What do the drops on the packaging of pads mean and how to choose them correctly?

Feminine sanitary pads allow you to absorb discharge and feel comfortable during your period. But in order for the gasket to help provide maximum leakage protection, it is important to choose the correct size.
Now on sale there are a huge number of different options for women's pads. The choice of this or that type of these feminine hygiene products depends not only on the manufacturer, the appearance or the price of the products. The main indicator when choosing these products is the volume of liquid that they are able to absorb.

This show is displayed on each package and is in the form of a drop.
Droplet values for day pads
The droplets on the packaging indicate how much liquid a single pad can absorb. The number of drops can vary from 1 to 10. By the number of drops shown on the package, these feminine intimate hygiene products can be divided into several groups.
Light... On the packaging of feminine hygiene products of this group, the number of drops can be indicated 1-2 drops, maximum 3. As a rule, the minimum number of drops is used for panty liners. The fewer the droplets, the thinner it will look.
- Normal... This includes feminine hygiene products, on the packaging of which 4 and 5 drops are drawn. The specimens belonging to this group are the most popular and frequently purchased. They are chosen by women with moderate discharge. It is convenient to use them both on the first day of menstruation, and on subsequent ones.
- Super... This category includes pads that have 6 or 7 drops on the packaging.These hygiene products provide maximum protection against heavy discharge. They have several layers of absorbent material and will be thicker than the Normal series. Often they are used in the first 2-3 days of menstruation, and then replaced with panty liners of the Normal series.

In turn, gaskets of the Normal category can be divided into 2 types.
Classic... They use several layers of filler made from natural fibers such as cellulose or cotton wool. They are very thick, which should be taken into account when wearing some types of clothing. But along with this, such hygiene products will be cheaper.
Ultra... Here, dry gel is used as the absorbent material. Such a pad will be thinner, the gel will quickly absorb and retain moisture inside, evenly distributing it. It is convenient to take them with you. Such copies have a higher cost.

Night and other pad designations
In a separate category, gaskets can be distinguished with the number of drops shown in 8, 9 and 10. Several types of gaskets belong to this category.
Night... Since it is not possible to frequently change the pad during the night period, it is necessary that it absorbs a large amount of liquid. Therefore, night pads have multiple absorbent layers. And also nighttime intimate hygiene products are longer and have wings that provide a higher degree of protection. Most often, 8 drops are depicted on the packaging of nighttime feminine intimate hygiene products.

- Urological... These hygiene products are intended for women with urinary incontinence diseases. Such products have several absorbent layers, capable of absorbing a large volume of liquid. The number of drops on the package is 9 or 10.

- Postpartum... Their packaging also shows 9-10 drops. Designed to absorb intense secretions directly in the postpartum period.

And also such products are used after gynecological operations.
How not to make a mistake when choosing?
In order to choose the most suitable specimens in terms of the degree of absorption, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body of each individual woman.
Since the gasket must be changed every 3 hours, when choosing the number of drops, it is necessary to take into account the degree of filling it during this period of time.
It is also recommended to purchase 2 types of pads for the period of menstruation: 3-4 drops and 5-6 drops. Personal hygiene products with greater absorbency are suitable for 1 and 2 days. And it is convenient to use pads for 3-4 drops on the following days, when the discharge becomes less intense.

Night pads labeled with 8 drops are also needed every month to protect against leaks at night.