All about the profession of assistant florist

The profession of a florist assistant is suitable for creative people... In order to realize yourself in such a field, you need to have a rich imagination and a good sense of style. To master the skills, you should constantly practice: make bouquets and compositions, study color theories, learn the basics of botany and biology.

Features of the profession
The florist's assistant, like the florist himself, is engaged in the sale of flowers. But a lot can also depend on what kind of specialization was chosen. A number of compulsory directions are offered for study:
- decorator;
- graphic designer;
- phytodesigner;
- flower arrangement designer.
That, what duties will be performed by the assistant florist, directly depends on his specialization. In each of the types of work, it is necessary to understand and correctly apply floristic techniques. A representative of this profession can either simply make flower bouquets from live or dry plants, which is especially popular for interiors, and work with landscape design. The florist's assistant should compose and arrange compositions based on natural and other plant materials.
The specialist must know what types of plants are, how they are combined with each other, how flower bouquets are formed correctly.

Responsibilities of a specialist
A florist assistant does his job with the same responsibility as any other profession. He necessarily acquaints himself with the basics of labor protection and fire safety... It is also necessary to keep the workplace clean and tidy at all times.
The man who deals with flowers every day must be aware of how the bouquets and compositions that he creates affect the psyche. What matters is whether he knows how to bring aesthetic pleasure to his clients. The florist's assistant must have a fine mental organization, it is important for him to feel the aromas, see the combination of colors correctly, make sure that everything is in harmony with each other.
Florist performs the following tasks:
- implements orders - he is provided with graphic designs, according to which the composition is created;
- selects and prepares working materials that will be required to create compositions;
- decorates the subject environment through art projects.
Florist assistant well versed in the correct arrangement of bouquets, he knows how and where to use greenery, twigs and special accessories. The representative of the flower profession is well versed in the varieties of flowers, knows how to keep them fresh for a long time. If these are expensive flowers, then you need to know how to keep them so that they do not wilted.
When applying for a job, they are interested in whether such a person knows the conditions for maintaining the optimal temperature for plants, whether he understands the choice of feeding and proper care. It is important to be able to choose the right flowers depending on the occasion (wedding, name day, professional holiday), as well as the age category of the person to be congratulated. The number of sales and the revenue of the store depend on these factors.

Education and career
Such a profession today in demand in the labor market. Bouquets are bought every day, be it a birthday or March 8th. The salary level of a specialist differs depending on the region, the location of the outlet, the number of clients and the level of their income.... Also, the salary of a florist assistant is based on his work experience, skills, seasonality.
There are many positive aspects to this kind of work: from being creative in doing your job to having a high chance of getting a decent pay. Thanks to the flower sphere you can establish cooperation with people of creative professions, make new friends.
Sometimes training is carried out remotely, which simplifies the process of obtaining a specialty.
We recommend YouTube channels, groups on social networks, books (mostly in English) as platforms where there is useful information on the profession of a florist assistant.