How often should panty liners be changed?

The use of panty liners has made the lives of modern women much easier. They are irreplaceable when there is no opportunity to take a shower, at a party or while traveling. Daily routines help your underwear stay clean and fresh at all times. Manufacturers offer to purchase a wide variety of these intimate feminine hygiene products. You can buy pads of various shapes, colors, different materials of the top layer and absorbent.

General replacement rules
Panty liners have the same shape as regular sanitary towels, but they are slightly smaller in size. Also, the pads are thinner. Most often, panty liners are used mid-cycle to absorb minor vaginal secretions.
Therefore, many believe that only one pad can be used for every day and it cannot be replaced during the day... However, this opinion is erroneous, since even insignificant secretions can serve as a favorable breeding ground for bacteria.
Pathogenic flora can cause allergic reactions, expressed in the appearance of itching, irritation, dryness, discomfort in the intimate area.

In order to prevent unpleasant consequences, you need to change panty liners at least once every 4-6 hours. In order to replace the gasket, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Wash hands with antibacterial soap and dry with a clean cloth. If washing your hands with soap is not possible, you can use wet wipes with an antibacterial effect.
- Remove used gasket.
- Take a clean daily routine and empty it from its individual packaging.
- Remove the protective film from the sticky layer.
- Fix the pad to the inside of the underwear.
- If the daily has wings, remove the protective paper strip from them and attach to the underpants from the outside.
- When finished, wash your hands with soap or wipe them with a napkin.

How often to change with profuse discharge?
Sometimes daily intimate hygiene products are used in the last days of menstruation, when the discharge is not as intense as in the first days. For such situations, you need to buy daily intimate hygiene products with an increased absorbent layer. It will protect against leaks and prevent damage to your underwear. Panty liners with wings are best if you have a heavy flow, as they will help provide extra protection.
Since the panty liner is much smaller and thinner than usual, it will need to be replaced more often if the discharge is heavy. It is recommended to use a clean daily in these cases. every 2 hours... Otherwise, the gasket will not only fail to provide the required level of protection, but a large amount of moisture can lead to inflammation.

Specialist recommendations
The fact that panty liners make life easier for girls is undeniable, but the opinions of gynecologists on the issue of daily wearing pads were divided into 2 groups.
The former argue that even the daily use of pads does not have a negative effect on the microflora of the vagina, which is confirmed by numerous studies carried out in this area.
There is also an opinion of doctors that daily wearing of a product, even with a thin absorbent layer, leads to a greenhouse effect. Excess moisture, accumulating, serves as a favorable breeding ground for bacteria that cause burning, dryness, and inflammation. Therefore, some doctors recommend using daily feminine hygiene products only in exceptional cases, when it is not possible to change clothes or take a shower if necessary.

Most experts agree that daily should be worn only on the days when ovulation occurs and natural secretions become more intense.
In other cases, it is better to take a shower and change your underwear.
But if the use of panty liners is necessary, you should choose products made from breathable material. Special micropores on the non-woven material from which the panty liners are made help the air to circulate, eliminating the accumulation of excess liquid inside the pad. The manufacturer usually indicates the information on the use of breathable material in production on the packaging.