All about the profession of geophysicist

The main purpose of modern geophysics is the study and comprehensive assessment of available natural resources, as well as environmental protection, forecasting natural disasters. Geophysicists today are engaged in the study of the World Ocean, conduct space exploration and monitor the conduct of nuclear tests.
In our review, we will dwell in more detail on the description of the features of the work of a geophysicist, its advantages and disadvantages.
Geophysics is a set of scientific areas dealing with the study of the origin of natural and man-made phenomena, as well as the peculiarities of their course on planet Earth. Geophysics is directly related to biological disciplines, as well as sciences such as astronomy, physics, chemistry, mathematics, geology, geography, and some other exact and natural sciences.
The development of the Earth is unthinkable without carrying out geographical observations - measuring distances, calculating the movement of the oceans and seas, describing the peculiarities of emergencies and natural disasters. Back in the XVII-XIX centuries. the discoveries of the very first laws of macrophysics were made. It was at the same time that an understanding of the need for fundamental observations came to humanity - for this, geophysical observatories began to be created everywhere.

In the 60s. of the last century, with the introduction of electronic computing technology, geophysicists were able to automate the data of their long-term observations, and the use of the latest achievements of physics made it possible to move from the problem of studying the internal structure of the planet to the peculiarities of the earth's interior.
The professional capabilities of geophysicists have significantly expanded due to space exploration, even a new scientific direction appeared - planetary science, in which the methodology of geophysical research plays a major role. It examines all the main tasks facing modern man:
- development of alternative natural resources;
- protection of the world's population from cataclysms and natural disasters;
- prevention of man-made accidents.
All this made geophysics one of the most urgent scientific areas of natural science.

Geophysicists usually specialize in one of the following scientific fields.
- Solar-terrestrial geophysics investigates the basic processes and interactions of interplanetary systems.
- Atmospheric physics deals with the study of existing possible atmospheric manifestations, is subdivided into meteorology and aeronomy. The first explores the lower layers of the atmosphere, and the second, respectively, the upper ones.
- Atmospheric optics is based on the study of various optical effects, as well as thermal studies. The knowledge gained by a geophysicist in this area is used to make scientific discoveries in the field of the use of electricity.
- The exploration direction is a subdivision of science, whose employees are engaged in the survey of the earth's crust, as well as the search for deposits and deposits of minerals useful to mankind. Realizations of this direction are actively used in the search for groundwater, gas, as well as ore and oil.
- In recent years, nuclear geophysics has been developing everywhere; it has become one of the most interesting areas of science. Its task is to study the impact of radioactive radiation on the Earth. Within the framework of this direction, geophysicists are also developing the latest instruments that make it possible to easily determine the density and thickness of the earth's strata, and calculate the probability of occurrence of minerals in them.
Thanks to scientists in this industry, it is possible to discover previously unexplored deposits of oil, gas and ores, as well as to simplify the methodology of exploration geophysics many times over.

Like any other specialty, the work of a geophysicist has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's start our acquaintance with the positive aspects.
- Very competitive salary. A geophysicist, while performing his job duties, solves many problems, for which employers are ready to pay a decent salary.
- The ability to travel around the world and make acquaintances with interesting people.
- Qualified geophysicists make all kinds of discoveries that radically change humanity's understanding of the phenomena occurring on our planet.
- Geophysicists are able to anticipate the appearance of natural anomalies, which is why the services of geophysicists are highly valued.

It is worth mentioning the cons:
- high workload - the daily routine of a geophysicist often leaves no time for good rest;
- frequent business trips impede building a personal life and maintaining normal family relationships;
- in the work of a "field" geophysicist there is a high probability of accidents;
- being in difficult conditions can adversely affect the health of a specialist.

Globally speaking, the tasks of a geophysicist are as follows:
- study of the structure of the planet Earth and the features of the processes occurring in it, as well as interaction with the Sun and other objects of the Solar system;
- study of the main processes taking place in the atmosphere and other earthly shells;
- observing the evolution of the planet's natural resources;
- study of the effect of heat rays coming from the atmosphere on all life processes on Earth;
- survey of available groundwater resources and the World Ocean;
- the study of phenomena and processes that can help in the protection of nature and the maintenance of a favorable ecological situation on the planet.

Based on these tasks, the job description forms the main responsibilities that a geophysicist must perform. This specialist:
- studies natural resources and gives them an informed assessment;
- deals with environmental protection;
- predicts meteorological changes;
- warns of possible emergencies and natural disasters;
- develops alternative sources of energy production based on the study of the World Ocean and space;
- controls the testing of nuclear weapons.
It can be confidently asserted that without the work that scientists do, research and further development of our planet would be simply impossible - humanity would not be able to obtain all the minerals and prevent man-made and serious natural disasters.
That's why in modern society, the work of a geophysicist is highly valued - the discoveries of these people can change the ideas of mankind about life in general. In addition, the data of their research allow finding and developing new deposits, which contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of people on the planet.

Knowledge and skills
It should be noted that a geophysicist is a rather difficult profession. In order to understand the essence of the work, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements that apply to these specialists. Here are just a few of them.
- Having a sharp mind. Willingness to conduct a wide variety of scientific research.
- Since, by the nature of his activity, a geophysicist has to constantly communicate with a huge number of people, he must be sociable and be able to find a common language with others. And given that when conducting field research, many geophysicists live for a long time as a separate group of scientists at a distance from settlements, this worker will need poise and the ability to smooth out sharp corners.
- This person should be distinguished by an increased level of personal responsibility. He must be able to correctly assess his own abilities and prioritize in any work process.
- A geophysicist must have time management skills in order to effectively manage his time.
- In the event of any emergency, this specialist must control himself, remain calm and quickly find ways to solve the problem.
- The work of a geophysicist requires a broad outlook, a large amount of high-quality knowledge in related fields. That is why a specialist must constantly improve his scientific qualifications.
- A geophysicist is required not only to search for information, but also to analyze it. This means that he must have the skills to organize and structure the data obtained. An important skill is charting and reporting.
It is obvious that this specialty needs an increased level of responsibility. In addition, a professional in his field must have an impressive range of skills and knowledge in various fields of science.

In order to become a competent geophysicist, one should obtain higher specialized education and undergo training in programs that will help to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge in this profession.
After completing theoretical training, the geophysicist must confirm your professional qualifications practical work experience. During his studies, this specialist studies mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, biology and many other areas.
An obligatory requirement for any geophysicist is scientific applied activity, therefore, training at the university ends with the writing and defense of his research project.

Place of work
The workplace of a geophysicist can be located both in the research institute and in the "fields", directly at the research site. Most of the employees are usually sent to the wells. There they are engaged in conducting geophysical exploration and processing the data obtained by performing calculations using measuring equipment and all kinds of computer programs. A geophysicist can draw up a field plan, calculate the likely efficiency and profitability of their development.
These people often have to work in difficult, uncomfortable conditions - at a depth of several kilometers underground or in the northern regions, where the temperature can drop to -50 degrees. In some cases, the employee's laboratory may also be "field" and located directly in the collection area,
This happens if the research is urgent or the ascent to the surface can damage the material.

How much do they earn?
The salary of a geophysicist in our country varies from 30 to 130 thousand rubles.
Usually, employees working in the office environment of research institutes, operators of GTI receive about 30-50 thousand rubles. The work of scientists who are directly involved in collecting data is assessed much higher - specialists who work in difficult conditions earn at least 80–90 thousand rubles. per month.

For more information on the profession of a geophysicist, see the next video.