What does red mean?

"I'm tired of all the colors, except ...". This uncomplicated childish game reminds us of our difference from each other in the preference for certain colors. When these preferences are more or less persistent, one can assume a certain attitude towards the world, the presence of some permanent character traits in a particular person. In this article, we will look at the meaning of red and its effect on the perception of the world.
The physiological and psychological perception of color by a person is closely related. Therefore, red is often associated with love, fire, blood. The meaning of this color in human psychology depends on its shades and has positive and negative characteristics.
The positive include activity, lust for life, activity, confidence.
Red is saturated with a charge of energy, vitality. It is preferred by people with a fast pace of nervous activity: choleric and sanguine people.
It helps to overcome difficulties and achieve goals, as well as self-acceptance, the ability to defend one's position and interests. The energy of this color pushes you to realize your purpose, promotes the emergence of responsibility, the growth of self-esteem.
Such qualities shown in red, such as aggression, anger, irritation, are rarely beneficial, therefore they can be attributed to negative ones. For a sensitive person, this color is tired and repulsive. The scarlet color also means sexuality. People who are attracted to it and who often use it tend to have sexual relationships without sensual attachment.

What does it symbolize?
One of the associations that the color red evokes is love. This can be traced to the symbols of love - hearts, arrows of Cupid, roses, love inscriptions. Another close in meaning association is passion, which is indicated by such symbols as a heart, flowers and a kiss.
Another symbol of red is power and greatness. It is worth remembering the robes of kings and leaders - they often used these very shades. It is also the color of appeal, revolution: red-red banners, ribbons, carnations. Many coats of arms and flags of modern countries necessarily include this color.
Red, as a warlike one, is depicted in the Templar cross, gladiator capes, Greek gods of war, often associated with the element of fire, in a red poppy - a symbol of World War II. In religion, objects of decoration of temples, scenes from sacred books are colored in red.
Ritual actions, many holidays, parades are also somehow connected with it.
The meaning of red as a symbol of danger is used in various signaling systems: on road signs, in rescue services.

Red has many shades. Depending on this, they characterize the qualities of a person who prefers a particular tone. Below is a description of some of its shades in connection with personality traits.
- Burgundy, combining red and brown, carries a sense of conservatism and confidence. People who prefer this shade can be assertive, but without hot temper, they are solid and sedate. Excessive use of this color has the effect of oppression, heaviness. Red-brown, where there is less brown, characterizes self-confident people, enthusiasts, but able to control their emotions.
- Scarlet a shade of red enhances its effect in terms of sensuality and emotion. As more fiery, it carries even more energy and often pushes you to rash actions. The result of such impulsive actions is powerful, and its quality depends on the purity of the goal. It is distinguished from other shades of red by its "carelessness".
- Crimson gives sincerity due to mixing with bluish. The words of this person can be trusted, he is loving and affectionate. But at the same time, it is characterized by suddenness and unpredictability. These people are optimistic, strive for success, active and capable of great things.
- Fiery red gives willpower, endurance, helping to pass any obstacles and trials. At the same time, exhaustion caused by incredible zeal is not excluded.
- Pink Is the color of youth, purity and love. His lovers are characterized by tenderness, vulnerability. They take a lot to heart, but, despite their touchiness, they are quick-witted.
- Dark red - expresses condescension on the verge of cynicism and cruelty.

People who have a craving for everything red in clothes, accessories, food are cheerful, active, confident. They are natural born leaders and leaders.
They are persistent and optimistic - usually difficult to be confused by remarks and negative attitudes. Achieving their goals for them is a common thing. The extreme manifestation of their perseverance is uncompromising, unwillingness to accept someone else's point of view, and sometimes cruelty.
What kind of people do they like?
Both men and women, who often choose red, are sexy and sensual. Amorous and passionate in their outfits, they show attraction or veil the lack of warmth and tenderness of the opposite sex.
Here are some more characteristics of people whose favorite color is red:
- strong-willed;
- hardy;
- stubborn;
- self-confident;
- impulsive;
- debaters.
In childhood, red lovers may have a destructive tendency. Toys are constantly breaking, seemingly not on purpose. Peers can be wary of him, since everything can be expected from a fighter. And the child himself is prone to risk and constantly falls and bruises. The parents of such a child require much more attention and patience.

But your efforts will definitely pay off. With patience and perseverance, you will receive reciprocal care. The kid will be happy to help you, because it is important for him to prove himself. At the same time, do not forget to back up the case with praise - the "red" need it as food... But praise should be on the case to avoid arrogance.
Red people love holidays and fun. They love surprises and love making them themselves. They are attracted by everything that excites the imagination and tickles the nerves. If these are games, then with the effect of surprise. If there are fairy tales, then definitely adventure.
As a child grows up, his parents' alarming features may sharpen or subside. With children of this type, you need to show wisdom, be sincere, carefully acquaint you with different aspects of life, give food for thought. Then his search for truth and justice will be illuminated by the light of reason. And actions caused by the desire to change the world will be filled with good. Your job is to channel his love of risk and adventure in a positive direction.
If you feel that the passion for red color strongly affects the psyche, you are drawn to adventure and, perhaps, your impulsiveness often bothers you, ask yourself the question "Why?" More often. - Why am I going to do this or that? Why do I need this feeling, which has now risen in me? Why do I constantly act in a certain way, so then I regret?
This question helps to reflect and engage the brain and think about the action before taking the action.

Where is it applied?
Red is always eye-catching, no matter what context it is used in.
As a signal "Attention!" it is used in women's clothing precisely to attract male attention. Indeed, it is difficult to remain unnoticed in a red outfit - this is the most powerful and energetic color. Red evening dresses of various textures and cuts are especially spectacular. It is appropriate to wear them for social events, and a cocktail dress for corporate parties.
At work, excess red can lead to stressful environments. Its excess is suppressive, which can lead to a repulsive effect. Therefore, it is recommended to use less bright colors in clothes. For example, a blouse in coral or crimson color will add brightness to an elegant look, and a maroon suit will add solidity.
Suitable accessories in discreet shades: handbags, shoes, scarves will create an image of confidence and determination.

Red tints in lip makeup are common. Both bright and juicy colors of lipstick - scarlet, carrot, crimson, and more delicate, restrained - pink, coral can be seductive. Recently, eye makeup in red shades, both evening and daytime, has become fashionable. Such a make-up will suit the owners of green, brown and blue eyes, but you should use it very carefully and professionally, otherwise you can achieve the effect of a “sleepless night”.
Emphasizing femininity and sexuality will work great with a red manicure. Modern designers offer many of his images and shades. Matte, patterned, with glitters on the nails - it will satisfy any taste and occasion. A manicure of red shades will emphasize your qualities such as strength, sensuality, confidence, the ability to achieve your goals.

The dynamism of red attracts people who are active, purposeful, who love to be in the spotlight. This often determines their choice in favor of the red car. By the shade of the "iron friend" you can determine the level of eccentricity of the owner and his possible aggressiveness. Contrary to popular belief that red cars are predominantly the choice of women, statistics show that they are more often chosen by men. Although it's no secret that ladies who choose the red option feel more confident, successful and attractive.
In the interior, red is often used to decorate the bedroom, stimulating the interest of partners to each other.
In moderate doses, it will be appropriate in the dining room or in the kitchen due to its ability to increase appetite. By the way, this property is also used by restaurant owners, thus attracting visitors.
The red color used in advertising, as it were, brings the advertised object closer, attracts attention to it. The charge of this color is designed for impulsive behavior without unnecessary thought. To influence male audiences, it is used in an erotic context. Excessive use of red in advertising can, on the contrary, cause irritation and rejection.
Dosed use of red in your daily life will give you courage and confidence, as well as inspire and stimulate zest for life.

Combination with other colors
In general, shades of red, black and white are primordial in almost all cultures of the world. Their interpretations are roughly as follows: white - light-good, black - darkness-evil, and red - blood-life. Thus, this triad can be considered a combination of the original elements, a symbol of the beginning of the world.
The combination of white and red colors softens the gustiness of red and makes it more sublime. The emergency sign is exactly white and red, which speaks of service to people, selfless and selfless love. This image is more suitable for the beautiful half of humanity, which they boldly use in outfits: dresses, capes, shoes, flowers. Most of all, this combination is suitable for winter and spring color types. On many men, both blondes and brunettes, red and white ensembles will also look spectacular: office, sports, home.
White with its light, as it were, enlarges the space, and red warms it. Therefore, such a tandem will revive any interior.
Red and black are a disturbing mix. But with a certain presentation, it can be read as sexy. Red lip makeup combined with black eyeshadow will help create such an image and is suitable for any color type.
The combination of red and black in the interior is difficult to perceive. But diluting this pair with white or gray will be quite harmonious for strong-willed, dynamic natures and will effectively emphasize the high-tech interior style.

What does the deficit lead to?
Being a natural stimulant, red color causes a sharp surge of emotions, so its absence in the environment can lead to a decline in mood, passivity and depression ("de" - absence, "pressio" - impact). A person who dislikes or rejects red is more likely to be susceptible to doubt and insecurity. He may not have enough decisiveness for a responsible step, or he prefers regularity and peace. Rejection of it is characteristic of phlegmatic and melancholic.
Physiologically, with a deficiency of red shades, appetite decreases, metabolic processes slow down. Pulse decreases. This leads to a slowdown in the recovery of the body after diseases, tissue regeneration may worsen. Such individuals are more often freezing, unlike those who like red: they have good blood circulation and they are always warm and even hot.
There is an unidentified relationship between scarlet color deficiency and blood hemoglobin levels. One way or another, but its effect on metabolic processes can stimulate or slow down the production of red blood cells - red blood cells.
If there is a lack of red, symptoms such as lethargy, low blood pressure, frequent colds, and blurred vision may occur. It can also lead to a decrease in potency and disruption of the genital area.
If you lack courage or self-confidence, you feel that your life is boring and monotonous, there is little joy and drive in it - lovingly bring red to it in clothes, decor or little things. And you will notice that inspiration comes to you, a second wind opens and you will want to live and enjoy life!