Knowledge Professions

Nowadays, many people prefer intellectual professions. We will talk below about what specialties belong to them, what is their peculiarity, as well as how not to make a mistake with the choice.

Let's start with the features of the mental labor professions. It is obvious to everyone that such specialties are in no way connected with physical activity, but this does not mean at all that they can be called easy. Depending on the belonging of the mental labor profession to a particular class, a number of certain features are distinguished in it. They will be discussed later.
Mental work is divided into the following classes.
- Operator's. Its main function is the control and management function. These, for example, include the work of the chief administrator. The main feature of the operator's work is the great neuro-emotional tension associated with the responsibility and processing of a large amount of information in a minimal piece of time.
- Creative. This type of work is no less difficult, since it involves constant tension of attention, as well as the involvement of most of the memory, which also contributes to an increase in neuro-emotional stress. Examples of such work are writers, artists, architects, designers and other representatives of the creative profession.
- Managerial. This includes the work of people in leadership positions. Its feature is huge flows of information that requires constant processing; in addition, it also implies that a person must quickly make decisions, preferably the right ones, which greatly affects the increase in personal responsibility.
- Labor of workers of all spheres of services. Its characteristic feature is a large number of contacts with people, increased responsibility, and often lack of time, which again contributes to an increase in neuro-emotional stress.
- The labor of schoolchildren and students. Everyone is familiar with the peculiarities of this type of labor firsthand. These include the maximum impact of the main functions of the psyche, that is, memory, attention, perception, as well as a large number of situations that cause stress, for example, tests, control and even banal answers at the blackboard.

Overview of intelligent professions
The intellectual professions are not necessarily the only ones closely related to science. Mostly these include specialties that do not require physical labor, while most of the work and load goes to the human brain.
Let's consider the most popular examples of intellectual professions at the present time.
- Designer. This profession can help you realize your creative potential. In addition, there are a huge number of areas of activity for this profession: landscape designer, interior or clothing design, web design ... In general, you just have to choose.
- Interpreter. This profession is no less interesting than the previous one. Working in this specialty, you will probably travel a lot and, most likely, communicate with a large number of people. This profession is quite prestigious at the moment, because competent specialists with a high knowledge of a foreign language are in demand almost everywhere.
- Doctor. Another intellectual profession that is popular. The work of a doctor is not the easiest one, but it is in great demand on the job market. In addition, this profession is one of the highly paid ones, and therefore we advise you to take a closer look at it.
- Journalist. Quite an interesting profession. If you master the word, and also have communication skills and the ability to find the most relevant information faster than anyone else, then this profession is what you need.
- Teacher. Another kind of intellectual professions. Teacher's work, like the work of a doctor, is not easy. You need not only to know your subject and be able to correctly present the material, but also to find a common language with the students, which at times can be done, oh, how difficult it is.
Nevertheless, this profession is still in demand on the labor market, and online teachers are gaining special popularity now. So we recommend that you pay attention to this profession.

How not to be mistaken with the choice?
In order to choose the right profession and then not regret your choice, you need to determine your personality type. To do this, you should pay attention to your hobbies, favorite activities and your behavior in general.
Researchers distinguish the following personality types: verbal intelligence, musical, logical, figurative, bodily, social, intrapersonal, natural and philosophical. Each of them has certain features that subsequently have a significant impact on a person's choice of his future profession.
Verbal intelligence
A person with a developed verbal intelligence is characterized by a high sensitivity to words, or rather to their sound and meaning. Such a person will surely make an excellent writer or poet. In addition, a large number of other professions are suitable for him, for example, a speechwriter, translator, journalist or speech therapist. The list, of course, is not limited to these professions.
Musical intelligence
A person whose personality type is musical is, predictably, a music lover. He is sensitive not only to the words of the song, but also to its rhythm, melody and tonality. He almost certainly loves to sing or play any musical instrument, he does not spend a day without listening to music and cannot imagine life without attending concerts.For this type of personality, such professions as conductor, singer, composer, DJ and the like are suitable.

Logical intelligence
People with a logical personality type are strong in mathematics and other exact sciences. They simply adore all sorts of puzzles and logic problems, and it is not at all a problem for them to calculate an example in their minds. For such people, the following professions are most suitable: accountant, banker, scientist in a particular field and many others.
Figurative intelligence
A person with a figurative personality type is characterized by a good memory for faces, attentiveness to trifles. It will not be difficult for them to learn material based on pictures, but with verbal material it is already difficult.
People with imaginative intelligence can easily become inventors, artists, or, for example, designers.
Bodily intelligence
People with this personality type express their thoughts primarily with the help of the body. They are characterized by a love of sewing, modeling or something like that, in addition, they simply adore sports and dancing. The choice of professions for this type of personality is no less than for others: it is a choreographer, an acrobat, an artist, and a tailor ... This list can be continued for a very long time.

Social intelligence
The presence of social intelligence implies love for people, a desire to contact them. The owner of this type of personality simply adores group activities, loves acquaintances and large companies; he also understands other people well, is capable of analyzing their actions and integral behavior.
A person with this personality type is recommended to look at such professions as an administrator, sociologist, psychologist or psychotherapist, advertising and public relations manager.
Intrapersonal intelligence
People with intrapersonal intelligence are capable of introspection and a sober assessment of their abilities and themselves. They know how to learn from their own mistakes, analyze them, highlighting their weaknesses and strengths. They are characterized by keeping personal diaries, an interest in psychology and deep reflections on life. For the owner of intrapersonal intelligence, the profession of a psychologist, comedian, film director and many others is suitable.
Natural intelligence
People endowed with natural intelligence have a great interest in everything that is around them. They are usually interested in animal breeds, plant species. The world around them causes curiosity and a desire to explore it. They may well realize their potential in such professions as biologist, zoologist, ecologist.
Philosophical intelligence
People with such intelligence are truly philosophers. It is typical for them to ask difficult questions about the "high", about the origin of the Universe, for example, and then try to find answers to them, get to the bottom of the truth. Such people will be great writers, psychologists, coaches.
For them, as well as for other types of personality, the roads to a large number of professions are open, it remains only to choose the one that suits their liking.