In-demand and most paid professions in the USA

The United States of America is attractive to immigrants. Every eighth inhabitant is an immigrant. And the number of those wishing to immigrate is only growing. The labor market is changeable: the development of the economy and new technologies makes its own adjustments to the structure of demand.
What professions are currently valued?
Professions in demand in the United States are low-paid (middle-level workers, blue-collar workers). The demand for them exceeds the supply. Areas in which such personnel are required:
office, administrative work;
social service;
restaurant and hotel business.
These areas should be considered for employment for a migrant who has just arrived in the United States to earn money, regardless of education and previous work experience in his home country.

With the development of the economy, scientific and technical sphere, new professions appear. Among the advanced, rapidly developing industries are robotics, as well as everything related to the computer sphere. These are directions for the long term.
Old professions should not be forgotten: financier, accountant, lawyer, medical workers. For the next 10 years, the profession of a doctor remains the most demanded and highly paid in the American labor market.
There will always be a need for service personnel, including trade workers. These vacancies are filled very quickly. And highly qualified specialists are searched carefully and for a long time.

Below are some of the most in-demand jobs in the United States.
Marketing Manager
Any serious company wishing to develop requires a marketing manager. Functional responsibilities include many tasks.The main essence of the activity is the development of a company's marketing policy or plan, in its implementation, in the creation and replenishment of the client base. To get such a position, you will need to complete a specialized bachelor's degree and have work experience.

IT specialist
Computer technologies have penetrated deeply into almost every field of activity, and therefore the profession of an IT specialist is in demand and valuable. By comparison, even a low-level IT worker earns more than a sales manager or secretary. But the competition in this area is also high. The exception is the profession of a tester - it is in demand and it is easy to get it: you just need to take courses lasting from 21 days to 3 months.

Strategy manager
This specialist is responsible for ensuring the growth of the business, as well as solving "global" (or strategic) issues. It defines the main direction of the organization's development. Serious industry work experience is required to perform these functions.

Database administrator
Every organization requires a repository of information, for which a separate employee will be responsible. This is the database administrator. You will need education in the field of IT, experience in the specialty.

HR manager
The specialist is looking for and hiring new employees, as well as training employees.

Analysis Manager
One of the highest paid professions in America. The functional responsibilities include a thorough analysis of the submitted data, drawing up conclusions. Experience is valued in this profession.

Tax Manager
The essence of the profession is tax optimization. This job requires special education. The specialist can work with both large companies and individuals.

Data engineer
A narrow-profile specialist engaged in the creation of computer algorithms for data processing. Computer education is required.

DevOps engineer
Narrow-profile employee. His competence includes the automation of specific processes, the creation of special programs and algorithms.

Data scientist
The meaning of this specialist's work is to process information with subsequent conclusions. To complete this work, it will take more than one year of work in this specialty, as well as an extensive amount of knowledge in the field in which the employee works. The main thing is to effectively apply existing knowledge.

Demand by state
The demand for professions in the United States varies from state to state. Each state has its own specifics and industry focus. Conventionally, all the required specialties can be divided into 2 groups: those employed in agriculture or farming (drivers, farmers, handymen) and office workers (secretaries, programmers, managers).
Agricultural workers are required in the following states: Montana, Texas, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota. The demand for office workers is observed in New York, Oklahoma, Southern California, Louisiana, Maryland, Washington, New Jersey.
This is not an exhaustive list of states. It should be borne in mind that agriculture is developed in the United States, therefore, workers in agriculture are more in demand in other areas.
Here are handymen, technicians and agronomists.

The highest paid specialties
Highly trained doctors are valued in the United States... That is why it is the most paid profession. Their salary is considered the highest in the country. The value of the salary is influenced by the prestige of the educational institution that the specialist graduated from, work experience, staff. Thus, anesthesiologists remain the highest paid among physicians. The average annual pay is $ 246,000.
In addition to medical workers, judges, lawyers, and mining workers earn good money.

The state also influences the amount of earnings. Top rates (top three) in the following states:
New York.
They are followed by Massachusetts, Texas, Colorado, Illinois.

How to work for an immigrant?
In the United States, the unemployment rate is no more than 4.5%. This means that almost the entire population is employed, including immigrants. Conclusion: the likelihood that you can go to America and find work is high. In accordance with local law, an employer can hire a foreigner when no American can be found for the vacancy. A citizen of another country can count on highly paid positions only in two cases:
there is no compatriot for a vacant position;
the employer wants to save on wages.
A migrant who wants to get a high position must have a specialized higher education, sufficient qualifications, and work experience. First of all, American and European diplomas are taken into account. Holders of diplomas from post-Soviet countries will have to go through the nostrification procedure, because in America they are recognized as invalid. Especially in terms of qualification confirmation, it is difficult for doctors and nurses.
Highly qualified foreigners are involved in the field of information technology, accounting, finance, management, architecture, journalism.

America is open to innovative, unique ideas. They love all sorts of startups here, and are ready to support promising innovative projects.... Therefore, there is a high probability of receiving an invitation for really talented workers in science and researchers. The technical breakthrough in the United States is largely due to inviting scientists from other countries and providing them with opportunities to realize their potential. About a third of all American scientists are not from the United States of America.
However, upon arrival in the country, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will first have to work in simple jobs that do not even require qualifications. The American employer in immigrants especially appreciates two qualities - hard work and the consent to work for a wage for which an American will not work. Many people start with this, including those with higher education.

Popular professions in America for foreigners, including Russians - agriculture and forestry, construction, cooking, service sector, care for the elderly and elderly people, social work, cargo transportation. And here again it is necessary to take into account that the priority in hiring, even for work with low wages or low-skilled labor, is given to compatriots. Therefore, it is also worthwhile to be patient.
So let's summarize. The United States of America remains one of the most attractive countries for migrants to this day. From year to year, this stream is only gaining strength. There is a low unemployment rate, which means that everyone can find something to do. Popular among immigrants are the professions of retail trade, service industries, and laborers.
The highest paid and demanded profession is a doctor. Migrants need to be prepared for the fact that the priority in hiring always remains with Americans, even for low-paid and unskilled labor. Newcomers are often hired for jobs that an American simply won't do. The competition for high-paying and prestigious positions is very high.
To obtain such a position, it is necessary to confirm a document on vocational education, possibly to undergo additional training in order to retrain.