What are panty liners for?

Panty liners have become part of the usual hygiene kit for women. It seems that one cannot do without them. True, not everyone knows about the correct use, the pros and cons of gaskets. They also say that they can be harmful to health (and doctors say). It's time to understand the issue, debunk the myths and decide whether this is a blessing or just marketing.
Main functions
Hygiene products for every day are produced to keep underwear clean and fresh - this is their main function. But the concept of “daily” is wrong to correlate with the words “every day”, because in fact, in most cases, there is no need to wear them every day.

They are considered useful in the following cases:
- safety net before the onset of menstruation;
- as additional protection when using tampons;
- active stage of thrush;
- mild urinary incontinence;
- keeping the laundry clean when it comes to a situation where proper hygiene is not possible (on the road, for example).
They are also used by women in the last days of menstruation, when the discharge is scarce and there is no need to use ordinary pads. Or at the end of the lochia (postpartum natural secretions), daily routines can also help out.
But panty liners for every day cannot be called a panacea, because the harm from wearing them can also be significant.

What are the dangers of daily routine for girls:
- changes in the microflora of the vagina - due to the use of pads, the activity of harmful microorganisms may increase, and the discharge will become even more intense;
- the emerging thrush - yes, it really can be caused by the same daily routine (this happens if a change in flora coincides with dysbiosis, a decrease in immunity);
- skin irritation - often occurs in adolescent girls who are addicted to this remedy, and in adult women;
- allergy - no one is immune from such an individual reaction.
Any of the above signs is a reason to immediately abandon the gaskets. Yes, and it is time for many to understand that they are needed only in a number of cases, and that if you already wear them, then you need to change them often, not allowing you to create changes in the microflora of the genital organs.

Why wear pads during pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a time when there is no menstruation, and therefore you can forget about panty liners for 9 months. But daily, on the contrary, often become relevant precisely during pregnancy. It seems that the discharge is getting more, the laundry gets dirty more, so the expectant mother resorts to such everyday hygiene.
But obstetricians-gynecologists look at such methods of preserving the freshness of linen with skepticism. Many of them even warn their patients about the dangers of funds, and it is worth explaining in a little more detail why this is not groundless.
What happens to the vaginal microflora during pregnancy, and what effect does the daily routine have.
- The vagina is lined with a mucous membrane, one of the functions of which is protective. So that the mucous membrane does not dry out, the body secretes a secret - whitish, semi-liquid, having an acidic reaction. It is with this secret that the infectious factor leaves the body.
- During pregnancy, significant changes occur in the body: the thickness of the mucous layer of the vagina increases, the quantity and quality of the discharge changes. And there are more of them as the gestation period grows. In a word, this lubricant is necessary for the body, it does not injure the mucous membrane, prevents the penetration of infection.
- Panty liners - both daily and regular - create a greenhouse effect at the entrance to the vagina. This is because the gaskets are made of synthetic materials. That is, the skin does not breathe under them. Bacteria and fungi spread more actively in warmth and moisture. And then there is no need to explain further: the situation is becoming threatening.
- And the manufacturer is increasingly adding impregnation with fragrances to the pads, and this is already fraught with allergies. The load on the immune system of a pregnant woman is growing (and in fact it has already increased).
- Physiological secretions accumulate on the pad during the day, they become the center of attraction for pathogens. And if you rarely change the pad, the risks of imbalance in the physiology of the genitals are growing rapidly.

What to do? Changing panties 5 times a day is a problem, more precisely, it is simply not always possible. Doctors say that you need to look for an alternative and adapt to the situation. If at some point there is nothing to replace the daily routine, they can be used, but taking into account the frequent change. But if possible, it is better to choose pads with fabric linings (the fabric must be natural). Yes, there is more trouble, but this is a much safer way to keep the genitals clean.
Many girls do not want to admit it, but there really is no convenient option. You will have to sacrifice time, remember about frequent washing, and even more frequent than usual change of linen. The daily routine should be used less frequently and changed at least 5-6 times a day.

Usage Tips
The application algorithm will differ little from what is typical for conventional gaskets.
It's worth repeating it just in case.
- Hands should be washed with soap, and the genitals should also be washed.
- Now you can take the pad out of the package, separate it from the bag.
- The pad is glued to the bottom of the panties (bottom), located in the center. It should not move forward or backward.
- It is supposed to change the pad every 3 hours (maximum - 4), and this does not depend on the level of filling of the absorbent layer.
- When removing the gasket, it must be rolled up into a tube or otherwise folded - the main thing is to be compact. And then throw it into the trash can. Not in the toilet!
- After attaching the gasket, you need to wash your hands again.
This instruction seems to be nothing new to anyone, although adolescent girls who are first introduced to hygiene products may have difficulty. And even more so it is unlikely that they themselves can choose high-quality daily. Needless to say, not all adults understand this.

Which gaskets should you choose?
Pure white with no other shades is preferred. Such a product is less likely to be fraught with allergic reactions, because there is no dye in it. Finally, on white, highlights are more informative (their color, number).
Unscented pads are definitely better, and not just for sensitive skin. But aromatization often leads to itching and irritation of the skin. And the third-party smell does not particularly mask the natural one.
Embossed pads are considered more comfortable because they fit better with the woman's anatomy. If you have a choice, it is better to buy panty liners that are packed in personalized bags. Yes, from the point of view of ecology, this is a minus, but from the point of view of hygiene, it is a plus.
Discharge from the genitals does not occur every day, and if so, you should see a doctor. Therefore, there is definitely no point in using panty liners all the time. Knowing your body, cycle, its features, it is easy to understand when daily routines help out and are really necessary. But the situation where they are used every day should be ruled out.
If during the application of the pads there is an itching and burning sensation, any discomfort, you do not need to continue using. You can choose the right product with a doctor, the question is not worth hesitation.

And, of course, those girls who are careful about consumption should consider alternatives to using disposable pads. Yet this is garbage that is collected in huge quantities.