Highly paid professions for girls

It is very useful to know the highest paid professions for girls in Russia and in the world; for many of them, this will allow them to correctly orient their careers. It is necessary to understand that after grades 9 and 11, a slightly different range of specializations is available. But the general list of professions with high wages for women is also important, of course.

Overview of high-wage occupations in Russia
Many people believe that the very word "humanist" is something contemptuous, that these are some kind of impractical and unnecessary professions, that it is extremely rare to work in a specialty, and even then for a minimal fee. However, among the humanitarian professions there are also quite expensive ones, which are now in demand in various parts of the country. Even notorious philologists and linguists can find a decent job for themselves, receiving about 150 thousand rubles a month or a comparable amount in foreign currency. And the humanitarian specialties, in general, include:
- pedagogy;
- journalism;
- sociology;
- jurisprudence;
- economic sciences;
- directing and acting.
Such specializations for girls are considered suitable for the reason that they are all somehow related to people. The lawyer is naturally among the highest paid humanitarian professions. Despite all the talk about the overproduction of such specialists, there are still not enough really conscientious and professional experts in law. They are needed everywhere:
- someone works for the state;
- someone is engaged in law practice;
- someone becomes a corporate lawyer;
- some associate their lives with academic research in the field of jurisprudence - which is also not so bad.
It is only necessary to understand that it is not so easy to gain access to prestigious positions. They are mainly waiting for people with experience who have repeatedly demonstrated the ability to solve complex legal and administrative problems.
Specializing in a narrow field (for example, musical copyright or African law) can be both a plus and a minus. On the one hand, this allows you to qualify for a higher salary, on the other hand, it will be more difficult to find a suitable place.

The situation with managers is essentially the same as with lawyers. The number of applicants for jobs is very high, but the share of real professionals among them is small. Therefore, all those who feel their vocation for leadership positions can safely try their hand at this business, ignoring the prevailing stereotypes. The salary of a boss, even in a small town, can be 30-40 thousand rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 50-60 thousand (the arithmetic average for middle-level managers). It should be borne in mind that vocational training with a high degree of probability will have to be paid out of pocket - the competition for budgetary and targeted places is huge.
It is also worth noting that Among the most popular vacancies among employers is the position of a marketer. Again, we are talking about competent people who really know how to analyze the situation on the markets and offer effective methods for promoting services. A special sector that is booming now is internet marketing. The average income of a marketer in the country is 40-45 thousand rubles. But it is also joined in many cases by bonus payments and sales interest.
The situation with designers is more complicated. The previous state of affairs, when you could just call yourself a designer and immediately have orders, is irrevocably gone. Now clients are already guided in this topic and choose specialists of a specific profile, and not “designers in general”. Most of the vacancies are now open in web design, slightly inferior to services for interior design or landscape design. Dressing up is quite relevant, but there are not enough free places in organizations.
Also, in the country as a whole, you still need:
- high-level economists;
- teachers (the development of their own original programs is encouraged);
- PR specialists (although they have just faded into the shadows a little compared to the 2000s);
- translators;
- photographers and videographers.

The right choice can only be made taking into account the peculiarities of your region. So, in Perm, among the humanitarian professions, the following are in demand:
- managers;
- online designers;
- marketers.
In Omsk, unexpectedly, mediators (specialists in conflict resolution) can count on a high level of income. A number of sources indicate that their income is from 65 thousand rubles. But you need to approach this information with caution, because it may be a temporary fashion or limited saturation of the labor market, which will soon pass. It is better to choose a conservative approach, and focus on the always necessary positions in the field of management, state and municipal administration, jurisprudence.
And in Novosibirsk, according to the latest data, the most in demand among organizations are:
- regional representatives;
- sales managers;
- internet managers and managers of online stores;
- psychologists;
- journalists;
- bank specialists.

But for women and girls, the list of technical specialties with decent pay will be no less interesting at times. Someone is attracted to such activities (which once again proves the absence of a once and for all human nature), someone simply seeks to take a less competitive position, and not prove their managerial talents for the hundredth time. In connection with the development of Internet communications, quite solid salaries can be received by:
- programmers;
- database specialists;
- webmasters;
- information security specialists;
- equipment repair and maintenance specialists;
- system administrators (but it should be borne in mind that now they need not so much to set up equipment as to differentiate user permissions and monitor compliance with these permissions, plus "track holes in the system").
More traditional technical majors should not be discounted as well. So, organizations throughout Russia are now in dire need of:
- design engineers;
- other engineers in the construction industry;
- ship engineers;
- oil and gas engineers and technicians;
- energy specialists;
- process engineers;
- developers of robotics;
- chief engineers;
- operators of automatic production lines for various purposes;
- 3D printing engineers.

You don't have to look for well-paid jobs in the humanities or technology sectors. Many interesting female (mainly or partially) professions are in the field of creativity. It is unlikely that there are so many people who would not dream in childhood at least once, even for a minute, about an artistic or singing career, about the fame and attention of the press. But a creative streak can be shown not only in the light of spotlights or in an art gallery - the opportunities for applying one's strength are much more multifaceted. So, organizing holidays and other events can be a relatively good choice.
For those who are able to give an unforgettable experience, people are ready to pay serious money. If you have imagination, the ability to organize the work of other people (and it is impossible to prepare a celebration “in one hand”), there should be no problems in work. The scope for the embodiment of fantasies is limited only by the budget provided by the customers. There will be a minimum of office and clerical work. It is more difficult with the position of an art photographer: due to the very low entry bar, this segment of the labor market is very overloaded, and you will have to try very hard to prove your high professionalism.
You can also try yourself as a creative director. Such specialists are needed:
- advertising agencies;
- various media;
- the same entertainment industry.
This specialization is suitable for those who wish not only to show originality and gush with fresh ideas, but also to lead other people.

However, some of the girls do not feel a special craving for communication, and they should do more calm types of creativity. For example, floristry. Only those who have a developed artistic and aesthetic taste will be able to express themselves in this area. And if there is a desire to maintain communication only with a more or less stable circle of clients, then the profession of a stylist-make-up artist will do.
Gradually, it is being replaced by the profession of a luker. Such people are not limited only by the appearance of the face and skin. They shape the look of their client completely, creating several images for a variety of life situations. Such images also include clothing and accessories. So far, the profession is just being formed in our country, in contrast to foreign countries, but at least it is worth taking a closer look at it.
Creativity can also be shown as a jeweler. This is a very painstaking and delicate work. Also, the work of an illusionist is not complete without imagination. Attention: in both of these specialties, technical means are actively used, therefore, there is nothing to do there without knowledge of technology, chemistry and physics. Another creative option is writing.
However, modern trends are sad - only a few people get really high income, and thousands of other writers, regardless of their talents, are doomed to meager fees, no higher than that of office workers.

Profitable specialties in the world
But it is not enough to characterize the situation in Russia alone. It is necessary to pay attention to the prospects for the whole world. Surgeons are paid very well abroad. And even in our country, their average income is from 55 thousand rubles. Anesthesiologists, on whom the life and health of those operated on depend almost as much as on the surgeon, also receive a decent amount of money.
Leaders everywhere in the world have excellent incomes, especially at the top. They are paid to analyze complex situations quickly, coordinate the work of large numbers of people, and be responsible for decisions. Estimating the average income of a boss is impossible - it is highly dependent on the country, industry and the size of the organization. But it is known for sure that pilots of civil and transport aircraft receive decent remuneration. In our country, their salaries can be 300-400 thousand, abroad - up to 1 million rubles, sometimes a little more.
Dentists also have very good salaries. Their risk is much less than that of aviators, but the responsibility is also very great. The demand for such a profession is objective and is associated with people's concern for their health. It is easy to find jobs for dentists with salaries higher than the average for the economy. Also, all over the world work is well paid:
- marketers;
- qualified lawyers with experience;
- information technology specialists;
- geneticists and breeders;
- employees of advertising services.

It is also interesting to look at the situation in individual states. So, in Kazakhstan, women and girls can apply for a decent income in positions:
- heads of enterprises and organizations;
- branch managers;
- oil industry workers;
- business consultants;
- qualified lawyers (but here again experience and reputation are needed);
- pharmacists;
- specialists in tourism and hotel business.
In Belarus, substantial salaries are paid to those employed in the field of information technology and communications. But in agricultural enterprises and in the service sector, incomes are the least significant. As in Kazakhstan, pilots and other air transport specialists have good incomes in Belarus. Vacancies are also prestigious:
- IT specialists;
- oil refining engineers and technologists;
- financiers;
- builders;
- logisticians;
- dentists;
- insurers.

For quite a few people, the top salary in Korea will also be interesting. It is unusual for people from Russia and other CIS countries that a simple school teacher gets there. It is the most common, that is, in the state general education system.
This is due to the fact that the development of education there is a priority in deeds, and not in words. The employees employed in it are surrounded by honor and attention.
In South Korea, civil service in all its manifestations has a very impressive authority. Judges, lawyers (performing here also the function of a notary), prosecutors, doctors and other employees of the state apparatus have a solid income. Translators, especially those who are highly qualified and able to translate from rare languages, can have a good income. In such a high-tech state, decent salaries are naturally paid:
- programmers and specialists adjacent to them;
- engineers;
- scientists;
- qualified technicians and technologists of any industry (however, you will have to master the Korean language).

Where is the best to go?
After grade 9
And yet, before thinking about immigration, it is worth finding out your prospects in the domestic labor market. Ultimately, those who have already worked somewhere will be more readily accepted everywhere in the world than "dark horses". If you had to finish schooling in grade 9, this is definitely not a reason to be upset. You can start mastering the profession of a manager.Of course, a career start will take place on average, or even at the lowest level, but any path begins with the first step, you can finish your studies later, in practice, and any sane CEO highly appreciates people who started their way “on earth”.
Gradually, as the career progresses, income will also increase. But decent companies pay substantial sums of money to accountants. This is largely due to the preservation of commercial and financial secrets of the enterprise, as well as the fact that without sensible accounting of funds, the organization can go bankrupt very quickly. Even without higher education, it is quite possible to master the skills of a beautician, stylist and makeup artist. Many successful professionals have learned everything they need themselves, from practicing masters or directly working in the salon.

After grade 11
Of course, those who graduated from school have much more opportunities for career guidance and employment. So, you can master the same professions from the world of information technology much better and more fully. In addition to programming for large computers, you can create programs for mobile applications, test software. Another relevant profession for girls after grade 11 is a realtor. Even modest percentages from real estate transactions generate substantial earnings. Important: realtors work irregularly, and they can at any time be "disrupted" to show housing or for some other purpose. It is necessary, although rarely, to go on the road even at night. However, the weekend in the real estate business is also conditional. It is recommended, in addition to legal training, to study psychology and finance on your own.
This education is even more important for auditors. They work in about the same way as accountants, only they do not draw up documents, but check them. A trader can also earn a lot of money. Buying and reselling various stocks, other securities and raw materials allows you to make money on the difference in value. But you will have to constantly monitor its dynamics and master complex analysis algorithms. Curiously, some successful traders do not have an economic education - most likely, they just studied mathematics carefully. Such a profession gives complete freedom from a specific place - if only there is a decent high-speed connection around.
Of the negative aspects, it is worth mentioning:
- significant stress on the nervous system;
- instability and unpredictability;
- the likelihood of being left with nothing with a small mistake.
Those who are able to negotiate with other people and have analytical skills, are persistent should work as a logistician. Candidates are practically not considered without higher education.

It should be borne in mind that many tasks are not only difficult, but sometimes do not have an unambiguous solution. Each of the available solutions has both pros and cons; you will have to draw up a balance and see in which case it is better.
Careers worth considering:
- diplomat;
- translator;
- HR specialist;
- veterinarian;
- chemist;
- an architect;
- tourism manager;
- flight attendants;
- nanotechnologist;
- robotics;
- nutritionist;
- pharmacologist;
- police officer;
- judges.