Choosing large pads

No woman can do without such a hygiene product as sanitary pads. On the shelves of stores and pharmacies, there are many options for these intimate hygiene products. The main difference between all spacers is their size. Different in size, different pads are able to absorb different amounts of liquid. And if for a small amount of secretions hygiene products are presented in many options, and there will be no difficulties when purchasing them, then the choice of large-sized pads should be approached more seriously, taking into account some of their features.

The peculiarity of women's pads of a large size is the ability to absorb a large amount of secretions. This effect is achieved through:
- oversized gasket;
- special absorbent material.
Thanks to this, large pads absorb liquid better and faster, and provide higher protection in case of heavy discharge.

The largest female pads are used in the following cases:
- with heavy or frequent menstrual flow;
- in the postpartum period;
- in the presence of urological problems associated with urinary incontinence.
When choosing large pads, these features should be taken into account, and look for a note on the pack on the purpose of hygiene products.

Top brands
Manufacturers involved in the production of feminine intimate hygiene products, as a rule, produce a full line of panty liners in different sizes. Therefore, large pads for menstruation can be purchased from almost any well-known brand. The most popular and convenient to use are gaskets of several brands.
- Natalie and Bella... They have the highest absorbency - it is about 148 and 130 grams, respectively.And also they have a high absorption rate, which is only 1 second. The disadvantages of these brands of hygiene products include a large thickness and a small sticky layer for fastening.
- Ola, Winion. These hygiene products can be ranked second in terms of the amount of absorbed liquid - 121 grams. The absorption time is 2 seconds. And also their low cost can be attributed to the positive characteristics.
- Libresse... These hygiene products of the largest sizes are able to absorb slightly less moisture compared to the previous ones, about 90 grams. The absorption time is 3 seconds. But their feature is a thinner anatomical shape. The disadvantages include the high cost.

The ranking of the best postpartum protective products is presented by several brands.
- Peligrin. These hygiene products have a soft surface with an antibacterial layer, high reliability due to the presence of a sticky layer.
- Helen Harper. These products of the Belgian brand also occupy one of the leading positions. Thanks to the soft layer and elastic bands on the sides, they provide reliable protection and are well attached to special panties, do not slip while wearing.
- Hartmann Samu. They have several layers of absorbent breathable material, capable of absorbing a large volume of liquid. Produced in sterile packaging, which prevents the growth of bacteria. But due to the lack of a sticky layer, it is recommended to use it only with special postpartum panties.

Urological pads should be distinguished into a separate group. The ranking of the best brands in this category is represented by several brands.
- Tena Lady Slim Normal. Refers to panty liners and are recommended for women with mild incontinence. These pads do not have side flaps, but have side elastic bands for a tighter fit and protection from leaks.
- Seni... These hygiene products come in many models. They are able not only to absorb moisture, but also to distribute it evenly. And also these hygiene products have an antibacterial effect and are able to retain odor.

Selection Tips
When buying large size women's pads, you need to be very careful. To find the most suitable option, you should follow the recommendations of experts.
- Observe the manufacturer's information on the packaging... This will allow you to select the product of the desired category and degree of protection.
- Buy gaskets only for the category for which they are designed... This will provide the desired comfort and protection against leaks.
- If there is an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to choose hygiene products with a fragrance.
- Consider the thickness and select suitable clothing in advance. As due to the presence of several absorbent layers, some types of pads may be visible under clothing.
- Pay attention to the fastening method... Some types have a special sticky layer, others are equipped with side rubber bands, but there are also models without fasteners.
The choice of gaskets, depending on the method of attachment, is based on individual preferences.