Everything you need to know about night pads

Night pads are indispensable helpers for any woman, providing reliable protection against leaks during sleep. The special shape and high absorption properties of these products allow the fair sex to feel psychological and physical comfort even with very heavy menstruation. What are the features of night pads? How do they differ from common hygiene products recommended for daytime use? What are the best manufacturers of night pads according to women? How to choose the right pads for the most relaxing and comfortable night? You will find answers to all these questions in our article.

What is it and how is it different from day pads?
Night pads are a group of hygiene products designed for use at night. These products differ from day pads larger sizes, elongated front and rear parts. Thanks to the shape that follows the contours of the female body, night pads are capable of absorb the secretions as quickly as possible, regardless of the position during sleep and the frequency of its change. This feature, in turn, provides the woman with a psychological sense of confidence, which has a positive effect on the quality of sleep.
Another feature of napkins that distinguishes them from daytime hygiene products is their increased absorbency. It is provided due to the presence of an inner layer of superabsorbent hypoallergenic materials.

Just like day pads, the category of hygiene products in question usually consists of three layers:
- upper - adjacent to the body, made of mesh vapor and moisture permeable material;
- average - absorbing and distributing moisture, made of absorbent materials (bleached fluff pulp, non-woven fabric);
- lower - the main, moisture-proof layer with an adhesive strip or an adhesive base, which ensures reliable fixation of the product on the linen.
In budget night pads, the bottom layer is most often made of ordinary polyethylene film, in expensive ones - from a special vapor-permeable and moisture-proof (so-called breathable) textured film or non-woven material laminated with a porous film. In addition, some manufacturers produce night pads in which the bottom layer is made of a composite (spunbond - meltblown - spunbond) laminated with a film.

What are they?
The modern assortment of night pads is represented by a variety of products, differing both in shape, size, level of absorbency, and in price.
It is worth noting that many hygiene products produced under budget trademarks are practically not inferior in quality to their expensive counterparts.

By type of packaging
In accordance with this criterion, the entire range of night hygiene products can be divided into 2 categories: with individual packaging and without it. Individual packaging, in turn, is a compact envelope bag made of moisture-proof opaque material (most often film), which protects the product from moisture and dirt.
Overnight panty liners with individual packaging, according to gynecologists, are the most convenient and safe (in terms of their microbiological purity). In addition, these products are easy to dispose of after use - just wrap the pad back in its packaging.
For this reason, after unpacking the product, it is not recommended to immediately throw the packaging into the trash can.

By degree of protection
Just like daytime hygiene products, overnight napkins vary in absorbency to protect against leaks. This parameter is indicated on the packaging of products with a special marker in the form of a certain number of drops. Below is the classification of hygiene products according to this marker:
- 3 drops - night pads recommended for scanty discharge;
- 4 drops - products recommended for menstruation with a normal flow;
- 5 drops - pads recommended for heavy periods;
- 6-7 drops or more - night hygiene products recommended for excessive discharge.
The most reliable are night pads with a protection level of 6-7 drops. Usually, such products differ from the rest in their larger size, anatomical shape, repeating the curves of the female body. The length of such gaskets can reach 36-40 cm or more.

By design features
The modern range of night pads includes thick (more than 1-2 cm), thin (up to 1.5 cm) and ultrathin (from 0.2 to 1 cm) hygiene products having simple (elongated) and anatomical shapeequipped with adhesive strip, bumpers and wings (or not having them). Thick, elongated spacers without wings and sides are considered the least reliable, but at the same time the cheapest. Products that have an anatomical shape, wings and sides are the most reliable, providing maximum protection against leaks during sleep.
It should also be noted that some manufacturers produce night pads that have not three, but four layers. One of them is a distribution one, located immediately below the top layer and providing the fastest possible absorption and uniform distribution of liquid inside the product.Thanks to it, the absorbent filler of the pad does not wrinkle even with frequent changes in body position during sleep, and the product itself provides longer protection against leaks.

By material
In modern stores, you can find night hygiene products, whose top layer is made of a smooth mesh or moisture-absorbing soft material. Experts note that pads with a mesh absorb secretions faster, and products with a soft, velvety surface are more pleasant for the body.
Night hygiene products also differ in the material used as filler. It can be a dense superabsorbent or a gel-like substance.
In pads with non-woven absorbent filler, the secretions are uniformly absorbed along the entire length of the product, and in pads with a gel-like substance, they are quickly absorbed by the inner layer, turning into small soft colored balls.

The best products
Among the impressive variety of night hygiene products from domestic and foreign brands, modern users note the products of the manufacturers presented below. When compiling this rating, the most important product criteria were taken into account, such as:
- degree of protection;
- thickness and shape;
- individual sensations.

Libresse Maxi Goodnight are highly reliable hygiene products that provide maximum protection and comfort while sleeping... Ideal for women suffering from excessive menstrual flow. The advantages of these night panty liners include the anatomical shape, the presence of individual packaging, and a high level of absorbency. To minor disadvantages - the thickness is slightly more pronounced in comparison with analogues from other manufacturers.
It is noteworthy that the maximum absorbency of this version of the pads varies between 8-10 drops.

Kotex Ultra are long and thin, but at the same time very reliable and highly absorbent night pads. Equipped with wings, soft mesh top layer. The advantages of these products for the user include the presence of a unique 3D center, which ensures the fastest possible absorption and uniform distribution of liquid, elastic grooves and an enlarged rear part that prevents leaks.
Among the disadvantages, users note the increased creasing of hygiene products of this brand.

Naturella Camomile Ultra Night is an inexpensive, thin (about 2 mm) and reliable night panty liner without mesh, treated with Derma Crem dry scented lotion, which prevents the spread of unpleasant odor during critical days. Products of this brand have a unique absorbent system in the form of grooves and grooves. Each hygiene product has its own individual packaging. After absorbing the secretions, Naturella Camomile Ultra Night panty liners transform them into tiny gel-like fragments, which further enhance protection against leaks, and the minimal thickness of the products ensures an extremely comfortable feeling during sleep.
At the same time, a number of users consider the aroma of these pads not too pleasant, specific.

Always Ultra Secure Night (Size 5) - Anatomically Shaped Large Night Pads... They have special protective contours Secureguard, extended and extended back. Wide and thin wings provide reliable fixation of products on linen. The filler of these funds is a gel-like substance.
Always Ultra Secure Night pads not only securely lock in moisture inside, but also prevent the spread of unpleasant odors.

Bella Perfecta ultra night - super thin (2 mm) night hygiene products with wings and a soft mesh surface. They are firmly fixed on the underwear and do not shift when actively changing the position of the body during sleep.Excellent absorbency provides the most reliable protection against leaks, and the presence of vapor-permeable layers prevents unpleasant sensations.
It should be noted that the manufacturer produces hygiene products of this series in packages made in several design options: white-violet, white-blue, white-green.

Secrets of choice
When choosing suitable night pads during critical days, gynecologists advise taking into account, first of all, the usual volume of bloody discharge. It is important to keep in mind that during sleep a woman can change her body position many times, so it is better to give preference to hygiene products with non-wrinkled - non-woven or gel-like filler.
When buying a product, you should check the level of its absorbency. So, for women suffering from excessively heavy menstruation, gynecologists recommend purchasing "maxi" pads with sticky wings or a sticky base, which have an anatomical shape and expanded parts in front and behind.
It should be noted that products with an extended and lengthened back are the ideal solution when a woman prefers to sleep on her back.

Please read the packaging with night cushions carefully before purchasing. It usually indicates not only the degree of moisture absorption, but also the shape of the product, its other characteristics. According to experts, anatomically shaped pads with wings and sides (protective contours) are the most comfortable for sleeping. The least reliable products are considered products without wings, whose shape visually resembles a rectangle with rounded corners.
Preferably, the package includes a description of the materials used as the layers of the articles. It is important that these materials are hypoallergenic, vapor and moisture permeable (the requirements for moisture permeability do not apply to the bottom layer attached to the underwear). Only such hygiene products will provide not only the maximum possible level of protection during sleep, but also the most comfortable sensations.