Who is a janitor and what are his responsibilities?

In the modern world, there are many different specialties, and they are all evaluated in different ways. Typically, in industries that require intellectual labor, wages are quite high. While positions such as janitor and janitor are often looked down upon, believing that in order to clean the premises or clean the street, a lot of intelligence is not required. Whether this is so - we will consider in our review.
Who is that?
A cleaner is a specialist who cleans the interior and territories. This category includes specialists who own all the most modern cleaning tools, including technical innovations. The profession is suitable for hardy people who are interested in farming and work.
It's hard to imagine a world in which no one cleans up the dirt. That is why the profession of a cleaner is extremely important for modern society. If suddenly the representatives of this profession disappeared, then we would have to do all the dirty work ourselves. Of course, some people today treat this profession with disdain, without even thinking about what life would be like without the labor of these people: dirty and dusty offices, huge heaps of garbage in the premises and subordinate territories, but the most terrible, of course, were would be public toilets.

The cleaning profession is quite old, it appeared back in the days when society began to be divided into rich and poor classes. Initially, people from the poorest families came to this profession - they were hired by representatives of the noble classes to clean up their homes and in the adjacent territories. For a long time, cleaning was exclusively manual labor that took a lot of time and effort. But with the invention of household chemicals and vacuum cleaners, this process has been greatly simplified, but has not lost its labor intensity.
A distinctive characteristic of the profession is associated with its widespread use. Nowadays, there is not a single enterprise and not a single organization that does not use the services of professional cleaners, and in recent years, cleaners are often hired to work in private homes. Moreover, today even specialized cleaning agencies have begun to be created, which provide cleaning services not only to legal entities, but also to individuals.
Cleaners are required in schools and kindergartens, hospitals, manufacturing workshops, These specialists are involved in cleaning sports facilities, porches, staircases and even crime scenes.

Pros and cons of the profession
The main advantage of the profession is associated with the fact that cleaning can be done even without special professional education and work experience. Besides, a cleaner can self-actualize in a variety of organizations - there is a consistently high demand for cleaning services, especially in large cities. An important plus can be considered a free work schedule, which is why cleaning for many becomes not the main source of income, but is combined with training or some other main occupation. The cleaner can choose the working hours, it is possible to negotiate individual schedules, for example, only Saturdays and Sundays, 5/2, 4/3 and many other options.
At the same time, there are also disadvantages. First of all, this is the lack of career prospects, as well as low salaries. It is very difficult for those cleaners who work for private individuals. Sometimes the client, if he does not trust the employee, simply locks him in the apartment, and after a few hours he returns to accept the completed order. Customers are often drunk or even "high" - the cleaner needs to be able to find a common language with any people. And, of course, this is very hard physical work. The cleaner usually goes to cleaning with luggage, which contains all the equipment necessary for performing work duties.
It weighs at least 7 kg, and if you have to take a vacuum cleaner with you, then often the load exceeds 10 kg. That is why it is quite difficult for workers who do not have their own vehicles to move such a load by bus, train or subway. When cleaning the surface from dust and dirt, the cleaner has to work with dirty rags and mops, so one of the main risks of this specialty is the possibility of getting a skin or intestinal infection.
To minimize the risk of such diseases, cleaning professionals should wear gloves and wash their hands with soap and water as often as possible.

Job responsibilities
The main job duties of a cleaner in accordance with the classifiers of professions are reduced to maintaining cleanliness in the entrusted territory: both internal and external. In more detail, the list of labor tasks can include:
- carrying out wet and dry cleaning;
- taking out the trash;
- grinding and polishing, as well as light restoration of damaged surfaces;
- removal of old stains.
Besides, Agency cleaners order the necessary consumables, that is, cleaning products and rags. In accordance with the labor instructions, impeccable adherence to safety rules when interacting with household chemicals is required, as well as respect for equipment and furniture that are inside the premises. In other words, if the cleaner uses caustic substances in his work, then he must wear gloves and a protective mask, and work exclusively in ventilated areas.
The duties of a cleaner at a cleaning agency often include communicating with customers. If necessary, the cleaners should tell about the conditions that the company offers, the cost of certain works, justify all their actions performed during the cleaning process.

The overwhelming majority of organizations and individuals do not impose special requirements regarding the level of education of their employees - they are trained on the spot. Nevertheless, there are requirements for cleaning specialists - they are spelled out in professional standard 33.020.
In accordance with them, the specialist must know:
- technological aspects of cleaning various types of surfaces;
- types of cleaning equipment and its main purpose;
- properties and features of the use of household chemicals;
- safety rules for cleaning.
A good cleaner should have the skills to work with specialized equipment designed for cleaning different types of surfaces. Despite the fact that the profession belongs to unskilled labor, nevertheless, not every person can perform such complex duties. This is largely due to the prevailing opinion in society about such work, as well as the ambitions of each individual person.
In order to understand the importance of the profession, not to take the job of a cleaner as an insult, you need to have a certain worldly wisdom.

In addition, a good cleaner should be distinguished by such personal qualities as:
- cleanliness;
- accuracy;
- hard work;
- conscientiousness;
- patience;
- attentiveness;
- increased responsibility.
Certain requirements are set by the professional standard for the state of health of people wishing to take the position of a cleaner.
- The cleaner should in no case have allergic diseases, as well as pathology of the respiratory system.
- This person should not suffer from possible loss of consciousness, regardless of their reasons. Persons suffering from diseases of the central nervous system of any type are not allowed to work.
- The employee must have good eyesight.
- The cleaning professional requires a sense of balance and a satisfactory condition of the vestibular apparatus.
- The health condition of the cleaner must be confirmed by medical examination data.

In modern Russia, the term "cleaner" has come to mean professional cleaners working in specialized firms. Since there are so many possible technical gadgets in organizations and homes these days, a lot of skill is required of some cleaning workers. All this is due to the fact that cleaning companies are trying to bring the importance of the profession to a fundamentally new level. This is especially true in European countries. It's enough just to mention that back in 1961, a special educational institution was opened in England called the Institute of Cleaning Sciences - today it has more than 5,000 branches in different countries.
The graduates of this university can be called the most real gurus of cleanliness and cleaning, who turned traditional cleaning into a cleanliness business. Agree, this is a better quality of service. Graduates of this university receive certificates that are recognized at the European level. It is also very easy for them to find work in a variety of areas - cleaning offices, cafes and restaurants, servicing vehicles. In Russia, things are different - there is no educational institution that would train specialists of this direction in our country. Moreover, to work as a janitor, it is enough to have only a secondary general or even incomplete education. Usually, in large hotels and hotels, the brigade leaders of cleaning companies give only a small introductory briefing, during which the cleaners are taught how to use certain technical means, detergents,and also explain to them the individual rules of conduct in the work collective.
Nowadays, the specialty of cleaners is widespread mainly among women, although entry is not prohibited for the stronger sex either. As practice shows, even employees with higher education often work in this area, and often it allows them to bring their work to a higher level. Of course, you can always start the principle of word of mouth and work according to recommendations, but in order to get really serious earnings and social guarantees for cleaning, it is best to undergo training and find a job in a cleaning company that has the necessary professional equipment and complies with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation ...

Career and salary
A janitor's salary is largely determined by his field of employment and place of work. If we talk about the option of working on the staff of the organization, then the national average salary level varies from 15 to 40 thousand rubles. Cleaning companies usually offer piecework wages - the salary of a cleaner directly depends on the number of calls, respectively, they can receive 10 and 50 thousand rubles per month.
Cleaners who work with cleaning companies receive additional income in the form of tips. In general, analyzing the average statistical data, we can say that, working every day with only one day off a week, a cleaner can earn up to 60 thousand rubles per month. However, his salary can be seriously affected by the fine system, which provides for a reduction in wages in the event of delays, poor cleaning of premises or rough treatment of clients. It happens that the customer accepts and approves the work done, and then complains to the cleaning company that the work was done poorly. For example, there is hair left in the bathroom, or bread crumbs on the table. This is usually done by unscrupulous customers with the intention of getting a discount on reordering.
Some cleaners, at their own risk, agree to clean the premises bypassing their employer. Of course, this is beneficial for the customer, since he will pay less - only to the contractor, and the cleaner himself often receives an amount that exceeds the amount paid to him by the cleaning company.
However, do not forget that if the employer finds out about this, then such a cleaner will be fired without delay. To take such orders or not is a personal matter for each employee.