Choosing a humanitarian profession

Most people in the world are quite clearly divided into the humanities and the so-called techies - the former are used to operating more with words, while the latter prefer to deal with numbers. And although mathematical abilities often lead to the creation of some socially useful technologies and immensely enrichment, nevertheless, it is to the humanitarian sphere that the soul of the majority of people on the planet lies to a greater extent. It remains only to decide on the profession, and here the expanse is such that even we will consider it only briefly.
The concept of humanitarian professions is rather vague and should not be perceived only as opposed to the exact sciences, speaking in the language of numbers. The term comes from the Latin word humanus, that is, "human", which means that it concerns all spheres of human activity, opposed primarily to the study of machines. At the same time, the same economist, for example, is more concerned with the humanitarian plane, although he will constantly deal with figures.
In general, this is a global field of activity in which teachers, journalists, lawyers and many other professionals work equally.

It is not always possible at first glance to understand which profile is closer to a particular person - humanitarian or technical. If in doubt, you should try to look for those features that are considered characteristic of the humanities:
- willingness to communicate with people in large quantities, trying to fruitfully solve problems with this;
- creative inclinations, allowing each time to derive their own "formula";
- the desire to think actively, constantly come up with something new;
- focus on constant movement, a fundamental refusal to sit still all the time;
- love of reading, which means a constant search for new information and food for the mind.
At the same time, some or even all of the listed traits can also be possessed by a techie. Well, if, in addition to all that has been mentioned, you also have a craving for numbers, coupled with the ability to quickly operate with them - then you can freely choose any profession that exists on earth.
If numbers and formulas have always scared and repelled you, then humanitarian specialties are your future.

Overview of specialties
A complete list of humanitarian specialties, if such was ever compiled, would certainly contain hundreds and thousands of positions, but we will only start off from several obvious directions associated with the humanities and known to everyone. Perhaps among them there is not a sufficiently interesting option for you personally, but we will be able to broaden your horizons and give you a starting point from which you can build on in your search for a vocation. So, for you the best top professions of the near future.
Popular destinations
Humanities, it would seem, are widespread, but among them there are both more and less popular. For example, not everyone knows who a metrologist is, and without this narrow specialist, no measuring instruments would be accurate. We will now consider only those professions that are known to every person - they attract with social significance, a large salary and for many are the realization of a childhood dream.
- Lawyer. It is not entirely correct to call it a profession, since this is a whole group of specialties, and a very extensive one. We are talking about people who know the legislation in the smallest detail, and therefore can help both comply and bypass it. In practice, you can work as a judge, prosecutor, lawyer or just a consultant, but a high income is guaranteed - simply because it is difficult to do without the help of such a specialist.
This is one of the few professions that will allow a person to become a star and a recognizable character without even being a boss.

- Economist. Not so long ago, this profession was rightly considered one of the most demanded and rapidly gaining popularity, but now the peak of demand for it has already passed a little. The lowest level of success for an economist is that of an accountant, but as a career progresses, you can reach the point of tossing over huge capitals, giving advice on multi-million dollar investments and, of course, having a good percentage from this.
To do this, of course, you need to understand the laws of the market, anticipate risks and feel the benefits.

- Interpreter. The modern world is global - many borders between states are generally a convention, while others are confidently overcome by daily consignments of goods and tourists. International relations promise enormous benefits to everyone, which means that it is necessary that residents of different countries have the opportunity to understand each other or even draw up a legally correct contract in two languages with completely identical content.
It is generally accepted that translators are not paid so much for their work, at the level of 35-40 thousand rubles, but not if you speak rare languages and can translate simultaneously, working directly at international meetings.

- Marketer. Most of the successes of modern civilization became possible only due to the fact that humanity understood: trade is above all! However, today, given the crazy competition of goods on the world market, it is no longer enough to produce the highest quality products - you need to know how to make it cheaper, where to sell, how to persuade a potential buyer to choose your brand, and not competitors. A marketer is the very person who can solve all these problems, and at the same time build a general strategy for the development of a certain brand.
Top specialists of this kind know how to invest millions in order to get billions in the output - accordingly, their salaries also have a lot of zeros.

- Designer. According to the pyramid of needs, a person first of all wants to survive elementary, then - to increase comfort, and at the top - to satisfy his own aesthetic needs. As of the first half of the 21st century, humanity has reached a level of development when it is no longer so difficult for most people to survive - now the wealthiest of us want to surround ourselves with beauty. And if landscape design is a service for really wealthy clients, then in a broader sense, design is widely in demand in the trade already mentioned above as a way to compete for the consumer.

- Manager. Perhaps this is the profession that is most difficult to learn - it is associated not so much with acquired knowledge as with innate qualities, albeit properly cut. The task of a manager is to be the leader of his team, to be able to select the right personnel to solve the assigned tasks, to select the correct strategy for the development of a department or an entire enterprise.
In fact, this is a specialist in the intellectual field, engaged in organizing a fully functioning system of something.

Social and humanitarian
Although humanitarian specialties are directly related to human activity and in any case are engaged in its study, it is necessary to separately highlight the professions of a social and humanitarian orientation - those whose representatives constantly work with people, focusing on them or seeking to help them. The employer of such a specialist, who gives him a salary, will be one, but there are many clients or customers, and every day.
If society does not bother you, but on the contrary, you want to constantly rotate in it and help its individual members, then you will certainly be interested in such specialties.
- Educator. Everything that we have achieved over the millennia of development is due to the fact that it is natural for a person to share his own knowledge, while passing it on not only to his own, but also to other people's children. However, understanding any processes and the ability to express this in a simple and understandable language to someone who is lagging behind you in intellectual development is by no means an easy task. In addition, the duties of a teacher include not only the transfer of knowledge in a specialized subject, but also the upbringing of a successful, full-fledged personality. For some reason, most people consider only school teachers to be teachers, although in fact this also includes kindergarten teachers, university professors, and even tutors with fitness trainers.
The pay for this kind of work is usually not very high, but your role in society will be invaluable.

- Psychologist. Most of our problems are that we are not satisfied with something and sometimes we ourselves cannot understand what. Someone just needs to speak up, but somewhere reasonable advice will be appropriate - and a person who yesterday was distinguished by low productivity at work and extremely vague prospects in life, not to mention a dreary mood, suddenly becomes a successful person with a positive outlook. Several decades ago in our country it was considered a bit ashamed to be a client of a psychologist, but today it has become obvious to all of us that we should not deny ourselves from problems, but solve them.
If you get a job as a psychologist in some institution, then the salary there will be small, but a private practice with your own clients can almost make you rich.

- Doctor. The profession at the junction of the exact and the humanities is unlikely to seem useless to anyone - no matter how criticized modern domestic medicine, each of us can certainly recall a case when doctors helped him in a difficult situation.Perhaps you will treat an ordinary runny nose and never become a hero in the eyes of society, but it is possible that you will save lives literally every day.
Medicine is considered one of the most noble professions, and although the work of such specialists is not highly paid in public institutions, in a private clinic you can earn money so as not to regret anything.

- Journalist. And this, perhaps, is not even a job, but a way of life - at least if you can find a vacancy where they will force you to write not about the news of the entrance, but about what is really interesting. Just imagine: you yourself are looking for topics that excite you and many readers of your publication, conduct your own investigations, lay out conclusions and logical chains - and society, in fact, looks at the world through your eyes. For him, you are that smart person who figured out the incomprehensible and put it on the shelves, an example of a genius who understands everything, or even just a media star. At the same time, the essence of the work is to communicate with interesting people, constantly learn something new and, of course, not sit still!

- Diplomat. It has always been difficult to break into this sphere of activity, but whoever succeeded in it never regretted it. The meaning of the work is as follows: you represent an entire country somewhere abroad, being for your compatriots the personification of the power that the Motherland possesses. The profession is interesting if only because of the duty you will rarely have to be at home, but you will be able to see many other countries, and not in the mode of a fleeting vacation, but thoroughly - with several years of residence.
The work also involves regular communication with citizens of both home and foreign countries, acquaintance with the culture of the host state and its high-ranking citizens.

The ideal job is something that you would love to do, even for free, but at the same time you have a fixed and rather pleasant salary. Almost every person dreams of finding himself in the industry that has always interested him, and if for most people this remains a dream, a talented humanist can try to reach the top in what he does well.
Let's say right away that professions bordering on a hobby usually cannot be considered either too in-demand or insanely promising, but for some lucky ones they can turn out to be the highest paid.
- Writer. There is a category of people for whom composing various tales is a favorite way to amuse others or even oneself. Meanwhile, there is a demand in the society for entertaining content, and the market is ready to pay well those authors who will be read (listen to) by millions. Of course, it is important not only to invent unusual plot moves, but also to be able to express your own thoughts in a beautiful and orderly manner, but if you succeed, you can just write down your own thoughts - that's all the work! There can be no question of a stable income, but there is a chance to become a very recognizable person and even go down in history.
The only problem is that it is impossible to get an education as a writer - this is a talent that can only be cut off at the journalism department.

- Politician. Many would argue that politics fits the meaning of the creative sphere, but now we do not mean those figures from the TV who displease most of the citizens, but smaller officials who clearly do not work for the sake of money. If you have always liked playing various simulators on a PC that set the task of developing the entrusted city, then you can imagine what pleasure it will bring to work, albeit a low-paid one, which allows you to present your fellow countrymen with a new transport route, a new road, high-quality street lighting, and so on.
If a person's thoughts are pure, he can start a career even as a volunteer, without any payment for his labor, but in the future his dedication and willingness to work for the good of society will certainly be appreciated by people. And if the main goals are to help people or go down in history, then there may be no limits to career development at all!

- Actor. Many of us are taught from childhood to hide our own real emotions, and someone is perfectly able to show even what is not really there, and could become recognizable thanks to such a gift. The daily workflow is cramming scripts and repeated rehearsals in order to perform (or act in films) is relatively rare, but it also includes communication with interesting creative people, and deep acquaintance with a large number of different images. At the same time, even at the initial stages of his career, when a young artist is unlikely to be offered a lot of money, an additional reward that does not fill his pocket, but warms his pride, will be the applause of a grateful audience.

- Historian. This profession is considered in demand, and someone perceives it as a hobby. There are people who would gladly devote all their free time to studying what happened before, how and why - so, in their professional activities nothing else is required of them! To improve their own level, they should simply read thematic literature, communicate a lot with colleagues and, possibly, participate in excavations. All that is asked in return is to be a full-fledged part of the society of the same people who are fixated on what they love, that is, to multiply and disseminate the accumulated information at least at the level of a school teacher.

- Photographer. One of the most liberal professions of our time, which actually laid the foundation for the concept of modern freelancing. If you think that this work died with the appearance of the first mass-produced smartphones with a built-in camera, then you are very much mistaken, because only a professional knows how to correctly expose the light, select equipment and find angles, retouch photos and edit videos. You have probably noticed more than once that, with all your efforts, you often fail to take successful photos of important moments in your own life, but a professional photographer would probably cope with this task, and he can show everyday, banal things so that they seem to be a masterpiece.
Such work requires endless inspiration, but it certainly will not leave an active person hungry!

Which profession to choose?
There are two main tactics for choosing a profession with a humanitarian bias: you can focus on what you like to do most, or on higher earnings. Each approach has a right to life, but both are worth considering in more detail separately.
The good thing about chasing a dream is that you don't get tired of your work, and therefore you are already a happy person. By the way, the one who gave preference to the adored job is likely to become even more successful over time than the one who initially chased after money, unless he gives up trying to succeed on his thorny path to recognition. But you can start getting a specialty, to which your soul lies, not only after the 9th grade, but even in parallel with school at an earlier age - you will not show your diploma of a conventional photographer to anyone anyway, because it simply does not exist.
The desire to choose a profession for the sake of high income from the very start is both a plus and a minus. On the one hand, an unloved routine can make anyone doubt the correctness of their choice, on the other hand, a decent salary can smooth out dissatisfaction with boring duties. At the same time, of course, one must understand that torturing oneself for the sake of any amount of money is wrong and futile. For example, if the sight and smell of blood is unpleasant to you, even to the point of fainting, you will not be a surgeon, even for a huge salary.

Thus, the ideal choice of a profession is a combination of what you love and a salary that will suffice for a living.