is given the right to unlimited use of the provisions prescribed here.
The document has legal significance. On its basis, judicial and administrative labor proceedings take place, which often end in favor of the employee.

Responsibilities by category
Immediately after training, the tractor driver takes an exam. A person gets a job when he receives a certificate... It prescribes what type of machines a specialist can control, what is his responsibility. The duties of the tractor driver include the performance of agricultural work. He knows how to drive a tractor, trucks, transport goods and load vehicles. He also carries out repair work on all available equipment.
The specialist also performs the work, which consists in tracking the equipment, in what condition it is. He also monitors the yield, and if problems are found, he reports to whomever. The tractor driver-driver, if he finds sick pets, provides them with emergency medical assistance, after which he tells the livestock specialists about this.

The driver of a 4-wheel agricultural tractor has special features of work. It is customary to call him - minder. He works on heavy-haul equipment and off-road vehicles.
Directly engaged in agricultural work, a tractor driver. He waters the plants, plants seeds, plows the land and performs a whole range of other works. The machine operator controls the working machines, loads and unloads them, works on the territory of the farm. He can also repair all the equipment entrusted to him, fill it with fuel and lubricate various elements.

ETKS establishes uniform ranks for tractor drivers. Each subsequent one is given according to the results of examination tests.
- Tractor driver's license 2 discharges permits work on equipment with an engine power of less than 25.7 kW.
- After the qualification exam, the tractor driver receives 3rd category. From that time on, he was able to control a tractor equipped with an engine with a power of 25.7-44.1 kW.
- 4th rank receives a specialist after receiving a certificate, which gives permission to drive a tractor and other equipment with a power equal to 44-73.5 kW.
- Tractor driver 5 category can manage all the equipment available on the farm.
- 6 rank guarantees the management of all available workers and equipment.
The professional standard was developed for specialists who own the management of tractors and other agricultural equipment. It describes all the work that a specialist must perform.

The standard guarantees the employee the protection of his interests and provides comfortable conditions in the process of work:
- if the equipment is broken, the tractor driver can refuse it;
- the possibility of communication between the employee and the management, thanks to which the first manages to communicate important information regarding his activities;
- the management may receive a message about the implementation of projects and plans that directly relate to the activities of a specialist;
- the employer provides the tractor driver with all the necessary tools, protective equipment and special clothing;
- the employer must provide the specialist with comfortable working conditions;
- making proposals to improve the production process.

A responsibility
When breaking the rules for the first time, the employee may receive a small punishment... In case of systematic violations, the person is punished and dismissed. He may be subject to a large fine. If the employee voluntarily refuses to pay for the damage to property, the punishment is imposed based on the results of the court proceedings.
A person will be held administratively liable if he spoiled the working equipment or any other agricultural unit. This could have been done by the employee intentionally or accidentally. An employee is punished if he violates the established rules of fire safety or labor protection, is negligent in tools and materials, and does not follow orders from his superiors. A specialist can be punished and, if he refuses or poorly performs his work duties, violates the established rules of the internal order of the enterprise.

You can learn to be a tractor driver after finishing the 9th grade of high school. Studying takes place in specialized educational institutions. To obtain a tractor driver's profession, you must study here for 4 years. The category can also be assigned in the course of training in some driving schools. To get the next category, a person must take special courses. Refresher training takes several months.
Further training is also a necessary measure.... The tractor driver must take courses in 3-4 years. To obtain a category, you must also go through certain doctors in a medical institution. After that, the person writes a statement to Gostekhnadzor with the provision of a document, which confirms that he has successfully completed the training and passed the exam tests.
It is also necessary to pay the state fee, after which the applicant is issued a certificate stating which category he has and what equipment he can operate.

Place of work
Tractor driver without relevant experience when applying for a job give a trial period... As a result, the beginner must show how he knows how to operate a tractor. On the farm, the specialist is given feasible work. If it is established that a person has the necessary work skills, he is officially employed. This establishes how much he should work during the day.
You should be aware that a rural day in summer is irregular. It is determined how much he should work on a shift. Everything else is paid additionally. All work is regulated with the installation of the cost of each of them. The specialist plows the land, manages the front loader, excavator and other types of equipment. It is established how a person is encouraged and what punishments are regulated for him in case of violation of direct duties.

How much does he earn?
In Russia and on the territory of the post-Soviet space, the profession of a tractor driver is incredibly in demand. They only pay for it differently. Immediately after receiving the necessary education, the specialist is assigned a small salary. On average, its value rarely exceeds 15–20 thousand, depending on the region. A year later, the tractor driver receives a little more. Further, the well-being of a person grows depending on how well he performs his professional duties.
In central Russia, the average salary varies during the season from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. In winter, it decreases: a specialist receives from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. In the northern regions, tractor drivers receive depending on the category. Beginners are assigned a salary of 25 thousand rubles. If a person has undergone retraining and received a certificate, he is assigned a larger salary. It often approaches 100 thousand rubles.

Several criteria have been developed to determine the average wage. The level of material incentives depends on how well the tractor driver copes with his job duties. At the same time, an assessment is given to the volume of work done by a person during a certain period of time. The quality of work affects the level of wages, for how long the employee completed it, what he did to speed up the production process.
The employer assesses how carefully the specialist treats the equipment and inventory, whether or not he complies with the rules and norms established at the enterprise, whether the specialist has violations or not. All of the above add up. Based on the results, wages are assigned. If the tractor driver regularly overfulfills the plan, copes with his duties, he can be encouraged. The level of monetary remuneration is set on an individual basis. The profession of a tractor driver is popular. High school students are trying to master it.
The growth in popularity is influenced by wages. It often reaches 100 thousand rubles with the proper performance of the official duties prescribed in the professional standard.