Symbolism and language of color

Over time, humanity has learned to use various non-verbal movements and signs in order to without words reveal their intentions and feelings to others. For example, everyone knows perfectly well that there is a language of signs, views. But the most interesting is the language of color. With the help of different shades, people can now communicate with each other and express their thoughts.
Goethe was one of the first to say that the language of color can have a certain effect on the human psyche... He divided the various shades into positive, negative and neutral. Later, Hermann Goltz found out that the main colors for our everyday perception are red, green and blue. With different mixing of these colors, a variety of shades are obtained.
They can also be used to understand without words what is being said.

The history of the emergence of the language of color is rather confusing, but one thing is clear - through observations and tests, people have learned to use color schemes to express their inner world in colors.
The death of a loved one is a terrible incident in a person's life. And how to show your grief so that everyone immediately understands it? Wear black or white clothes. Some peoples associate white with the color of the shroud., in which the dead were wrapped. He is a guide to the other world. For others, white is happiness.and black is associated with hell and the grave.
People have chosen these very tones to express feelings of grief, since black and white do not express anything - these are the colors of emptiness.
White is the basis for depicting something on it, and the color of the night can drown out all shades.

Each color scheme is able to tell others about a lot. For example, tell a secret or, conversely, create it.
- Black and white indicate that a person is suffering. Having put on clothes of similar shades, he is fenced off from the outside world and is alone with his thoughts. No one would think of telling a funny story to someone who is dressed from head to toe in mourning. However, the black color can still indicate that the person who prefers it is a refined and rather refined nature. But the snow-white shades are chosen for themselves by gifted, sensual, gentle and pure people.
- The red color scheme is considered a symbol of love experiences and life itself., since red blood flows in a person. True, he is also ranked among the symbols of revenge and anger. Perhaps this is because the result of these feelings can be the shedding of human blood.
- Yellow also has a dual base. For example, it refers to the colors of the sun, joy and wealth. At the same time, yellow shades can mean hatred, illness, disgust. And this color also symbolizes separation.
- Green means peace and quiet. It can be counted among the shades that induce appetite and good mood. A light green tint carries almost the same information. And dark green speaks of fertility and hope for the future. The color of the grass and spring leaves always evokes only positive emotions.
- Celestials are associated with blue. It is designated as the favorite tone of the Mother of God. Very often temples are decorated with it.
- The color of infinity is blue. Blue is also a symbol of loyalty and tranquility.
- Purple is associated with the Higher powersas well as luxury and human dignity. It is used in various magical rites that help attract wealth.
- A rather majestic color is magenta. It is preferred by high-ranking and wealthy people.
- Orange attracts a festive mood, joy, warmth of summer days.
- The pink shade is preferred by girls with a very vulnerable psyche. The color of roses symbolizes elegance and sophistication.

Our contemporaries not only continued the traditions of their ancestors, but also improved them. They have learned to use the language of color in the advertising business. This happened not without the participation of such a science as psychology. With special tricks marketers use different shades to:
- the buyer could understand the very essence of the product or service;
- attract the attention of the consumer of a particular product;
- the layman remembered the colorful advertisement well;
- highlight the information you need;
- evoke positive emotions;
- emphasize certain properties of the offered product or service.

The meaning of flowers in different countries
Many peoples have developed a completely contradictory attitude towards color schemes. Such diverse views have arisen as a result of religious movements.
Christians the color of the night speaks of mourning. Muslims everything happens the other way around. White is associated with the burial of the deceased. Also, white denotes death and misfortune in the cultures of China, India, Japan.
In Russia, whitish scales have a double meaning. On the one hand, snow-white shades mean something light, clean. White doves are released into the sky at weddings so that the life of the newlyweds is successful. At the same time, the white dove among the Slavs is a symbol of someone's imminent and sudden death.
For all peoples, white indicates the surrender of one of the warring parties. There is even such an expression “to hang out a white flag”. And there is an explanation for this. When a snow-white cloth appears over the enemy's camp, his opponents understand that hostilities must be stopped.
The white surface is clean and ready for new paint application. And in a relationship, it means a reboot.

As you can see, humanity has been using the language of color for a long time and quite actively.
Each shade can provide much more information than eloquent words. Color schemes operate on a subconscious level.And this is many times more effective.
Peoples of the Far East associate red shades with life, love, the birth of children. Chinese girls they wear red or crimson (crimson color has the same meaning as red) dresses for a wedding as a symbol of health and endurance. In India red is the color of purity and decency. Australian aborigines believe that red symbolizes home and land.
However, for other people blood colors mean something dishonorable and nasty. This is exactly what the Europeans think. In South Africa and Egypt, this shade is indicative of mourning and grief.
The same red in Japan has a different symbolic meaning - it is the color of danger and terror, just like in the United States and in China. The scarlet color for the Japanese means an angry state. In France aristocrats prefer to wear it.
Another shade of red is cherry. His used in such oriental practices as, for example, Feng Shui. The study of this science is unthinkable without sakura (Japanese cherry). The cherry blossoms result in fruits. And they just have a red or cherry color scheme.

Blue color very close to red. When you mix them, you get different shades, including purple. In the West, he is ranked as a symbol of unity, freedom and progress. Europeans consider blue to be divine.
Take for example yellow and gold colors. Everyone who looks at them understands that they mean sun and summer. IN THE USA this is how they paint the cars used in taxis, because there these shades denote swiftness and speed. In China the same tones are used to designate household items of the imperial family. In many magical practices, gold or yellow is considered a symbol of wealth and well-being.
To get it Orange color, you need to mix yellow and red. Perhaps that is why it symbolically means the harvest and the successes achieved in European countries. In Ireland he is associated with Protestantism, and in India orange is considered a sacred color.
Purple in Greek and Roman Antiquity was considered the most majestic shade. In the Iliad, every noble person always wore a purple belt. The Roman poet Virgil preferred to use purple with great pleasure, unlike Homer. Only emperors could afford to wear clothes of this color. They wrote in magenta ink and surrounded themselves with things of that color.
Fuchsia helps to gain independence. Coral should not be confused with pink or red. It is a special shade that symbolizes something completely new and different. It is associated with the rebirth of a person who seeks to improve his life.

Silver color - a symbol of coldness and arrogance. He can release from constraint and cutesy. Whoever wears it is a dreamer. This is the shade of free and courageous people.
Lavender - this is one of the shades that are close to lilac. It is customary to associate it with the other world and magic.
Shades of gray preferred by those who love freedom. However, psychologists say that those who are on the verge of collapse do not refuse the gray color. And here everything depends on the specific case.
Emerald color famous for its transparency and special ebb. This is what makes it different from the green color that all people associate with summer, good mood and hopes for the future.
Each color has a specific effect on a person. Peach pastel able to calm and give confidence. Therefore, it is chosen by those who need protection.
Ginger Is a flashy shade. It is associated with cunning and deceit. In Russian folk tales, the fox, which personified deception and trick, called "redhead". And it became clear to everyone who or what they were talking about. Therefore, the color speaks for itself.

Application of symbolism
If different colors can convey the mood or thoughts that a person wants to convey to the whole world, then they can be used to express their feelings. In this case, you will not need to say or explain something. Dedicated people will understand everything and appreciate your knowledge.
Let's not repeat the meanings of colors such as black and white again. Everyone, without exception, knows about their purpose. But on the discussion of other color shades it is worth stopping and considering this issue in more detail.
If you want to tell everyone that you are a very passionate nature, then you should often use red and its many shades in your wardrobe.
It all depends on your character and temperament. No one can resist the charm of a woman in a red evening dress... And the man who appeared in public in a cherry suit, will arouse genuine interest in everyone, without exception. This will happen because the human brain will unconsciously react to such a frank color.

Purple or lilac shades cause no less excitement. These shades are considered magical... We are all connected with space and everything related to it causes a certain reaction in a person at an unconscious level.
Yellow colorwill surely catch the eye of onlookers. People are used to looking at the sun and basking in its rays. What is associated with the color of solar energy initially causes positive emotions in a person. Hence, there will be such attention to your person.
Pink color should be worn by girls who want to find a patron and protection for themselves. With this garment, they will give an impetus to any gentleman to start taking action to win their hearts.
Gold-tinted clothing will show your pursuit of wealth. You like luxury and you are a rather wealthy person. Just do not overdo it in this regard. An excess of golden hues and gilding can say more about your bad taste, than that you are a high-flying bird.

Silver shades, of course, will be quieter than gold ones. But you also need to be careful with them. The silver color is capable of reflecting all bad emotions. If there are many reflective surfaces in the house, any negative energy can fly through the house from one object to another until it finds someone who will let it in. The same cannot be said for silver clothing, which will protect you from any evil eye.
Shades of green can be used by absolutely everyone and everywhere. Eyes do not get tired of them, and the mood rises.
An interior with greenery will contribute to the well-being of the family, and a dress worn on the occasion of the celebration will guarantee a positive attitude towards you around you.
Blue paints in clothes will be appropriate when you go to a children's party. They are soothing and positive. In such an outfit, you can feel comfortable in a company where you need to show your restraint and upbringing.
Blue is much more aggressive than blue. A suit or dress of this tone is impossible not to notice in the crowd. This means that you will become the highlight of the program and the center of everyone's attention.
Only do not use a lot of blue in the interior. Eyes are very tired of him. You just need to dilute it with light colors, and then the atmosphere in the house will become cozy and harmonious.

How to combine shades correctly?
Designers have long understood that the interior becomes much richer and more interesting if different colors are intertwined in it. The main thing is that they are selected correctly. The same thing happens with clothes. Fashion designers have noticed that a combination dress, where several colors are combined, is always eye-catching.
It is important not to make a mistake and not cause a smile behind your back with your appearance. It is necessary to feel the color palette, or rather, the correct combination of its tones.
So, consider this issue in more detail.
- Let's start with the classic white. It is appropriate everywhere and always, as it is neutral. But he has very beneficial combinations. White is in harmony with red, black and blue in the best way.
- The shade of gray is pretty neutral therefore, red, pink, blue, purple and even an unusual fuchsia color will suit him.
- Nice olive matches orange, soft brown and classic brown.
- Beige “Friendly” with classic brown, blue, emerald and red.
- Shades of red will be appropriate with yellow, green, blue tones.
- Turquoise beautiful in combination with cherry red, fuchsia, yellow and brown.
- Cherry color "Gets along" with sandy, yellow, light orange tones.
- With yellow and silver the color of the electrician will be combined.