Creative professions for girls

Even before leaving school, you need to decide on your future profession, so that you will not regret your choice later.
To do this, it is worth understanding what the soul is more about, what talents are most developed. For many girls, for example, creative professions are suitable.

Who are they suitable for?
Usually professions, one way or another connected with creativity, are chosen by people with certain talents. And most often this manifests itself already in childhood or elementary school. These include, for example, the talents of an artist or musician. And then the parents send the child to a music or art school. It is not necessary, of course, that a girl studying music or painting will connect her life with creativity. But there will definitely be prerequisites for this.
Creative professions for girls are also suitable in the case when future graduates have a penchant for a particular activity. It can be a craving for performing on stage, acting in performances. And then you can try your hand at a theatrical circle or studio to make it easier to act. If there is a desire to write, essays on literature are especially good at writing, you can try yourself in journalism. And you can start writing from school, giving your articles to the newspaper or even completing the editor's assignments. You can also try your hand at the Internet.
Provided that a girl cannot imagine life without dancing or singing, there are also all kinds of vocal and dance studios that will help you figure out and understand which path to choose. So creative professions, first of all, are suitable for those who have certain abilities and develop them for a long time. But, in addition, someone who has the following skills can try his luck:
- sews well and knows how to come up with outfits;
- knows how to bake beautiful and unusual cakes;
- understands the design of premises;
- knows how to make exquisite bouquets;
- likes to communicate and perform from the stage;
- knows how to captivate others with interesting things;
- loves to make crafts from various materials;
- knows how to do beautiful hairstyles and makeup.

What are they?
You cannot make a single list for everyone to be guided by. But, of course, in Russia there are popular, interesting professions with a high salary, which are worth taking a closer look at.
- Choreographer or choreographer. You can get such a profession only after graduating from a choreographic school, and then you can continue your studies at a university. For this, of course, you need to have certain physical data, inclinations, as well as perseverance and hard work.
- Theater and film actress... This choice will be successful only if there is an acting talent, because otherwise it will simply not be possible to pass the creative competition. For a start, a theater school is suitable, then you can continue your studies at a university. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time in the theater or on stage, giving it almost all of your time. But it can become a profession with a good income. But these high-paying activities are only possible if some success has been achieved.
- Director... The work provides for the realization of their abilities in theater, cinema, houses of culture and other institutions where they are engaged in staging entertainment events. Of course, many strive for fame and recognition, but for this you need to have your own special view of the world, be original and interesting. Two or three successful jobs can be the beginning of a successful career.
- Teacher of music, painting, theater skills. In any field, a teacher of creative disciplines, in addition to teaching children to create their own works, improve their skills, understand music and art, and he opens new horizons for himself with the children. It's a fun process to watch as students grow, make progress, especially when they make stars.
- Fashion designer... In this case, there is an opportunity to get a job at a large enterprise, in an atelier, or open your own sewing company. And even in the most unfortunate scenario, you can work independently at home, having your own regular customers. There is always an opportunity to create something new and original, and in the best case scenario - to become a famous fashion designer.
- Photographer... Amazing horizons are opened by this type of activity. You can work in a variety of genres, photographing the wonders of nature, people, animals. The choice depends on the photographer himself - to work independently or to get a job in a magazine, advertising agency, etc. It is impossible to remain without work. Even on the most difficult days, you can earn extra money at weddings, children's parties and other celebrations. Nowadays, photo sessions are becoming more and more popular, and many turn to professionals for services.
- Painter... Of course, the imagination immediately draws its own studio, filled with started and finished masterpieces. But behind each piece there is a huge amount of work and talent. Only paintings by famous artists cost fabulous money. However, there are options to work as a graphic designer or illustrator, decorator.
- Journalist... A profession that allows you to always be aware of events, meet interesting people, constantly expand your horizons, create interesting articles that will cause a public outcry or help certain segments of the population. The range of topics is so wide that you can always find your own niche or work in several directions at once.You can realize your abilities in print publications, on radio, television or on the Internet. This profession certainly requires a literary talent.
- Editor... More often than not, good editors grow out of journalists. These are the people who are able to manage an entire publication, program or channel, coordinate the work of others, find good ideas for promoting their publication, and also be able to edit any material. Of course, you need to understand the things you have to do. The girls may be able to work as an editor in a magazine dedicated to fashion, beauty industry, painting or music, cooking or psychology. The same woman may be very knowledgeable about cars or technical matters.
- Room designer. This profession also provides ample opportunities for creativity. The interior designer can decorate apartments and country houses, offices and various studios. Project development, selection of materials and decor is an exciting experience, especially when there is an opportunity to experiment with styles.
- Landscape designer. This type of activity also gives a very wide scope for imagination. Creation of incredibly beautiful, stylish, original spaces is only possible for a person with good taste and artistic look. It is possible to design both small private territories and large areas of parks, embankments, squares.
- Florist... Another option to show your creativity is to compose a wide variety of bouquets and decorations. This work is always in demand, since the holidays will always be, as well as the desire of people to please each other. A great variety of beautiful flowers and all kinds of plants allows you to always come up with something new. Flowers can not only decorate any celebration and give a good mood, but also transform the room beyond recognition. All this is in the hands of the florist.
- Host of events. Special talent is needed to be able to make any event colorful, memorable and interesting. Everyone at such an event should be involved and get a charge of good mood. And it all depends on the talent of the leader.
- Visagiste... Only the presence of a delicate taste, a sense of style and measure, as well as artistic talent will help to achieve professional skill. Over time, it is possible to acquire your own circle of clients and win new ones thanks to the good reputation of a high-class specialist.
- Hairdresser-stylist. This type of creative profession is always in demand. Constant innovations in the field of hairdressing will not let you stand still. By gaining new knowledge, you open up new opportunities for yourself and your clients. Haircuts, hairstyles, various coloring techniques, curling, numerous wellness programs - there are many things you need to master in order to feel like a real professional in your field.
- Nail service master... We are talking about those girls who are not only able to do manicure and pedicure, but put all their artistic talent into it and recreate real beauty at their fingertips, drawing various patterns, pictures, doing all this with taste and a sense of style. Clients do not leave such masters, telling their friends about them.
- Confectioner... Currently, this type of activity is very popular. A wide variety of ingredients and decorating products for confectionery products can work wonders. But it also takes skill and talent from a girl to create a masterpiece. Now they prefer to make very original cakes to order. And here you can't even manage with a cartoon scene or an old castle. There are so many options that you need to be prepared for the most unexpected experiments.
So finding a girl a creative profession and realizing herself in it is not so difficult. You just need to understand where the soul lies more, what abilities prevail.
The main difference between the creative profession is that it will be possible to realize oneself in it only if it is a deliberately chosen path, without any advice and looking back at someone else's opinion.

Which profession to choose?
Most creative professions imply that the choice will be made while still in school, and in elementary. But there are also those specialties that you can learn by attending courses, if you have certain talents.
After grade 9
After graduating from grade 9, you can enter a music, theater, art or choreographic school, if you had appropriate training before. There is an opportunity in college or technical school to master specialties of a designer, florist or entertainment worker, as well as a pastry chef.
You can become a make-up artist, nail master and hairdresser by completing the appropriate courses, and then only improve your skills by attending various seminars and special programs.

After grade 11
After completing secondary school education, more opportunities open up. You can enter any university in your chosen specialty, having successfully passed exams and passed a creative competition, which is sometimes present when entering faculties related to creative professions.
You can enter the faculty of journalism, philology, design, directing and acting. There is also an opportunity, after graduating from college in the chosen profession (actor, designer, teacher of various creative disciplines), to continue studying at the university. Whatever choice is made, you must always remember that a creative person is one who is in search, he is ready for experiments, constantly develops and improves his skills.