Advertising professions

Advertising professions are gaining more and more popularity. Such specialists are needed in various organizations, but there is an opportunity to work independently in their free time. At the same time, salaries in most cases depend on their own talents and performance.

Advantages and disadvantages
The professions associated with advertising have their own characteristics, among which there are pros and cons. When planning to start work in this area, you should carefully consider all the details of this activity in order to understand what you will face.
The advantages of this profession include:
- free work schedule;
- high earnings;
- the opportunity to improve their professional skills;
- meeting with different interesting people;
- the ability to combine this work with other activities;
- higher education is not always required, you can often take courses, and master some programs on your own.
But the disadvantages are worth taking a closer look at. They are as follows:
- when working in any organization, there is often a certain plan that must be followed, regardless of mood and inspiration;
- income may be volatile;
- constantly have to communicate with different people, which does not exclude stressful situations.

Profession overview
Advertising specialist is a broad concept. The advertising business includes many professions that are worth considering in more detail.
- Web analyst always aware of what is happening on the website of a particular company, as well as those of competitors. This is a person who analyzes the situation, draws conclusions, which helps him to give the right advice when organizing the site.Sometimes he thinks over the concept of how to attract visitors to the site, develops directions of work. Such a specialist is needed by many organizations that are engaged in advertising activities. The salary of a web analyst is often at a high level. But it is not always fixed. It all depends on the result of the work. A beginner specialist can receive about 30 thousand, but a professional - much more. It still depends on the region of residence and on the scale of the company. A college degree in computer technology will be required.
- Contextual advertising developer comes up with texts and thinks over their presentation. Only a creator of high-quality creative ads can count on good work or regular orders. He can be both a freelancer and a full-time job in a large advertising agency. Such a specialist must have a good command of the word, be literate, be able to communicate with people. Salaries can vary and be volatile, especially if they are one-off orders. Higher education in the humanities faculties will be very useful in this area.
- E-mail marketer. This is the name of the employee who maintains a customer base, creates content, runs tests, and sends out ads by email. Currently, such specialists are becoming more and more in demand. It is often not required to receive any special education, it is enough to take courses - and you can work in different companies, online stores, institutions. But often you need to be at least minimally familiar with trade and marketing. A specialist needs to be competent and ready for the fact that he will have to communicate a lot and process a large amount of information.
- Marketer. The profession has not lost its relevance for many years. To promote a product ahead of competitors is its goal. In addition, it is still necessary to find out why this or that product or service is not in demand, and what needs to be done to change the situation. A specialist will have to analyze a large amount of information, be able to think out of the ordinary, looking for the right solutions and win-win options. Today marketers are needed at many large enterprises, where large volumes of products are manufactured, sold in different parts of the country and abroad. Higher education in this specialty can be obtained in almost every city.
- Copywriter. This is an author who writes various texts, including advertising. These can be slogans, short announcements, whole scripts. Here you need a good knowledge of the Russian language, the ability to find the necessary information and process it in the right direction. The ability to attract a consumer of goods and services with the help of correctly chosen words plays a big role and, accordingly, affects the level of income. You can work in any company, but most often you have the opportunity to work via the Internet. It requires education related to subjects such as Russian language and literature. It can be a philological department or a journalism department.
- Advertising manager. Most often, this specialist works in print media, radio, television, and Internet publications. Its goal is to find advertisers, convince them to place advertisements on the sites of their company, and also explain why it is profitable. In addition, the manager, if necessary, at the request of the client, must be able to draw up a layout for future advertising, come up with a text, and sometimes provide several options to choose from. You can start with secondary education, improving your skills and gaining experience along the way. But not everyone will be able to hold out in this position. You need to be able to communicate with people, to win them over.
- Head of the advertising department. This can be a person who works in the editorial office of a newspaper or magazine, in a large advertising agency or in an enterprise.This specialist coordinates the work of all specialists, prompts if necessary, conducts training, develops plans for the week, month, year, introduces the team to them, looks for ways to attract new customers and thinks out a bonus program for regular ones. In this case, a higher education in advertising is required and, in addition, work experience, for example, in the place of the same advertising manager.
- Designer. Large advertising agencies and the media have a special person who develops original layouts and offers them for consideration by management and potential clients. He must have a rich imagination and artistic taste, as well as be able to work in various graphics programs. Higher education in faculties related to computer technology and design will come in handy when working in this position.
- Promoter. People without education can prove themselves here - the main thing is to have a desire to work. After all, you have to promote a product or service by directly communicating with people, offering business cards, flyers, inviting you to presentations and other events. Often they entertain adults and children directly at the event itself, making it so that it will be remembered for its brightness and originality.
This person can conduct tastings, give out gifts. At the same time, he can be dressed in a suit that will be associated with the products being unwound.

Which specialty is better to choose?
When choosing a job related to advertising, you need to take into account that it will not be simple, you will have to communicate with people, and write, and calculate moves, and participate in advertising campaigns. Only in this case the salary can be decent.
The choice is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance:
- if there is a craving for artistic creativity, it is worth choosing the work of a designer or artist who develops advertising layouts;
- provided that you like to write more and you have the necessary literacy, you can try yourself as a copywriter;
- there is a desire to communicate with different people, an advertising manager will do very well;
- if you need temporary earnings, it is quite possible to try yourself in the role of a promoter.
Professions related to advertising are good because you can always earn the required amount - the main thing is to strive for this. The result depends only on the work done, efforts and skills.