In-demand professions for girls

How to choose a profession so as not to miscalculate: this is the question children and parents struggle over. And if many students often relate to the choice of their future work in life with a share of romance and do not always think about the prospects of their chosen profession, parents try to be rational. They study demand, forecasts, collect information that will allow you to make the right choice. Therefore, this review is devoted to the most demanded professions for female applicants.

Popular specializations in Russia
Of course, they may depend on the region: in the conventional Irkutsk region, the list of professions that will be in demand may slightly differ from the same list in Omsk, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk.
It depends on the general level of development of the region, on the number and characteristics of large enterprises where you can build a career, on the peculiarities of the development of different sectors of production, business in the social sphere.
Again, it is important whether the girl is going to develop and grow up professionally in her region or to leave Kazakhstan (for example) for Moscow. All this is important for choosing a specialty for which a graduate will go to study.

In the top of the demanded professions in Russia, there will be such today.
- Sales Manager. One has only to look through the list of vacancies, and detailed explanations become superfluous. The manager sells, attracts a buyer, is responsible for ensuring that the finished product is interesting to the target audience. Big cities are willing to pay a lot for this valuable “selling skill”. Especially if the company is not small. For example, a high-class sales manager in Moscow can receive more than 100 thousand rubles.Although, you don't always have to start with top companies. But the profession is really in great demand, and it is unlikely that anything will change in the near future.
- Web Designer. And this specialty, even in 5 years, will not lose the demand that it has today. This specialist creates architecture layouts, visuals for sites and web services, participates in the development of applications for smartphones. The average salary in Russia is 45-50 thousand rubles, in Moscow it can be more than 70 thousand.
- Marketer. Another popular and interesting profession for women, which involves creating a concept for a product / service, as well as promoting it, researching a consumer audience, and organizing mutually beneficial communication. It is the marketer who increases brand awareness. The average salary in the regions is 35-40 thousand rubles, in the capital - 63 thousand rubles.
- Dentist. There has never been a decline in the popularity of this profession. Dental services are expensive, and the salaries of specialists in this field are one of the highest in medicine in general. True, entering a university to become a dentist is still a task. It is necessary to prepare with the arrival of the lyceum classes. The average salary of a dentist in the capital is about 95 thousand rubles, in the region - 70 thousand.
- Cosmetologist. I mean - a cosmetologist, that is, you cannot do without a higher medical education. Cosmetology is actively developing, as it is able to compete with a more radical method of rejuvenation - plastic surgery. In the capital's clinics and centers, a cosmetologist can receive an average of 95 thousand rubles a month, in the regions - 20-30 thousand less.
- QA tester. For girls with an interest in programming, this profession will be beneficial. True, if a girl can boast of good perseverance and attentiveness. A tester looks for bugs in an application or program, is responsible for the quality of software under development. Some specialists can boast of a salary of 250 thousand rubles (and this is not the upper limit).
- Video marketing specialist. The profession involves the promotion of goods or services using video products. He is developing its strategy, focusing on the needs of the target audience. Earnings start from 35 thousand to 150 thousand rubles.
- Web analyst. The task of this employee is to collect, analyze information about visitors to sites and pages. He is responsible for optimizing the operation of the resource. A specialist can work remotely, maintaining several sites, having different customers. The salary is growing: from 40 initial thousand per month to honest 150 thousand with a good portfolio and large customers.
- SMM manager. Many women are now hastily retraining for this specialty, because it allows you to "strike while the iron is hot." A specialist promotes a brand or product using social media. He plans promotion using a whole range of techniques, technologies, tactics. A good SMM manager from a nondescript account will make a page that sells well and grows real subscribers at an enviable rate. Salary from 35 thousand starting thousand to 150 thousand for a premium specialist. You can retrain on the basis of a marketer, economist, programmer and other specialties.

The interest of employers has shifted to the area of social networks, to large Internet resources. There are active sales today, brands are developing, and the list of specialties that create this whole system is expanding there right now. Not all parents realistically assess the situation on the market and predict “more down-to-earth professions” for their children. But a compromise can be found: to study on something specialized (something that will satisfy the "earthly" status of the profession in the understanding of a parent) and study in courses that will help to be professionally in demand in the near future.
For example, you can study to be a philologist and take good courses for copywriters and content marketers. After all, someone promotes sites and accounts, creates visuals for them, and someone writes texts there and decides what these texts should be so that a potential client would find them in search.

What professions are in demand in the world?
If you do not want to limit your professional prospects only to Russia, you should look at the issue a little more broadly. And determine what professions are relevant, for example, for the next 10 years.
The current situation in the market is based on three pillars: information, sales, consumption. That is, specialists in information security, specialists in the assessment of intellectual property, the same marketers and advertisers, and logisticians will be in demand now.
It is difficult for them to remain out of work (if, of course, there is the proper professional zeal).
Of course, the main condition for successful work abroad is knowledge of the language. Therefore, English (at least) needs to be stressed from childhood. While still a student, you can try to get an internship in Europe, the USA, Asia (South Korea, for example) and understand your capabilities, determine your interests and prospects.

What other professions are definitely promising internationally?
- Bioengineers. Such specialists will be valuable if the language and qualifications allow integrating into any company. This topic is consonant with ecology, the concern for which worries today humanity in general and many companies in particular. Therefore, those girls who want to pursue some good goals, be a little missionaries and at the same time work in a technical way, should look into this profession.
- Developers. This refers to the IT sphere. There is a big prejudice that she is not feminine. It all depends only on professionalism and willingness to immerse yourself in the profession. You can also work with the prospect of relocation. And this is definitely a well-paid profession.
- Data Scientist. This is a specialist who specializes in data analysis. This analysis helps him create models that improve work processes. The IT sphere is a lot of specialties, and the vector of a narrow profile is also visible in the future.
The sphere of high technologies is the main path for those who intend to build a career abroad.
And you need to start mastering this direction at school, doing programming, robotics, everything that can be useful for mastering a promising profession. Some schoolchildren manage to launch their first start-up without interrupting their studies: and this is the best test for understanding whether something will work out in this area in the future.

In a word, forecasting experts say that the topic “I will choose a profession in the summer before entering” deserves criticism today. One has to prepare for admission not even in the 11th grade, but even earlier. And to understand whether it is yours or you just want to be in trend is also better at school.
What to choose after training?
Not all schoolchildren are ready to study in leading specialties, go through a huge competition and storm career heights in large cities and at large enterprises.
Someone studies modestly, is not ready to spend money on tutors and does not have such ambitions in general.
And starting a professional career after grade 9 is still a strategy worth considering.
After grade 9
The most common option for those who still aim at higher education (but not immediately) are medical colleges and pedagogical colleges. First, after unlearning them, there are much fewer illusions about the profession. Secondly, you can earn money at the age of 19-20, and study in absentia / remotely. Thirdly, there is an opportunity to change the vector of development, but with a diploma behind you it is still morally easier to do this.

Who can you go after grade 9 to get a job for sure?
- Cashier seller. Of course, there is competition in trade as well.But if the assessments do not allow you to choose a specialty more interesting, and you like the sphere of trade itself, why not start with this. And then you can grow up to the head of a section, go to extramural higher education, etc.
- Cook. Many girls decide to unlearn to be a chef in order to have a base and become a successful manufacturer of desserts, cakes, whose pages on social networks are very popular today. And then you can open your own production - a bakery, a cafe, etc.
- Secretary. Again, the profession has growth prospects, especially if it is well established in the workplace.
- Hairdresser. This is one of the specialties that has held the bar high for many years. To become a person, the registration for which is open for months in advance, you will have to start with school and college, master the basics, technology. But the growth prospects are almost limitless. And it’s hard to believe that people will suddenly want to be beautiful.
Legal majors can also be obtained while still in college. A lawyer with a secondary specialized education should not wait for big salaries, but he can be at the university immediately on the 3rd year, bypassing a big competition.
And this in itself is a big plus. The forestry technical school for girls is still promising. Many of them have 100% distribution, which means guaranteed work. Girls become masters of the forest, and having entered the university for correspondence courses, they can count on rapid career growth.

After grade 11
At all times, girls storm theatrical universities, faculties of journalists and faculties of psychology. If there is such a focus and interest in the profession, it is unlikely that the rationalism of the parents and forecasts of demand will stop the applicant. But what specialties are most likely to appeal to both children and parents.
- Speech therapy. It is considered one of the most successful pedagogical specialties in terms of demand and wages. You can open a private practice and take place in the profession without the obligatory length of service. You can work in a school, a correctional center, a children's clinic, etc.
- Email marketing. The specialty is relatively new, and therefore one can count on good employment - there are still few competitors with the same diploma.
- Customs business. For those who want a solid choice, good wages and are not opposed to serving in the authorities, this specialty is consistently interesting. But the competition for it is rather big.
- Social communications. And this specialty is interesting because you can get a job in more than one direction: you can become an event specialist, and do PR, and find yourself as a promoter, etc. A good base with many prospects.
- Sports psychology. With professional zeal and readiness to study and after study, to improve, you can get a job in large sports centers or become, for example, a psychologist for the Olympic team. In short, the peaks are impressive.
The choice should be balanced, the profession should arouse sincere interest, and if the child's abilities are in tune with the chosen specialty, success is more and more obvious.