Green color in psychology: what does it mean and symbolize?

A person has a unique ability to recognize many colors around him. Unlike most animals, nature has endowed us with color vision, with which we can capture all kinds of shades. But the colors around us not only give us aesthetic pleasure and provide visual information. It has been proven that different shades can have a certain effect on the physical and psychological state of a person. This article will focus on the color green and its meaning in human psychology.

What does it mean?
Shades of greenery are natural. Most of the plants around us are green. This color gives trees, flowers and grass a pigment called chlorophyll. And this is not its only property. The main action of the chlorophyll pigment is that it allows plants to enrich themselves with nutrients when exposed to sunlight or artificial ultraviolet radiation.
This color is a mixture of blue and yellow. Depending on their concentration, you can get different color variations of greenery. First of all, color is associated with vegetation, freshness, development... Green shades breathe with natural vitality, youth. At the same time, calm variations of green can cause peace and tranquility.
In the minds of most, greens are associated with nature and harmony.... Therefore, the colors of this range evoke mostly positive emotions and do not irritate.
The color has many shades from very light to dark. The most popular greens variations:
- turquoise;
- light lime;
- olive;
- aquamarine.

The interpretation of color and associations with it largely depend on the specific shade and its intensity. More saturated and vibrant color variations can cause excitement, stimulate mental activity. Pale and calm shades, on the contrary, inhibit the nervous system and act in a pacifying manner.
Consider the meaning of the different shades of color.
- Dark green means passivity, immobility. It is associated with physical pleasures, a measured lifestyle and relaxation. Color adjusts to immersion in oneself, tracking one's emotions and bodily sensations, evokes thoughtfulness.
- Blue-green, or aquamarine, is fresher and more vibrant. It is also called turquoise because of its resemblance to turquoise, a natural material with a similar color. The shade is considered cold and is associated with a fresh wind, cool sea, sky. Turquoise has an invigorating effect, it helps well with depression. Thanks to pleasant associations, it helps to tune in to activity, charges with vital energy.
- Yellow-green is the lightest shade in the range. It denotes the desire for change, the rejection of stereotypes, freedom of thought and action. It is a connotation of energy, creativity and self-expression. And also yellow-green means openness, willingness to communicate, a good attitude towards people around. The very pale color of this range means maximum satisfaction and tranquility. It is good to meditate on such a shade, as it brings thoughts and feelings in order.
- Olive, or brownish green, is associated with emotional exhaustion. It means the need to save life energy. For people with an overly excitable nervous system, this shade can have a positive effect, since it literally "absorbs" excess emotions, tension and negativity.
But for those who are prone to apathy, olive can take away an already meager energy.

What does it symbolize?
It is believed that most shades of the green scale symbolize joy, energy, development, the beginning of something new.
Our ancestors considered this color a symbol of agriculture, fertility, and harvest. Many pagan deities, as well as ancient gods, were depicted in this very color, since they were expected to help in the continuation of the prosperous life of people.
In Orthodoxy, the green gamut was also not spared. Often, the robes of the Mother of God are painted on icons in various shades of green. In this case, the color is interpreted as a symbol of wisdom, purity, merciful motherhood, love and compassion for humanity. In the same religion, he is presented as a symbol of eternal life. The custom of putting Christmas trees in houses is tied to the fact that the tree does not change its color for a very long time.
This attachment to the symbol of eternity in modern Orthodoxy has given rise to a sad custom. At the funeral, after the coffin, it is customary to scatter fir branches as a sign that the soul is immortal.

In Islam, greenery is identified with the heavenly booths, and the color symbolizes the eternal tranquility of the soul and its stay in harmony in heaven.
Most environmental movements choose green for their logo because it is the natural color of all living vegetation on the planet. The largest party working in this area is the world famous Green Party, or Greenpeace.
Despite the mostly positive symbolism of color, the people have mocking and even somewhat negative associations with it. For example, the word "green" is used to describe a person who is too young, ignorant of his business.
The phrase "green longing" also has a negative message. It is used in cases when a certain stagnation occurs in life, which does not have any prospects for positive development.
It is believed that this expression was born from the association with a swamp, where there is stagnant water and dark and dirty shades of green prevail.

Features of perception
As mentioned above, every shade perceived by a person affects his psyche. In general, green is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Its subtle shades are used in color therapy to relieve stress, nervous strain, emotional exhaustion and anxiety. Vibrant variations of green can energize, stimulate performance, improve mood and vitality.
- Color improves sleep... If the child does not fall asleep well or does not sleep well, it is worth providing a green light in his room. And also the color improves the process of falling asleep in adults. It is enough to hang light green curtains in the bedroom or paint the walls in a calm tone of this range.
- The green gamut has a positive effect on the nervous system. Color adjusts to positive thinking, helps to overcome phobias and anxiety. Often, it is in this shade that the walls of the offices of children and adult psychologists and psychotherapists are painted. And also shades of greenery are often used in the design of corridors and chambers of medical institutions.
- For men and women with a tendency to hot temper and emotional instability, contemplation of shades of green is also very beneficial. Meditation on this color calms the nervous system, relieves overexcitation. By surrounding themselves with green tones, hot-tempered people over time begin to better control their emotions and their behavior.
- In the interior, decorated with green colors, a person subconsciously relaxes, feels comfort and security. Even a few objects or details of green shades can bring orderliness and a sense of comfort into the general atmosphere of the room.
- In color therapy, this range is successfully used to relieve pain of various types and localization. Green shades have a regulating effect on the work of the heart, helps to stabilize pressure in hypertension. They stimulate the body's defenses, helping it fight colds and viruses.
- Contemplation of green has a healing effect on the organs of vision. When working at a computer for a long time or eye strain, doctors recommend looking at a green object for several minutes. And in summer it is best to go to the window and look at the natural greenery for a while.

What kind of people do they like?
The gamut of green is very attractive, so you can meet quite a few people who are very fond of this color. Collecting data on personality traits, psychologists identify some character traits that are often inherent in lovers of shades of green.
- Those who prefer this range are quite reasonable and balanced. They strive to be objective, so it's easy to do business with them and just communicate.
- Love for bright shades of color speaks of great willpower and determination. Such a person is not prone to excessive daydreaming, he is clearly aware of his capabilities and determines his plans and tasks based on them.
- Those who are drawn to shades of green are great conversationalists. They can easily become the leader of a company or team. Often they have a fairly wide social circle, and they easily make new acquaintances and establish contacts. Others themselves are drawn to them, as they are attracted by openness, creativity and sincere kindness.
- Another positive quality of those who love the green range is their honesty. They do not accept intrigue and achieve their goals with hard and conscientious work.
- People who prefer shades of green are very merciful. They are ready to support their loved ones and acquaintances in difficult situations. Reacting negatively to cruelty and injustice, they try to do everything in their power to correct or prevent the bad.
Green lovers are often members of charitable organizations, actively donating funds for various social needs.

Unfortunately, this quality is often used by unscrupulous people, playing on a sincere desire to help in trouble. Therefore, in an effort to provide support to others, green lovers can easily become victims of swindlers and scammers.
- Those who prefer green shades are very curious. They enjoy traveling, developing, learning and mastering new skills and professions. They strive to work on their shortcomings and constantly improve.
- Due to its positive qualities, namely: kindness, responsiveness, mercy and calmness - lovers of green shades become good parents and mentors. Professions related to communication are suitable for them - teacher, doctor, social worker, consultant. Often they realize themselves in the field of art. At least, more often than not, each of them has at least one or even several hobbies related to creativity and creativity.
- If a person prefers a rich and bright color of greenery in clothes, this indicates that he has a large amount of vital energy. Such people are very active and practically cannot sit still. They are also able to positively influence those around them, providing them with support and charging them with their positive.
- Men who prefer green colors are very balanced and caring. They become wonderful empathetic husbands who protect their families.

Negative characteristic
Despite a lot of positive properties, some variations of this color have and negative sides.
- Surplus surrounded by very bright hues such as aqua can cause overexcitation of the nervous system. People who are prone to nervous breakdowns, anxiety and emotional changes can react especially clearly to this. Bright colors exude energy, but its excess can cause negative mental irritation. In this case, a person may experience outbursts of impulsivity, irritability, nervousness.
- As mentioned above, calm shades of green are successfully used in relaxing therapy. However, this property of color also contains a not entirely positive effect. Those who have severe neuro-emotional exhaustion and apathy should not surround themselves with such a scale. Pale and light green tones in this case will lead to an even greater loss of strength and loss of energy.
Sometimes people with similar disorders, surrounding themselves with a green space, become even more isolated, move away from communication with loved ones, become passive, indecisive and withdrawn.

Thanks for the information.