All about panty liners

The preferences of girls and women around the world for personal care products such as pads are among the most controversial. Often, it is almost impossible to find suitable products that are ideal in all respects.
This is especially true for daily routines, because they are used most often by the fair sex. This article will tell you about what the modern panty liner market is like, as well as how to choose the right products for yourself.

Features and purpose
There is a general misconception that discharge from the female genital organs is a mandatory sign of dysbiosis, as well as other diseases or disorders. However, healthy women also have discharge, sometimes it is even an indicator that ovulation is occurring (which is one of the signs of a healthy woman capable of giving birth). The average volume of healthy secretions can be from 1 to 5 ml per day, depending on the individual characteristics of each woman.
Only a few of the characteristic discharge and a large number of it are unhealthy. However, some, even healthy, discharge can be uncomfortable. It was to eliminate it that the daily feminine hygiene pads were created. They differ from ordinary ones in purpose, appearance, absorbency, materials of manufacture. Their level of absorbency is less than that of conventional ones. Therefore, they look thinner than conventional models.
Regardless of their purpose, pads labeled “every day” do not always need to be worn every day. There are some special times when they are really needed the most.
- As already mentioned, this is the period of ovulation. It even occurs in women who have some gynecological problems.
- In the period before the onset of menstruation. They help prevent leaks effortlessly (you don't need to wear regular period pads). This is especially true in the hot season.
- As a safety net for menstrual cups and tampons.
- And also daily are used in the first or last days of menstruation (especially in the latter, when the risk of leakage is already much less).
It can be concluded that panty liners protect against leaks and also keep the laundry clean. The latter is very convenient when traveling, business travel and a woman's large employment.

In fact, the entire huge assortment of daily items of the nearest store can be sorted into several groups (in particular, by size and shape, as well as by materials of manufacture).
By shape and size
The different shape of the pads is dictated in most cases by the different shape of the panties. Thus, you can choose different options for regular models, thongs, thongs. There are pads of a universal shape - they can be worn with any type of underwear. Their feature is subtlety and flexibility.... They adapt to any shape while maintaining their absorbency.
There are standard pads - ultra-thin or thin (usually labeled with letters such as S and M) and have 1-2 drops of absorbency level. And you can also find long and wide pads, they are usually denoted by the letter L. They are not only more elongated, but also thicker, and they have more absorbency. The former are used during ovulation or during a small discharge, the latter are used in the last days of menstruation.
You can also see panty liners with wings. They are needed for a tighter attachment to the underwear. However, models without wings are invisible on panties.

By material of manufacture
Usually, The absorbent layer of virtually all pads is made of cellulose or a compound of cellulose and superabsorbents. The main differences are in the surface layer. - products can be both natural (cotton or viscose) and made of synthetic compounds (polyethylene or propylene). Some manufacturers produce gaskets with silver ions (often Japanese manufacturers). Most manufacturers add fragrances or apply extracts of various plants. Drawings on the gaskets are made with ink.
And also similar products can be produced in various colors. With white models, you can clearly see the volume and nature of the discharge. Colored ones are used, as a rule, in a set with linen of a certain color.

Top brands
Consider well-known brands, whose products are most often seen in stores, as well as those manufacturers who have received the best consumer reviews.
A fairly well-known manufacturer in the domestic territory. It is part of the Swiss concern Essity (includes the Zewa brand). The head office is located in Stockholm (Sweden). The concern sells its products in 150 countries. The brand is renowned for its specialty in panty liners. Produces 7 types of daily routines. All packages have pink shades, the products themselves have color drawings.
- Libresse "Normal" individually wrapped. Breathable, fragrance-free, each pad has a flexible center to maintain optimal pH balance. Sold in 32 and 64 pieces.
- Libresse "Normal Deo". Similar to the above, but thinner (called "ultrathin"). They have a light floral scent.
- Libresse Dailies Style Micro. They have an unusual shape and small size. Universal - suitable for any type of linen, without fragrances.
- Libresse "Normal Plus"... They have a slightly higher absorbency than "Normal", otherwise they are similar to them. They are also sold in 32 and 64 pieces.
- Libresse "Multistyle Plus". They have standard sizes, but are suitable for any type of linen.
- Libresse "Long Plus"... They are elongated, without flavorings.
- Libresse "Normal Plus". Green pads, available with aloe vera and chamomile extracts, have a soft cotton surface. They are the most popular product of this brand.

The gaskets are a product of the American brand Johnson & Johnson. There are 3 main types of panty liners available.
- Carefree Plus. The line includes models Carefree Plus Large Fresh (large, superabsorbent layer, no fragrances), Carefree Plus Large (similar to the previous ones, have a light aroma) and Carefree Plus Long (classic extended daily pads without fragrances).
- Carefree cotton... This series consists of Carefree Cotton Flexiform (with cotton extract, suitable even for thongs), Carefree Cotton Fresh (help to maintain long-term freshness, also have cotton extract) and Carefree Cotton Aloe (have cotton and aloe extract).
- Carefree Super Thin. Includes models such as Carefree Super Slim With Fresh Scent (flexible, thin, light scent), Carefree Super Slim With Cotton Feel (individually packaged, light scent, breathable) and Carefree Super Slim With Aloe Extract (flexible, thin, the coating has aloe particles, each product has an individual packaging).

This renowned panty liner manufacturer produces the following daily models - Large (designed for large discharge), Normal Fresh (have a light aroma), Normal (regular daily), Normal deo (have a light aroma, produced as part of a special collection), String / Tanga (specially produced for tanga panties and thongs).
The company is famous for the production of daily pads, the outer layer of which is made of cotton or consists mostly of cotton. The most popular are Normal and Ultra Thin gaskets. And also a special line is produced for girls who are actively involved in sports - Kotex Active.
Just like Always, it is part of Procter & Gamble. Conditionally it is a budget brand. A pack of 60 pads is available at an affordable price. A characteristic feature is the green packaging and the use of chamomile extract. All models are thin, breathable. Not suitable for heavy discharge.
And also such brands as Bella, Seni, Abena, Discreet, "Peligrin" are popular.

Selection Tips
Sometimes it is not easy to choose suitable and high-quality gaskets for yourself - the assortment in stores is simply huge. The following criteria will help you make the right and appropriate choice.
- Package... It is best to choose spacers in plastic rather than paper packaging. Despite all other reasons, it is in such packaging that the gasket retains its properties, is not affected by moisture, third-party odors. It's even better if each pad is individually wrapped. It is easier and more convenient to carry such pads with you in your purse - they will not get dirty and will not absorb excess odors or even liquids.
- Perfume... It is best to give preference to odorless products. They neutralize odors thanks to a special middle layer that turns liquid into a gel, not due to the large amount of fragrances. However, some people prefer scented pads. In this case, it is better to choose products with natural fragrances.
- Air permeability... "Breathable" pads do not allow the "greenhouse effect" to be created, which prevents the occurrence of unpleasant sensations, itching, and diaper rash. This aspect is especially important when choosing panty liners.
- Bottom layer. The bottom layer of some gaskets is made of polyethylene, which creates a "greenhouse effect". If the absorbency of the pad is not very important, then it is better to refuse such a purchase. Some manufacturers produce products where the polyethylene layer is at the edges. It is these models that are considered a good purchase.
- Adhesive base. It is best that it is not on the entire surface of the spacers, but around the edges. The adhesive has the ability to block air entry, even in small quantities.
- For women in the postpartum period, it is recommended to treat the choice of pads responsibly. The skin and mucous membranes during this period are still too sensitive, even if all postpartum discharge has stopped. It is best to use pads with a pH-controlled coating. And you can also opt for gaskets with silver ions. In this situation, remember that scented pads are more suitable for nulliparous and healthy women.

How old can you wear?
Most women of the older generation believe that it is useless for girls to use pads before their period begins. Moreover, this misconception applies to all pads - both ordinary and daily. This is being actively instilled in girls. It is believed that gynecological problems can only be in sexually mature girls, but this is not the case. Problems in the female part can begin long before the first menstruation (the average age of their onset is 12-14 years), as well as vaginal discharge. One of the reasons may be dysbiosis when taking various medications.
In addition, the risk of infection with various pathogens is highest when swimming in water bodies and even public baths. Simply put, no one is immune from gynecological disorders. Therefore, it is possible to use pads only in the presence of diseases, abnormalities and preferably after a doctor's prescription. In general, panty liners are allowed from the age of 9. The use of pads at such a young age is not recommended for no apparent reason. Pads are not a substitute for daily cleaning and hygiene.
The average age when girls are already starting to use the daily routine at will is 11 years.

How to use it correctly?
Putting on the spacer is pretty straightforward. First of all, you need to wash your hands with soap and dry them well. Next, you need to take the spacer and peel off the paper from the adhesive tape. Then the gasket is placed on the gusset and glued. If there are wings, they also need to be glued on the back of the panties. There is often no need to change the daily routine - you can do it once every 4 to 6 hours. Using them around the clock, even if you are used to them, is not considered normal. Although, of course, all gasket manufacturers will say the opposite. However, you don't need to wear them at night - your skin needs to rest. In addition, if the gasket is changed more than once every 6 hours, active reproduction of harmful bacteria begins on its surface.
Owners of allergies need to use products with care, if a rash or discomfort occurs, immediately replace or stop using them altogether. For owners of sensitive skin, it is best to purchase products that have passed dermatological and hygienic studies, as well as with a minimum amount of fragrances. The situation can also be improved by products made from natural or environmentally friendly materials, as well as without a polyethylene layer. It is not recommended to store the gaskets open and in the bathroom. They can get dirty or absorb a lot of unnecessary moisture.
Remember that the key to a pleasant wearing of the daily is constant hygiene (in particular, you need to take a shower at least once a day).