How often should the gaskets be changed?

The health of the organs of the genitourinary system directly depends on the frequency of changing sanitary napkins. Untimely replacement of the gasket will cause a lot of inconvenience: from discomfort to leaks. In order not to find yourself in a similar situation, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basic principles of the frequency of changing sanitary napkins.
How often to change during your period?
The most abundant discharge is observed precisely during menstruation, so the question of the frequency of replacing the gaskets is the most urgent. It is recommended to replace the gasket with a new one every 3-4 hours, but this is not indicative either, since there are many determining factors:
- volume of discharge;
- the presence or absence of an unpleasant odor;
- quality of hygiene products.

But even if you take into account each of these factors, it still turns out that one piece during menstruation lasts no longer than 5 hours. Normally, in 24 hours with an average volume of discharge, a woman should use from 4 to 6 pieces (in the first three days of menstruation). Then the discharge becomes relatively scarce, so the consumption of hygiene products will also be reduced. But even in this case, you will need to change the gasket several times a day.
In addition, if a woman leads an active lifestyle, moves a lot, then she needs to change one pad to another more often. The degree of use should be checked periodically to prevent leaks.
Panty liner change frequency
Some women mistakenly believe that panty liners need to be changed once a day.But in fact, this is not entirely true, since in this case, too, everything depends on the volume of secretions.
If you do not take into account menstruation, the most abundant discharge is observed during ovulation. During these few days, panty liners should be changed 2-3 times a day. You can do more, but here every woman needs to focus on her own feelings. An unpleasant smell and moisture not only cause discomfort, but can also be provocateurs of various diseases, including candidiasis.

Surprisingly, however, the frequency of changing the gaskets depends on the outdoor and indoor temperatures. So, in the hot season, the gasket needs to be changed more often. On those days when no discharge is observed, you can do without a pad at all or use 1-2 pieces per day.
How many hours can pregnant women wear pads?
Almost all 9 months of pregnancy are accompanied by vaginal discharge. They are associated with changes in hormonal levels in the female body. Depending on the duration of pregnancy, the nature of the discharge may vary.
- In the first months of pregnancy, the level of progesterone in the female body rises. This hormone is responsible for the preservation of the fetus and the formation of the placenta. At this time, the discharge is transparent and does not have any smell (if the woman does not have concomitant diseases).
- In the second trimester, there are changes in the amount of other hormones - estrogens. They affect the formation of the mammary glands and uterus. During this period, the discharge becomes abundant, but also does not have any odor.
- At about the 35th week of pregnancy, the body is actively preparing for the birth of a child, so white discharge appears. At 37 weeks, the color may change to brown.

Panty liners can be used depending on the amount of discharge. They need to be changed every 2-4 hours. At the same time, gynecologists very often recommend purchasing hygiene products with a special phyto-insert. They do not contain any flavors, and they also rarely cause an allergic reaction.
Regular pads (intended for use during menstruation) should be used by pregnant women in case of urinary incontinence. This phenomenon is often observed in later stages, when the fetus enlarges and puts pressure on the bladder. If such a problem arises, then you can choose thin pads without wings. They will not cause discomfort and at the same time will retain moisture. In this case, the gasket must be changed as needed.