Professions in demand in Canada

It is possible to leave for Canada today according to labor and educational programs. Employment needs to be dealt with “on the shore”: the list of professions for which the host country approves the arrival of immigrants is limited. Basically, people with higher education, good qualifications and work experience can count on successful immigration. Those who are applying for the position of a waiter and cloakroom attendant also have a chance to settle in the country of the maple leaf, but they are much lower than those possessed by people with a university degree.

Overview of the medical professions
This is one of those areas where you can really hope for successful employment and good career prospects. Here is a description of the most profitable jobs.
- Among the first on the list of professions in demand in Canada will be licensed nurse. And this is understandable: baby boomers are getting closer to retirement age (this is the name for citizens born between 1946 and 1965), and the country's population as a whole is aging. And the elderly, which is logical, more and more often need medical care. According to available estimates, from 2017 to 2026. more than 13,000 licensed nurses will be missing across the country. To become a nurse in Canada, an immigrant is required to prove a diploma, that is, obtain a license. The average hourly wage for this specialist today is $ 37 Canadian dollars. The highest salaries are in Nunavut, Yukon and the northwest regions of the country.
- Another demanded medical specialty – physiotherapist... And this, again, is due to the aging of the nation.People live longer, more and more patients need frequent medical care, including rehabilitation and recovery. Many hospitals in Canada are switching to the outpatient model (this is done to free beds for seriously ill patients). Average hourly wages are CAD 23. The highest paid regions in the country include Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta. Physiotherapist's diploma is to be confirmed.
- In increased volumes of pharmaceutical care the aging Canadian population needs it too. Pharmacists control the dispensing of medicines, advise patients on the use of a particular medicine. In some Canadian pharmacies, pharmacists are even authorized to renew prescriptions and prescribe certain medications. That is, the field of pharmacists in Canada is very promising for labor potential. The average pharmacist earns $ 50 per hour of work. In Quebec and Manitoba, salaries promise to be the highest. You need to confirm the receipt of a bachelor's degree and be registered with the territorial control body.
- Among other in-demand vacancies in medicine – optician... The doctor of the dispensary can work in the ophthalmology department, in the clinic, at the point of sale (for prescription assistance to clients and a competent choice of optics). The task of a specialist is to choose, place an order and oversee the production of glasses. More likely to find such a position in Manitoba, Quebec and British Columbia. The average salary is CAD 24 per hour worked. A diploma and licensing are required to work.
- A good career as a veterinarian can be built in Canada... Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba promise high wages. Although, compared to other medical specialties, it is not that great - $ 18 per hour. You need to confirm your diploma and register (most likely) in the association of veterinarians, national or territorial.
- Interestingly, psychologists in Canada are also included in the list of in-demand specialties. And although they can be called medical only indirectly, many Canadian psychologists today are entrusted with the mission of dealing with the mental health of the population. You can choose a narrow specialization: work as a child psychologist, a specialist in behavioral psychology or cognitive. The median hourly pay for a counselor in Canada is $ 39 Canadian. The best vacancies are noted in Nunavut, Yukon, Quebec, Alberta. For employment, you need to have a master's degree or be a doctor of science.
It is also worth noting that in a number of specialties related to medicine, a massage therapist and a speech therapist are noted. The demand for professions is predicted to be growing, therefore it is worth considering such options.

Engineering and construction specialties
An interesting selection will also be in the review of specialties related to construction and engineering.
- Aerospace engineer. Of course, such a position requires highly qualified specialists, because working with aerospace technology requires a narrow-profile education and experience. Environmental regulations have become stricter, and the demand for upgraded equipment that complies with these regulations has grown. Therefore, becoming an engineer in the field of aerospace construction is assessed as a promising move. The salary of such a specialist per hour is approximately 45 Canadian dollars. The highest salaries were noted in Quebec and Ontario. The applicant will have to confirm his bachelor's degree, undergo territorial licensing.
- Construction estimator. A good and quite popular job for Russians. New construction projects, one way or another, are developing in the country. Every company today understands that effective cost control and results management are interconnected things. Therefore, in Manitoba, British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario, you can get such a job with a high probability.And expect a salary of $ 30 an hour. To do this, you will need to confirm a diploma or certificate on the territory of employment.
- Locksmith of steam and water supply systems. Many industrial enterprises are modernizing them, which means that there is a demand for qualified locksmiths. For many Russians, this is the ideal option to prove their qualifications in Canada. It is necessary to complete a vocational training or apprenticeship program in the country. Trade certification may also be required. The average hourly salary is $ 37. The demand for such specialists is higher in Nova Scotia, Manitoba, British Columbia, and the highest salaries are recorded in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Locksmiths of this profile will be engaged in the layout, manufacture, assembly, maintenance and repair of trunk systems.
- Industrial electrician. Another top specialty on the list. The extraction of minerals and gas is becoming more and more automated every year, which is why industrial electricians are so in demand. Nova Scotia is especially in need of these pros. And the average salary is about $ 34 an hour. You can count on big payoffs when you get a job as an industrial electrician in Alberta and British Columbia.
- Welder. Canada is building at a fast pace and producing too. Therefore, welders are relevant as the most demanded specialists. Having settled in this specialty, you can count on an hourly salary of $ 25. Alberta and Labrador and Newfoundland have the highest wages. The applicant completes training and is likely to acquire a trade certification.
- Software engineer. The growth of IT-technologies promises - the demand for software engineers will not go negatively. The specialists will be employed in the fields of telecommunications and mobile technologies. Software engineers and developers are valuable people in today's market. The average salary is also high - about $ 44 an hour. Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec have many vacancies for this position right now, Ontario and Manitoba have the highest salaries. The applicant must confirm a bachelor's degree.
And although the last vacancy does not relate specifically to construction, it is still an engineering specialty, which in the information era helps to build the digital environment that is most important for a modern person.

Where else can you build a career?
Canada will recruit skilled autopilots, with an average wage of nearly $ 40 an hour. You can get a job both in a large and in a small, medium-sized airline, perform flights within the country and not only. You can fly a helicopter or become a specialist who does not work with passenger and cargo transportation, but is engaged in adventure travel, is involved in mining, logging, and so on.
These jobs are particularly scarce in Alberta and British Columbia, and in Ontario and Quebec these positions will be highly paid. The applicant needs to confirm completion of pilot training and obtain licensing. Another interesting area of professional application, which is in the top of the most needed specialists, is business management... The management consultant will receive about 37 Canadian dollars per hour, and even higher in Alberta and Ontario. The job seeker will have to validate a business or bachelor's degree and provide the employer with a portfolio of proven industry experience.
Well, in general, such a popular profession as truck driver, is in demand in Canada as well. The average hourly pay is almost $ 22, education must be at an elementary level, the rights of the corresponding category, which are either obtained or confirmed in Canada. The Yukon and Alberta have the highest wages in the country.Basically, drivers are required to transport goods from coast to coast of a large country.
Most of the professions described are in demand due to the aging population of Canada. And for many immigrants this is a chance - to change the country, to be realized in the profession, to make a successful start with guaranteed (as far as possible) prospects.