Discreet Panty Liners Review

Discreet gaskets are one of the brainchilds of Procter and Gamble. The company's pricing policy, a variety of assortments have made the products in demand for many years. But sometimes the information that is indicated on the package is not enough to fully understand the operation of the product, its features, and specifics. And it's hard to compare one hygiene product to another. Well, in this review there is enough information to form your theoretical opinion about the functionality of the Discrete gaskets, their assortment and more. It's about panty liners.

Advantages and disadvantages
Just looking at the packaging, it is impossible to understand what is special about the Discrete daily. The design is recognizable, modern, bright - that's all. Having studied the assortment and composition in more detail, certain conclusions can be drawn.

Discrete panty liners are:
- glue missing on the linen after using the product;
- affordable price;
- soft to the touch material;
- different packaging sizes - there are also those that fit in a small bag;
- Beautiful design;
- the shape of the pad that can adapt to different underwear;
- comfort when worn;
- reliable fastening.

These are all obvious benefits. If we talk about the shortcomings, then the main thing will be the lack of individual packaging. In a common box, daily pads are, of course, protected from dust and other possible external agents, but you won't carry the whole box with you in your purse, for example. And you won't be able to get a couple of pieces out of it and just shove them into the bag - they can get dirty there. So the girls will have to come up with bags and other tricks, correcting the omission of the manufacturer.

The risk of an allergic reaction is another obvious drawback. However, it applies to all panty liners.And although their very name is unambiguous, it is unreasonable and dangerous to use these funds every day.
They affect the microflora of the vagina, they only help pathogens become more active, therefore, you should wear daily pads of any brand only in situations where you cannot do without them.

Variety of assortment
And now about what exactly Discrete offers its customers, what to choose depending on the request.
Deo Irresistible Multiform
These are ultra-thin pads that have a light, unobtrusive scent.... Yes, many women prefer unscented hygiene products, but there are also those who enjoy scenting. The main thing is that it should not be excessive. And this kind of panty liner really offers a light scent, pleasant, delicate.
The pads are designed to absorb a small amount of secretions. For example, those that are observed on the days of ovulation. But wearing pads on the last day of menstruation, when the discharge, albeit scarce, but still significant, is a dubious idea. This option may seem too subtle, unreliable for such a purpose.

It is assumed that the thin pad is composed of layers that allow air to enter the material and allow gentle contact with the skin.
The product has an adaptive shape, that is, it can adapt to different types of linen. You can buy a pack of 20 pieces and 60 pieces, the latter option is more profitable in terms of cost savings.
The main advantage of the product is its subtlety: the spacer is less than 1 mm, in fact, it is not even felt. And 4 flexible zones make it possible to adjust to the linen without slipping. The pad follows the movements of the user, that is, it is really comfortable to wear. Sold in black packaging.

Air Multiform
This product is not scented (it says 0% perfume), which reduces the risk of an allergic reaction. These pads are sold for every day in a blue package, you can buy 20, 60 and 100 pieces. Considered to be the most economical packaging with hundreds of pads, it lasts more than 4 months of use.
The advantages of a hygienic product are the reliable fixation of the napkin on the linen thanks to its long-lasting adhesive base. The manufacturer himself declares its product as breathable, although, of course, not a single panty liner can be called completely breathable.

Users note that the advantageous aspects of these pads are comfort, softness, pleasant skin, as well as the adequacy of value for money.
Deo summer fresh
They are sold in a package that is pink on top and orange on the bottom. There is also a flower drawn there. You can buy a package of 20 pieces and 60 pieces. The aroma of summer freshness is embedded in the name itself, and it really can be traced in the product. It is suitable for light secretions, adapts to any form of linen. Its layers allow you to retain moisture inside and create soft contact with the skin.

Pads are considered breathable due to micropores, but this indicator is relative. It is indeed better than many other options, but completely breathable pads do not exist.
It is believed that a regular natural fabric lining is better. Users note its pleasant aroma of freshness, which is especially pleasing in the heat.
Classic panty liners are sold in dark pink packaging. They have no smell. They are very thin - so much so that they may not be felt at all when worn. Freedom of movement is provided without any constraint or inconvenience. The classic shape of the pads allows them to easily attach to the linen. Suitable for regular panties.
The product is sold in 20 and 60 pieces per pack. Suitable for wearing on days of discharge, sometimes it can also be used as a pad for the last days of menstruation, when the discharge is already extremely smeared. You do not have to worry about the fact that the contour of the pads will be visible, for example, through jeans - "Discrete" are very thin for such an incident.

Water lily multiform
The turquoise box sells pads with a light scent of water lily.They are distinguished by silky wings and an oval center. You can attach them to any kind of panties. You can safely dance in them, play sports, do not limit your activity in any way.
The first layer reliably retains moisture inside the pad, the second layer is very soft, it will not irritate the skin when touched. The product is sold in 20, 60 and 100 pieces. The more pieces in a package, the more economical the purchase.

Zone plus water lily
The color of the box is between blue and green and is textured. The difference between this product is that it is ready to absorb more than classic daily pads. The manufacturer has developed a special absorbent zone that organizes additional protection. They are increasingly used to relieve stress in the last days of menstruation. You can be sure that the absorbency is strong and that the pad will sit comfortably, will not slip or let you down.

Among all the women's daily "Discrit", these are the most powerful. And the reviews say the same.
Deo Spring Breeze Multiform
And the manufacturer gave this product the scent of a spring breeze, but they can be worn, of course, not only in spring. Ordinary panties, thongs and shorts will fit under the socks of these pads - and so are the slips. The product is multi-layered, albeit thin, and it is also distinguished by a lace design, an oval shape.
These pads are not felt on the body, therefore they can be worn for training and for jogging - anywhere. It is easy to find them by their pale blue packaging, you can buy 20, 60 and 100 pieces.

Normal Plus
In burgundy packaging with texturing, they sell panty liners of the classic type, which can be attributed to the line of reinforced protection. They will allow you to absorb a little more secretions than normal everyday life. That is why they can be worn by women after childbirth in the very last days of the lochies. Sometimes they are chosen for wearing by those who suffer from mild urinary incontinence.
The fixation on the underwear is practically perfect, because the shape of the pads adapts to any panties. The product is sold in a package of 50 pieces.

Review overview
Analysis of reviews of real users gives even more information about the product: we can mark those aspects that are a priority for women.
The main theses about the daily "Discrit" can be seen in the reviews.
- Adheres well to underwear. They do not curl, do not slide to the side or back, which does not lead to inconvenience. The adhesive base in them is quite reliable.
- The aromatic base in the daily routine can threaten with allergies, but Discrete selects the aroma base in this way, to actually eliminate this possibility.
- There is no need to choose different pads for different underwear. Alas, this is the case with other products. "Discreet" is created so that any type of panties is not a ban on wearing the same pantyhose.

Among the remarks, which, no doubt, are also found, the lack of individual packaging and the fact that there are no pads with a more breathable composition in the line. Micropores are present in the Discrete product, but nothing innovative has yet been invented - and regular customers are waiting for a breakthrough, because they have long known about the greenhouse effect and possible problems associated with it.