How to use pads?

When comparing tampons and pads, the latter are easier to use. But, despite this, girls and women have questions about the correct use of these hygiene products. There are certain rules for the use of sanitary napkins. The information will be primarily of interest to girls who have just started their menstruation, as well as women who are faced with leaks during critical days.
Fundamental rules
A few decades ago, sanitary towels were just beginning to appear. Until that time, women used cotton wool wrapped in several layers of gauze. During critical days, a strict taboo was imposed on light clothing and sports.
Now the situation with the popularity of sanitary napkins has changed for the better. They have become a common hygiene product. At the same time, the assortment is quite wide.

Experienced women are familiar with the rules for using sanitary napkins. For girls who just have to start using them in the near future, it is useful to familiarize themselves with the basic rules.
- Wash your hands thoroughly before handling the pad.
- Then you need to take the most comfortable position in order to stick it on your panties. Here everything is purely individual, but the most acceptable positions are standing or sitting. Since bleeding comes out of the vagina during menstruation, you can only put on the pad while sitting on the toilet.
- Next, you need to open the package with gaskets.There are manufacturers who additionally pack each piece in a separate mini-bag. If present, it must be opened and discarded.
- Then you need to unfold the gasket itself, since almost always it is initially in a collapsed state. If there are wings, then they also need to be bent.
- The next step is to remove the paper strip that is centered on the pad. You also need to peel off two small stripes from the wings.
- In those places where the pieces of paper were previously located, there is a sticky layer. It is with this side that the gasket must be glued to the underwear. The wings need to be folded back and glued to the outside of the panties. They function as additional retainers and also protect against leaks.

After use, the gaskets must be properly disposed of as they are made with synthetic materials. And also the disposal rules must be observed from an aesthetic point of view. So, the used gasket must be rolled up and packed in a piece of paper from the next gasket. You can also use tissue paper or toilet paper for the same purpose. In this state, it must be thrown into the trash can.
In a public toilet, it must be disposed of in a way that does not attract the attention of others. Keep in mind that children can also use this toilet.

Use for menstruation
In order for the pads to be comfortable to use, they must be worn correctly. Of course, you need to follow the general rules that were outlined earlier. But in addition, it is necessary to properly glue the hygiene product on the panties. There are certain rules here too.
- It should be level.
- It must be glued well so that it does not move during use.
- The products themselves often bear the designation of the front and back. This also needs to be taken into account.
- The wings need to be folded over to the outside of the underwear.

These rules must be followed in order not to leak and not to stain clothes with blood. But it is not enough to learn how to put the pads in your underpants correctly; it is important to choose the right hygiene products in size. Young girls who are menstruating for the first time are advised to use small hygiene products.
Depending on the volume of discharge, it is necessary to choose female pads according to the designations on the packages. As a rule, for those women who have abundant discharge, hygiene products with a mark on the package of 4-6 drops are suitable.

During critical days, women may feel uncomfortable in the perineum. Often, such sensations are associated precisely with the incorrect use of pads. To ensure that the pads do not cause discomfort, the following must be considered.
- If pads are irritating to the perineal area, you should use others. In the case when it is not possible to find suitable hygiene products, you can consult with a gynecologist.
- It is necessary to change the gaskets in a timely manner. The frequency of replacement is every 3-4 hours, but it also depends on the abundance of discharge and the presence of odor.
- During critical days, clothes should be as comfortable as possible. Better to wear classic panties. It is better to refuse wearing thongs for this period. It is also not recommended to use synthetic underwear, so as not to create the so-called greenhouse effect.
During critical days, it is necessary not only to change the pads in a timely manner, but also to take a shower.

How to use panty liners correctly?
Suitable pads are suitable for daily use. They differ from the previous ones in smaller size. In addition, they almost always lack wings.
In the process of using daily hygiene products, it is also necessary to adhere to certain rules.
- It is recommended to use daily hygiene products only when the woman has a discharge. The most popular period of use is when you ovulate. It is during this period that relatively abundant and liquid discharge appears from the vagina. If you refuse to use panty liners at this time, you can get dirty underwear and experience discomfort.
- It is necessary to change them with abundant discharge every 3-4 hours. If they are not particularly strong, then the spacer can be used a little longer.
- Such hygiene products can also take various forms. There are those specifically designed for thong panties.

In order for daily hygiene products to be comfortable to wear, they must be properly attached to the panties. The step-by-step instruction is as follows.
- Panty liners in most cases are sold in cartons of 20-25 pieces. Sometimes they are in the general department, and in some cases, each piece is individually packed in a bag.
- In order to fix the gasket on your underwear, you must first wash your hands well. Then you need to remove the gasket from the box. Remove the packing bag (if present).
- Next, you need to remove the paper strip located on the central part. There is a sticky layer underneath. With its help, the hygiene product is fixed on the underwear.
Do not forget about proper disposal of panty liners. Each must be rolled up and thrown into the trash can. After this, hands should be washed, especially if a clean pad is to be used later.

The word “daily” should not be taken literally, as this does not mean that such hygiene products must be used without fail every day. As mentioned above, hygiene products are made up of synthetic materials by a few percent. Regular use can create a greenhouse effect in the crotch area.
This condition can adversely affect the state of the organs of the genitourinary system. First of all, regular wearing of pads (especially in hot weather) can harm the vagina, since it must breathe, and synthetics do not allow air to pass through well.
If you neglect this rule, then a woman will regularly experience diaper rash in the perineal region, and an inflammatory process may also develop. So, for some diseases, for example, candidiasis, it is generally not recommended to wear pads. This prohibition is due to the fact that a warm and humid atmosphere is favorable for the development of fungi. If a woman still uses a pad, the situation can only worsen.
Even if there is discharge during this period, you can use a paper napkin or just change your underwear more often.

Before using certain panty liners, women who have health problems should consult a gynecologist.