The color blue in psychology: what does it mean and symbolize?

At the sight of the color of sky blue, most people immediately have associations with the sky, water, forget-me-nots. Many are very interested in revealing the meaning and symbolism, understanding the features of the contemplation of blue tones.

What does it mean?
Visually, blue is perceived as a variant of a lighter blue. Physicists believe that blueness includes different proportions of blues and greens. The origin of the name itself is often associated with the word "dove". Blue dove means pigeon color - a gray tone with blue splashes. It is no coincidence that cats with wool of special gray shades are referred to as the blue breed. They are called blue cats.
Other researchers believe that the name of the color is directly related to the concept of "depth". The meaning of blue color as a reflection of perfection, the achievement of an ideal is evidenced by various phrases and sayings: a saucer with a blue border, a blue dream, blue blood. The tone promotes relaxation of the body and the penetration of a person into his own world. There is a feeling of slowing down, and sometimes even stopping time. There is peace and satisfaction in the soul. All shades of sky blue help to increase mental balance, relieve stress.
Women in a blue outfit are associated with chastity, sincerity, calmness, and men with high intelligence, creative talent. Heavenly shades are used in a business setting, as they set up a working mood. Psychologists recommend decorating the office in a blue tone - it will help to tune in to work, increase efficiency, and give a lot of interesting innovative ideas.
Azure tones activate the brain centers and have a positive effect on the learning process. It is no coincidence that psychologists recommend using color in educational institutions.
Bottomless blueness adjusts a person to the path of seeking truth, introspection. Blue contributes to the development of clarity of mind, intelligence.

What does it symbolize?
It is no coincidence that the sky blue is a symbol of peace. The colors of the sky and water are associated with airiness, serenity, lightness, calmness. Combined with white, blue symbolizes freshness and purity.
The symbolism of blue color differs in different countries.
- In Egypt, since ancient times, color has symbolized nobility. They said about a man of noble birth: he is of blue blood, blue blood flows in him. The Egyptians painted their hands and feet in different blue shades, wanting to depict the noble origin of the character. Even varicose veins were considered an aristocratic disease.
- For some African and Indian peoples, the symbolism of a dark shade of blue is reduced to mourning, grief, sadness.
- Iranians consider it an emblem of sorrow, Brazilians - sorrow.
- In China, blue means immortality.
- Americans associate color with masculinity.
- In Western Europe, they personify it with progress, independence, patience.
- The Japanese compare it with fraud, meanness, deceit.
The religions of the world are ambivalent about the blue color.
- Christians are sure that the heavenly color attunes a person to humility, meekness, piety. Catholics prefer to present bluish flowers to the Virgin Mary in a blue cloak. In this case, the color symbolizes the integrity and purity of the Mother of God, her devotion to God.
- Buddhists characterize blueness as a sign of maternal concern, compassion, love. For them, it is the color of harmony, a pure stream of spirituality and consciousness.
- In Judaism, heavenly shades symbolize holiness.
- Muslims associate xin with mourning.

Features of perception
At the mention of any azure colors, most people associate with calmness, peace, joy. The sky is clear, which means that it does not bode well in the form of a thunderstorm, rain, snowfall. Since ancient times, the very concept of a clear sky personifies a good sign. Peace, freedom and joy come to the soul.
Cold tones calm the human psyche. Peace comes in the soul. A special place is occupied by blue, which is considered soft. There is no discomfort with him.
Ideal for a bedroom or break room, the blue color reduces anxiety after a hard day, encourages deep sleep and promotes physical recovery.
In the blue living room, people feel at ease and easily communicate with each other. A bathroom of these shades is conducive to physical and spiritual relaxation. Color contributes to the creation of a safety atmosphere. A person is immersed in his own world and is capable of making the right decisions. For some people, sky blue is associated with coolness and can cause laziness, apathy, and the inability to concentrate.
The bluish color evokes trust and respect among others. Often, blue colors in clothes indicate high status and aristocracy. For an unpleasant meeting, psychologists recommend wearing blue clothes, as it can cool the enemy's ardor, have a calming effect on his nervous system and help avoid conflict.
The peculiarities of perception of blue color are often used by advertisers. The consumer is indoctrinated with the idea that the product is original and necessary.

Blue is often used to design various sites.Ultramarine color in software encourages users to develop creativity, intelligence, and the desire for knowledge. It is not irritating.
It is customary to buy clothes and various items of bluish tones for little boys, as they help to increase immunity. In Soviet times, male babies were given blue clothes and a stroller to be discharged from the maternity hospital. The baby parcel was tied with a blue ribbon, by which one could immediately determine the sex of the baby.
In non-traditional medical practice, blue shades are used to relieve headaches, lower blood pressure, and normalize heart rate. It is believed that heavenly color contributes getting rid of insomnia, indigestion, nausea, heartburn and improving the condition in infectious diseases, relieving itching. In folk medicine, azure tones are used to reduce pain and severe bleeding in women on critical days. Color therapy notes the positive effect of bluish shades on the functioning of the respiratory and immune systems, bone and muscle tissue.
Effect of clear sky color on well-being:
- the calming effect of azure tones helps to improve mood, relieve irritation, mitigate aggression, and a sense of one's own security;
- beneficial stimulation of cognitive abilities contributes to concentration of attention, strengthening of thought processes and improvement of memory;
- the positive effect of the sky color on creativity enhances inspiration, aesthetic feelings, the development of fantasy;
- the beneficial effect of blue on a good mood improves sleep and reduces stress levels, relieves phobias, neuroses.

What kind of people do they like?
A person's favorite color significantly informs others about his character. The blue shade is often loved by young people who are experiencing great joy. Often, inspiration and glee are replaced by sadness and longing. Psychology prescribes seriousness, gloom, gloominess, modesty for lovers of heavenly and sea tones.
The blue color indicates the dreaminess of nature. Some psychologists note the straightforwardness, the desire for magic and the naivety of lovers of azure shades. Lovers of heavenly shades are often idealists. They are characterized by hard work, thanks to which they reach great heights in their careers. Such people are in constant motion, often travel.
Often, lovers of light blue have a good balanced character. They are artistic. Those who love blue colors have the following qualities:
- developed intelligence;
- courage, determination, perseverance, great willpower;
- great intuition;
- equilibrium;
- the ability to instantly make the right decisions, guided by reason, and not emotions;
- great dedication, concentration on solving primary problems;
- the desire to be in tune with yourself and the world around you;
- vulnerability, increased susceptibility;
- impressionability, painful reaction to negative events in their lives;
- a tendency to think seriously;
- striving for peace and quiet;
- preference for communication with a narrow circle of people, unwillingness to stay in a crowd for a long time;
- an extraordinary love of creativity;
- a tendency to aesthetic perception.

Restrained and coldish men often prefer a blue tone. They are endowed with the ability to reason sensibly and can get out of difficult situations with dignity.
Such people do not regret the past - their thoughts are directed to the future. They are far from the daily hustle and bustle of everyday life. Lovers of the color of the skies often choose the profession of a pilot, military man, firefighter, or doctor. Light blue colors are great for intellectuals and creative people. Lovers of blue clothes can be trusted. They are responsible, decent, honest.
Any young lady in a light sea-wave dress looks airy, like an angel descended from heaven. The color gives her an elusive mystery, testifies to her loyalty and constancy. In summer, blue brings freshness to the image, in winter - tenderness and ease. The azure shade in a woman's clothes is a symbol of motherhood and femininity. The blue colorway helps to create a romantic and elegant look for her. Ladies who prefer azure tones are mobile and inquisitive. In the clothes of dreamers and visionaries, blue tones are often present.
The azure swimsuit aims to cool the greedy looks of men. It testifies to the self-sufficiency, poise of the young lady, the disposition to get acquainted with serious intentions. A blue bikini gives the girl a mysterious look. Psychologists advise overweight middle-aged women to use sky-colored swimsuits. They hide the extra splendor of the forms, give the figure a slenderness.
The choice of the color of the car indicates the character of its owner. The Indians will consider him a truthful person, and the Chinese will think that irreparable grief has happened in the family of the owner of the car. A cheerful and carefree man is able to choose a blue car, as this color cheers up.
The blue color of the car is often preferred by women for a practical purpose: it is less noticeable for dust and dirt.

Negative characteristic
An overabundance of blue can cause excessive depression, self-dissatisfaction, and intolerance towards other people. At the same time, the abundance of color helps to get rid of natural shyness, shyness and insecurity. Some lovers of azure shades are characterized by arrogance, a love of building castles in the air, and a slight infantilism.
There is a type of people on whom a bluish tone has a depressing effect: depression, depression, sadness, and decreased ability to work appear. In this case, it is necessary to supplement the azure color with other tones: white, black, emerald, carrot, cream, amber, brown.
In the interior of the kitchen, it is best not to use the colors of sky blue, as they suppress appetite.
People who have a negative attitude towards shades of blue are tired of living in continuous fear, depression and discord with themselves. They want radical change that can remove the imbalance.
Dislike for the color blue is often experienced by impulsive, unbalanced, aggressive people who find it difficult to control themselves. They are distinguished by excessive activity, but usually they are guided by feelings, not reason.