All about prestigious professions

Choosing a future profession is a rather complicated process that requires a serious approach. When determining the future career path, it is very important to pay attention to several key factors: personal interests and skills, the demand and prestige of the profession, the percentage of employment of specialists with a diploma in the chosen direction. Today in our article we will consider the most prestigious professions in the world and in Russia.

What factors influence the prestige?
Today there are a huge number of professions and areas of professional activity. Choosing the right specialty for you means the opportunity to realize your potential 100%. At the same time, not only highly paid, but also respected professions in society are considered fashionable. Consider a list of factors that affect the prestige of a particular profession.
- Social affiliation... The prestige of a professional activity is influenced by its social status. So, for people who belong to different social and economic strata of the population, the status of different professions plays a role. For example, children from wealthy families will strive to get a specialty that is trendy and relevant (for example, programming). On the other hand, representatives of families with lower incomes will try to obtain a sought-after profession that will allow them to get a job immediately after graduating from an educational institution (for example, medicine or education).
- Influence... In this respect, we mean the fact to what extent this or that specialist has the ability to influence public life. So, for example, representatives of state power (politicians, deputies and top officials of the state) have a significant impact on the everyday life of an ordinary person, since they adopt laws concerning all residents of the country and carry out various political actions.
- Income level. Salary is often one of the deciding factors. Obviously, the higher the income of a specialist, the more prestigious the profession will be (but there are exceptions). More often than not, the person who receives a high salary has a higher status in society and can have a significant impact on others.
- The possibility of self-realization. Despite the fact that all of the above factors largely affect how prestigious a particular profession is, the parameter of self-realization is also important. The thing is that it is he who gives a person a sense of his own importance, a sense of the realization of his potential, which in most cases maintains a good mood and makes a person happy. That is why, when choosing a prestigious profession, it is very important to make sure that it will give you the opportunity to realize yourself as a person.
- Career prospects. A prestigious profession is an activity that allows you to move up the career ladder and constantly develop. If in your professional activity you are in a state of stagnation and hold the same position for a long period of time, then you have chosen an irrelevant and not prestigious profession.
- Relevance... Prestigious work will remain in demand and relevant, at least in the next decade. Thus, you can apply the education you received in a particular specialty in practice immediately after graduation, you do not have to undergo additional training or retraining.

Thus, when choosing a prestigious profession, it is very important to analyze your chosen specialty for compliance with the above characteristics. In this case, you will be able to make the best choice that you will not regret in the future.
The most popular professions in the world
With regard to prestigious professions, there are both national and global trends. Today in our article we will consider which professions are now the most popular in the USA, Britain, North Korea, the Czech Republic and other countries of the world.
First of all, it should be noted that in the past few years blue-collar occupations have become increasingly popular, as well as new specialties that can be worked in freelance mode. In fact, freelancing is remote work (which is especially popular in America).
This means that in order to carry out your professional activities, you do not need to go to the office, you can work from your own home.

Consider the rating of the professions that are gaining popularity in the world.
- Nanotechnologists are very popular and demanded specialists in all developed countries of the world. In addition, the work of these specialists is highly paid, which is a decisive factor for a large number of young people who cannot decide on their future profession. You should also take into account the fact that in order to obtain such a position, you must have a large amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
- Along with nanotechnologists, biotechnologists occupy the highest positions in the ratings of the prestige of professions. These specialists are in high demand and can carry out their professional activities in various spheres of human activity (for example, in agriculture, health care and the food industry).Accordingly, while studying to be a biotechnologist, you can also choose the industry that interests you the most, in which you can maximize your personal potential.
- In recent decades, public attention has been attracted by such a science as ecology. It is not surprising that specialists in this field are also very popular and in demand within the framework of the world labor markets. In fact, the profession of an ecologist will always be in demand, since the issues of environmental protection, the development of new environmentally friendly technologies and industries remain topical.
- The field of marketing is also one of the fastest growing, which is why professionals such as marketers are in demand all over the world. Marketers are involved in promoting products and services on the market, they conduct various studies to understand what products and services are relevant to modern consumers.
- Managers and managers with appropriate education, practical training and personal interest in their own activities are in demand specialists in almost all countries of the world. The key skills of such professionals include the ability to work with large amounts of information, as well as the ability to coordinate the work of many hundreds of people.
- The professions of the financial sector are also popular and prestigious, in the last few years the specialty of financial analyst has been spreading more and more. A financial analyst is a person who has information about price fluctuations, and can also give advice on transactions in the financial markets or make a forecast for the future.

Prestigious specialties in Russia
When deciding on a future specialty, it is very important to get acquainted with the state of the national labor market. In this case, not only the all-Russian indicators are important, but also the data of the region in which you plan to carry out your professional activities in the future (for example, in Voronezh, in Samara or in Irkutsk). In addition, in some cases, all relevant professions can be divided into male and female (for example, hard physical work is more suitable for men). Consider the ranking of the most prestigious specialties in Russia.
The job of a politician is not attractive to everyone, but at the same time, it may be relevant to some people.... At the same time, in order to occupy such a position, it is not necessary to have the appropriate diploma of a political scientist; in some cases, public positions are occupied by people with legal, economic, humanitarian or even technical education.
IT specialist
Information technology specialists have been popular and in demand for several years. This is primarily due to the fact that modern computer technologies penetrate into all spheres of human life (from medicine to jurisprudence). Programmers receive fairly high salaries, but at the same time they must have a large amount of technical knowledge and skills and an analytical mindset.

An increasing number of people are striving to create their own business and not work for the boss. Entrepreneurship is actively developing both in our country and abroad. Very often, in order to start your own business, you need to have the initial capital that can be obtained by working as an employee.
A pilot is a rather romantic profession. However, in order to be a sought-after specialist, one must not only be a dreamer, but also possess a large number of necessary psychological and physical qualities. The profession itself is quite complex and requires a lot of commitment from a person.

International Relations Specialist
Work in the field of international relations is carried out by a large number of specialists in various fields: diplomats, consultants, lawyers, etc. It is very important for a specialist in international relations to know the language and culture of the country with which he interacts.
Top manager
One of the most popular professions among modern youth can be considered the profession of a manager. Sales managers are especially relevant. Such specialists are engaged in expanding the circle of clients and partners. The working day of a specialist consists of a large number of telephone conversations, as well as personal meetings. Accordingly, it is very important to be a sociable person.

Since ancient times, the profession of a doctor was considered prestigious and high-status, and was respected in society. Today there are a large number of medical specializations (for example, surgery, cardiology, anesthesiology, etc.). In order to become a good specialist, you need to go through a long and difficult learning process that requires a lot of effort, time and energy.
Cinema worker
If you are interested in cinema, then you can become an actor, director, screenwriter, etc. Film workers are often popular with the public and are featured in magazines and newspapers.
Despite the fact that the domestic labor market is overflowing with lawyers, the profession is still in high demand among school graduates. A lawyer carries out a wide range of functional tasks: from representing the interests of his client in court to preparing draft legal documents.

Engineers have been prestigious specialists on the territory of our country for a long time, since the existence of the Soviet Union. To become an engineer, you need to have a large amount of technical knowledge and be interested in such disciplines as mathematics, physics, chemistry.
Designer, artist
If you want to work in the fashion industry, then you should pay attention to the profession of a designer. At the same time, today there is a wide variety of types and types of design: for example, industrial, graphic, landscape, etc. You can be a versatile designer or specialize in one of the above areas.
It takes talent to be a successful designer or artist.
The profession of an economist, like the profession of a lawyer, is prestigious even though the labor market has a large number of specialists. Moreover, if you are truly interested in economics and want to apply yourself in this area, then be sure to apply for the appropriate direction of training, since employees interested in their activities will always be relevant and in demand.

Which ones will be fashionable in the future?
In 10 years, the following specialties will be relevant and prestigious:
- information technology specialists;
- bioethics;
- genetic counselors;
- architects;
- designers;
- robot operators;
- farmers, etc.

Who is better to go to study?
In modern society, among young people and adolescents (both boys and girls), the actual question is where to go to study and which faculty will be the most optimal choice.
After grade 9
After the 9th grade, you should go to study for blue-collar occupations in technical schools and colleges. So, for example, for guys the profession of a welder or mechanic will be relevant, and for girls - the profession of a secretary or a cook. But it all depends on personal preference. You can also try yourself as a hairdresser, designer, tourism manager.
These specialties are taught in colleges, and in the future you can continue to study and get higher education.

After grade 11
After grade 11, you can study to be a pharmacist, programmer, auditor, teacher, etc. The choice for future students is not limited to anything, you need to focus only on your own knowledge and preferences. The main thing is to successfully pass the exam and go to university, and for this you need to try to master all the subjects at school, and, possibly, attend additional courses. You can, for example, choose the profession of a translator, journalist, director. In all these cases, you need to prepare for admission in advance and try yourself in various courses.