
What kind of programmers are there?

What kind of programmers are there?
  1. What kind of system programmers are there?
  2. Applied types
  3. Testers and technical support
  4. Similar professions

Each person, to one degree or another, can consider himself a programmer, as he plans for himself certain life situations, his own time and sequence of actions, subconsciously adjusting his actions to certain algorithms.

Professional programmers are engaged in transferring life tasks into a computer understandable language, coding them in various languages ​​and creating algorithms for computer actions, imitating human thinking.

What kind of system programmers are there?

System programmers include specialists developing and coding components of operating systems, device drivers and software complexes directly related to the system kernel. They provide the interconnection of all parts of the operating system so that it works as a single organism. Also on the shoulders of system specialists are all actions with databases: from development to administration.

In organizations, as a rule, a system programmer combines the positions of a system administrator and a software engineer, having the skills to work with various types of computer and microcontroller equipment, including robotics and CNC machines.

In systems programming, there are several essential features associated with software development that require the following skills from an employee:

  • proficiency in programming languages ​​of low (Assembler) and intermediate (C) levels along with high-level languages ​​(C ++, Python, etc.);
  • database administration (SQL, Oracle, etc.);
  • knowledge of the hardware of computer equipment;
  • knowledge of microcontrollers;
  • ability for regular self-study.

The activity of the system engineer is not limited to ensuring the coordinated operation of the components of a separate computer complex, but also extends to the implementation of the uninterrupted operation of both internal and external networks and network devices. This requires a good knowledge of the construction of computer networks, network data transfer protocols and server applications.

The systems approach differs from applied programming in a number of features that are reflected in the activities and thinking of the programmer, which requires an emphasis on only one of these specializations.

Applied types

If system programming involves engineering skills, which is typical for the male part of the population, then applied programming is concentrated mainly on proficiency in programming languages, knowledge of the most used algorithms and the use of a design component, which is equally suitable for girls.

Application programming is the development and debugging of software applications adapted for a common computer user. These include almost all applications for specific activities (engineering and accounting programs, text, sound and video editors, etc.).

The list of functional purposes of applied software covers almost all types of human activity.

According to the Russian classifier of professional activity of the specialty, the programmer was assigned the code 25857.

Specialists associated with applied programming should have the following knowledge and skills:

  • be proficient in several high-level languages ​​(C ++, Python, Java, etc.);
  • be able to compose algorithms using procedural and object-oriented (OOP) approaches to programming;
  • have the skills to use various IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) - an integrated development environment;
  • be able to perform high-quality testing and debugging of the created software.

There are the following conditional levels for assessing the professionalism of applied programmers (in ascending order).

  • Junior - this is the initial level with a minimum threshold of knowledge and skills for entry, i.e., the presence of a minimum of practical experience and theoretical knowledge. At this stage, the programmer is given standard tasks for coding individual components, and allows the development (GUI) of standard user interfaces and web sites using templates. He is also entrusted with all the work related to drawing, including the front-end development of web resources (the appearance of sites as they are displayed in browsers).
  • Middle - the most essential part of all programmers are professionals in their field with vast practical experience and a voluminous theoretical base. As a rule, they know several programming languages ​​and are able to manipulate databases with dexterity, as well as successfully debug their part of the generated code. This type includes good performers who can write simple and understandable code to perform specific tasks. The middle level also provides for the skill of back-end development (software development for the server part of a web resource).
  • Senior Is the top rung of the programmed habitat food chain. In professional terms, this type combines the knowledge and skills of Middle-specialists and the ability to generate ideas using a non-standard approach. Specialists of this class are able to work with a large team as architects and programmers at the same time, creating a single software whole from pieces of executor codes, testing and modifying it before releasing the final product. In fact, this level involves proficiency in a number of related professions, such as debugger and software architect.

According to the all-Russian classifier, the embedded application programs are assigned the code 0, and the system code - 02.

Testers and technical support

A tester, or software testing engineer, controls the quality of the software being created. Along with finding errors, it monitors the speed and quality of code execution. When it detects an error, it fixes it and passes the data back to the developers to fix it.

To work as a tester, you need minimal skills and knowledge in the IT sphere, so this profession is considered one of the initial ones for entering the software development environment.

Activities of a competent tester significantly saves the financial and time resources of the company for the development of a software product... Soft is tested in various ways, step by step, and bugs are reported to the developers. The tester must have a good knowledge of the goals and functionality of the product being created. Along with functionality, it should evaluate usability from the user's point of view and advise developers accordingly.

There are many types of validation. For example, a test to see if the functionality of a product meets its calculated load on hardware and other components. It also checks the functionality of databases when entering and destroying data, as well as checking for security conditions - user authentication.

The testing engineer checks the code compliance with all the declared technical data and finds bugs - errors.

The tester is also responsible for the preparation of technical documentation for the tested product. They also produce reports and develop scripts and testing tools. These engineers test the software product in two modes:

  • alpha testing - product under development;
  • beta testing - the first version of the finished product.

Also, specialists of this profile, as a rule, provide technical support for web resources, answering questions and giving recommendations to users online. The stated responsibilities of a tester consist of the following stages:

  • testing and analysis;
  • preparation of technical reports and debugging.

This type of activity requires attention and ingenuity and is considered a good springboard for a career in the field of IT-technology.

Similar professions

There are many types of programming: from writing software for microcontrollers and mobile applications to creating compilers and entire operating systems. Accordingly, there are quite a few similar professions of a programmer: from mathematical calculations and the development of algorithms to the creation of the architecture of large projects, the codes of which are compiled in various programming languages. The creation of a software product involves: scriptwriters, algorithms, coders, designers, layout designers, debuggers, translators and architects.

Specialists in the field for which the product is being created can also be involved: mathematicians, physicists, engineers, etc.

It is important at the stage of project preparation and testing to attract potential users in order to take into account their recommendations during the creation process for the convenience of the user. At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to interact between the creator of the algorithm, the designer and the potential consumer in order to determine the required functionality and create a user-friendly interface.

In the process of creating an algorithm, the participation of its developer, coders of software modules and a project architect is required. And when developing web applications, the involvement of a designer and HTML-coder is simply necessary.

Business analyst in fact, he is the translator of the customer's requirements and wishes into a language understandable to the developers.The customer, as a rule, sets the task vaguely, not knowing the intricacies of the program process, therefore, the business analyst, having listened to the wishes of the client, creates a formal description of the project, forming it in the form of a technical task. This work must combine the business logic of the customer with the possibilities of real implementation.

All specified specialists must at least navigate related professions so that during the development process there is no misunderstanding between specialists... Ideally, the designer should have a rough knowledge of HTML layout and have some Photoshop skills, and the encoder should be able to work with several programming languages ​​and master the art of debugging. It's not a bad thing when programmers are proficient in both mathematical techniques and the architectural art of assembling and linking software modules written in different programming languages.

A programmer's career can take shape in two main directions: increasing professionalism in the chosen segment of product development and in managerial improvement. The best architects, project managers and IT-directors come from the programmer environment, as they know the whole “kitchen” of software development from the inside.

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