Law enforcement professions

Law enforcement professions will always be in demand. Such work requires a responsible approach and certain personal qualities, but if you are confident in your goal, you can prepare for admission after grade 9 or 11. Not only boys, but also girls can get a demanded specialty.

What it is?
Law enforcement is a multifaceted concept. In a broad sense, it implies the protection of order in the state, the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. These actions are carried out by authorized bodies strictly in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. The list of powers and legal measures that can be applied by these or those services is clearly defined by state law.
A graduate of an educational institution with a degree in Law Enforcementlinen activity ", can apply for work in certain structures:
- bodies of inquiryresponsible for the investigation of crimes;
- advocacy - an institution aimed at protecting the interests and freedoms of the client in court and other instances;
- police - ensures order and safety, is engaged in patrolling, monitors compliance with traffic rules;
- judicial authorities - are engaged in resolving conflicts of various levels in accordance with applicable law.
All these areas have their own specifics, for example, work in the traffic police and in court will differ significantly, although both organizations are law enforcement. Taking this into account, applicants to a secondary educational institution or university are better off deciding in advance on their preferred profession. This will help focus on the disciplines and courses that will be needed in the future.

List of professions
Government agencies are interested in employees with higher education, but in some cases it is possible to work in such structures after college. For graduates of these educational institutions, positions of ordinary or junior leadership will be available. Listed below are a number of professions that you can apply for.
His task is to keep order in the entrusted territory. Among the responsibilities:
- bypassing the population;
- reception and consideration of applications;
- preventive work with registered persons.
The district officer must not only keep order, but also know what is happening on the territory, what people live there, since it is he who is often approached by investigators and operational workers to obtain information... And you will also have to carry out a number of instructions from other authorities - to find out the necessary information, to interrogate someone, to notify citizens about something.
A lot of paperwork awaits the district policeman - for example, such a document as the passport of the site, according to the law, must be filled in manually.

Mostly this profession requires mental work, but you should not forget about physical training. Bailiffs can engage in various activities.
- Maintain order in the courtroom. The employee will need to monitor the readiness of the premises for work, deliver cases and other documents, material evidence. And also it is necessary to prevent possible offenses during the meeting.
- Monitor the execution of court decisions. In this case, the bailiff visits debtors, collects information about them, seizes property or collects money.
It is worth noting that the bailiff is a civil servant and, according to the law, cannot start his own business.
The main task is to restore the picture of the crime... The investigator has to study the crime scene, participate in searches, and talk with suspects. And also paperwork cannot be avoided. In addition, the investigator can supervise the operational staff and give them instructions.
It is important for an employee not only to be well versed in the laws, to be responsible and to have psychological stability, but also to monitor his physical form. Every year, the investigator must pass tests in physical training, hand-to-hand combat and shooting.

This profession is suitable for those who love animals and at the same time want to work in the law enforcement field. There are colleges and institutes that train such specialists. The dog handler can perform various types of work:
- study individual dog breeds and their characteristics;
- develop training and education programs for animals;
- take care of your wards - take a walk, work with them, monitor their health;
- to work together with the dog, leaving the scene of the crime, to carry out searches, to be present during the search.
Cynologists need to know biology well and have veterinary skills, to be able to provide first aid to an animal. After the 9th grade, you can go to college and get a profession, but if you are striving for career growth, you should think about higher education and choose a suitable institute. Here, graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions have advantages in the form of already existing professional knowledge, good physical training and self-discipline. However, those who came after grade 11 can achieve their goal if they make an effort. With higher education, the list of available professions is expanding significantly.
This specialist protects the rights of individuals or legal entities in court. The legal profession is divided into two sectors:
- criminal;
- civil.
And also the activity can be even more narrow-profile... For example, some people choose one of the directions of the civil sector and are engaged only in this.This approach makes sense, since a specialist needs to have, indeed, deep knowledge and constantly monitor changes in legislation. Therefore, it is easier to focus on one area than trying to cover several at once.
A lawyer can work in a state structure or conduct a private practice, but in any case, he is prohibited from doing business in parallel.

His task is to collect and study evidence. Often, a forensic scientist travels to a crime scene together with an investigator to obtain samples - fingerprints, traces of blood, to find important material evidence. And also a specialist conducts an examination in the laboratory. For a criminalist, it will be a plus to have not only a legal education, since this expands his professional opportunities.
Tax inspector
The activity of this specialist is to collect taxes. He monitors compliance with legislation and the receipt of funds to the budget. And also the inspector can:
- conduct an audit of organizations and individuals;
- carry out an examination of tax documents;
- consider disputes that lie in the field of his activities;
- draw up income declarations.
You can work in both local and federal agencies. Often, the activity is connected with business trips, especially if you get a job in the field inspection department.
His activities - not practical, but scientific. As can be understood from the name of the profession, a specialist devotes himself to the study of law, the problems of certain industries, the practice of other countries. A lawyer should not only have deep knowledge of theory, but also monitor changes in legislation, constantly engage in self-study.
A specialist of this profile can work in public or private structures. As a rule, he advises citizens or entire organizations on various legal issues, and can act as an expert when considering legal cases.

Work for women
Many women want to get a job in law enforcement. There are practically no restrictions for them, but they will not be able to get a job in power structures, for example, riot police. At the same time, women also pass fitness standards, so it is important to have good health. You can get education in secondary specialized or higher educational institutions. All professions listed in this article are available for both boys and girls.
Where can you get an education?
After the 9th grade, you can enter the police college. These institutions train employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - investigators, interrogators, precinct... You can also consider law colleges if you are into the profession of a lawyer or notary. There are also police schools that train dog handlers. Not a bad option - Suvorov School... Although it specializes more in military training, graduates can also get jobs in the police. It is important to remember that Suvorovskoe is accepted after grade 8, so you will need to think about admission a little earlier.
If you are thinking about higher education, then you need to consider institutions that have a direction "Jurisprudence". It is there that the specialty "Law enforcement" is included. There are similar universities in many cities of the country. Study can be full-time or part-time, the number of budget places depends on a particular institution. For admission, most often you need to pass exams in:
- Russian language;
- mathematics;
- social studies.
It is also very likely that history, computer science or a foreign language will be on the list. In addition, attention needs to be paid to physical fitness. It is better to find out specific standards at the university that you have chosen for admission.