All about creative professions

When choosing a future specialty, one should proceed from one's own interests. People with a rich imagination choose creative professions for themselves, if the result brings pleasure, then sooner or later this will lead to good material rewards.

Creative professions bring brightness to life, which is accompanied by spontaneity, audience sympathy (which undoubtedly comes from the creator) and a festive atmosphere. Children look at the world more creatively - it would not hurt many to learn from them, and it is even better to choose a profession that will help unleash the creative potential inherent in us by nature, will inspire new achievements and bring good monetary rewards. A representative of the creative profession, as many believe, is naturally talented, but this is not entirely true. If a person does not learn anything additionally, it is unlikely that anything will come of it.
People choosing a creative profession should have:
- a sense of beauty;
- figurative thinking;
- artistic taste;
- bright, imaginative;
- aesthetic taste;
- subtle feeling of the world.
Creativity is the process of creating something new. Each person is capable of creativity, the main thing is to choose their own direction: someone likes to write poetry, and someone likes to design interiors.
The professions associated with creativity will always exist, besides, they bring a good income. For example, an actor can earn 600,000 rubles in one shooting day! For people who are open to new ideas, creativity is great.

Profession overview
A person who wants to choose for himself a creative activity with a high salary would not hurt to familiarize himself with the list of the most in-demand professions today. It is worth noting that a high-quality product is required from the creator (it does not matter what it will be: a painted picture or the creation of a track), because his salary depends on this. Evaluation of the work of a creative specialist is subjective, it is worth preparing for this in advance - someone will like it, and someone will look (try or listen) and say: "Nonsense."
Top 10 in-demand specialties
Designers are creators of the world around them. They always have work to do. If you need to decorate the window of a new store, create the interior of a house or apartment, call the designer. In a word, design is an artistic design activity that aims to create an environment in accordance with parameters such as convenience, attractiveness and economy.
Being a designer is not easy. For a person who decides to connect his life with this profession, it is very important to study the psychology of consumers, to be sociable, to be able to win over people, to have a broad outlook. In addition, a designer needs skills to promote himself, otherwise he will simply get lost in the labor market. The most modern and promising types of design include UX / UI, Web, graphics, game, interior design. For reference: if you look at the Instagram of famous designers, you will find that they do not work in only one direction, but in several at the same time, for example, in architectural design and the Web.

Currently, the profession of an actor is one of the most interesting and unique, since one of the main tools in the work is the person himself, reincarnating in different roles. It is not enough for an actor to have professional skills; innate abilities also play an important role: charisma, the ability to charge the audience, be direct and charming.
Note! Many people think that actors do not make much effort on the path to success and are bathed in glory, but this is not so. Actors often have to sacrifice their personal lives because they are on the set most of their time.
Interior designer
One of the branches of the profession is a designer. A creative person who is used to creating a comfortable environment around himself should pay attention to the profession of an interior designer. The duties of a specialist include a beautiful design of the interior space: be it a house or a store. Every day this profession is gaining more and more popularity, because everyone wants to live, work and study not only in comfortable, but also aesthetically attractive conditions.
The task of the interior designer is to make the environment unique, stylish and, of course, functional. The specialist initially collects information about the client, taking into account his gender, age, hobbies and wishes, creates a project. An interior designer must have hard work (and you will have to work a lot), communication skills and creativity.
An interesting fact: during the training, the future designer will get acquainted with different directions and styles, which is very exciting and interesting.

Landscape designer
Another highly paid profession of the future. Many people want to improve their suburban area, but not everyone's imagination works creatively - in this case, they use the services of a landscape designer. The master develops projects for parks, gardens and suburban areas, making them convenient for clients and aesthetically pleasing.
It is recommended that the future landscape designer learn English along the way, as he will have to work with foreign clients. The profession of a landscape designer is partially related to biology: if a future specialist does not understand it well, then he needs to fix it, because it is very important to know which plants are combined with each other and how to properly maintain them.
Makeup master
Make-up master is one of the most popular professions today. Many dream about a beautiful make-up: it is required for photo shoots, events such as a wedding, birthday, romantic date, an important meeting. A make-up artist is a craftsman who creates various looks using cosmetics. This is, first of all, an artist who must be able to use trowels to disguise all the flaws in his appearance and emphasize his merits. The makeup master takes into account the wishes of the client and tries to translate them into reality.
A make-up artist needs to know about all types of makeup and master the techniques for applying cosmetics.

The secret of velvety and beautiful skin often lies in a good beautician. He deals with the elimination of all aesthetically unattractive elements on the human skin and face. The profession in Russia is quite young, and for the first time it was approved in our country in 2009. Nowadays, almost every girl has visited a beautician to do depilation or cleanse her face.
Every day, a beautician shoulders a lot of procedures that he must carry out without damaging the skin of the salon visitor. These procedures are often very tedious and require 100% concentration from the master. Any cosmetologist should have a broad outlook and be able to carry out calculations, because he determines the dose of drugs for the procedures. The profession of a cosmetologist is in demand - the master always has clients, and, as a result, a good salary.
The salary of a stylist, a master in demand in the modern world, directly depends on his talent to guess the mood of people and on the ability to promote himself. The average salary of a stylist is 35,000 rubles, it can be either less or skyrocket. Many stars resort to the services of stylists, this is another huge plus in this profession: if you recommend yourself and promote yourself well, you will have the opportunity to communicate with celebrities.
The stylist specializes in creating a unique look for his client, which includes clothing, hairstyle, make-up. The specialist must not only choose the right clothes, but also take into account the client's mood. If a girl who turns to a stylist feels like a princess from a fairy tale, and a leather jacket is put on her, obviously, such a choice will be a failure. The stylist must be attentive and patient. Each client will have to find an individual approach.

Fashion designer
The profession of a fashion designer is undoubtedly attractive for those interested in the world of fashion. After watching such films as "September Issue", "Yves Saint Laurent", "Coco do Chanel", "Dior and Me", many girls dream of experiencing the world of beauty and fashion for themselves. And everyone has such an opportunity. A fashion designer must understand fashion trends and even be one step ahead. Often, it is fashion designers who create new trends in the global fashion industry.
The master is responsible for the entire process, which includes the creation of sketches, the manufacture of patterns, the selection of materials, and the sewing of products. The vacancy of a fashion designer involves participation in various competitions, communication with journalists.
Having received the necessary skills and knowledge, a specialist, if desired, can start teaching.
Gallery owner
The gallery owner is a key figure in the art industry. It is he who knows everything about styles and authors, knows how to distinguish a masterpiece from a fake and can easily organize an exhibition of any level. The world of works of art captures completely, so you have to prepare in advance for the impossibility of getting out of it.
In the period of Antiquity, prototypes of galleries were located in the temples of the gods, where paintings and statues of Greek masters were located. A gallery owner is an art critic, often also called a gallery manager. The second name is more suitable for a modern gallery owner, because he not only understands painting, but promotes exhibitions and even organizes auctions with works of art.

Animalist and animator
Animal painters paint pictures with animals as the acting figures. The heroes of works of animalistic sculpture, painting and graphics are most often birds and animals - they are always drawn in close-up. Animalists are now called photographers who photograph cats.This is a whole direction in photography with its own characteristics.
Another interesting profession is animation artist. By participating in large projects, you can get high pay. This creative profession is in great demand. A person who decides to become a cartoonist must have patience, observation, a sense of style and understanding of the principles of movement dynamics. The main thing is to start practicing, everything comes with practice.
Jewelry can also be classified as a creative profession - a master must be able to create jewelry. This specialty is close to the profession of an artist, but it has its own characteristics. Probably, many have heard the expression “jewelry precision”, this is no accident, because a jeweler must be very careful, feel the material, be extremely attentive to the details.
Another in-demand specialty today is a writer. This category includes various popular specialties: journalist, blogger, screenwriter, copywriter. The main feature that unites all these specialties is the ability to express one's thoughts in a bright and interesting way. It is worth noting that it is impossible to learn to express thoughts beautifully in any educational institution.

What specialty to choose?
When choosing a creative profession in Russia with good earnings and considering the list of professions, you should take into account your own preferences and psychotype. For women who like to stay at home and prefer quiet activities, knitting can become not only a hobby, but also a job. By uploading your work to the Internet, you can get regular customers. For men, such a direction as IT today is the best opportunity to make good money, because industry specialists are in demand more than ever.
After grade 9
Of course, after grade 11, students have more opportunities in terms of choosing a profession, but not everyone is ready to study until grade 11 and choose college. After the 9th grade, it is not difficult to master professions related to the fashion industry. These include:
- seamstress;
- fashion designer;
- cutter.
These specialties are taught in technical schools. These are not only female professions, they can also be mastered by a man. Also, after the 9th grade, specialties are available:
- jeweler;
- photographer;
- illustrator;
- artist.
The creative professions that can be obtained after the 9th grade can be safely attributed to the work of a cook and pastry chef. With a good level of training and artistic taste, you can bring true culinary and confectionery masterpieces to life.

After grade 11
For those who graduated from the 11th grade, the choice of a creative profession is quite wide. If a person likes to be in the center of attention and easily transforms, the profession of an actor will suit him. Other specialists are also in demand in the film industry:
- musicians;
- writers;
- artists.
The specifics of our time is such that they will never be left without work:
- editors;
- copywriters;
- journalists.
It happens that they subsequently create their own sites and start making big money. Our future is in our hands. The sooner a student after the 9th or 11th grade begins to master the specialty he liked, the sooner he will be able to establish himself in the market as a good specialist and will start earning big money. The most important thing to consider when choosing any specialty: it should be enjoyable, then work will turn into a holiday.
As the great Confucius said: “Do what you like, and you will not work a day in your life,” and he was absolutely right.