What does yellow mean?

Solar energy fills the color yellow. This is manifested in the peculiarities, symbolism, originality of the perception of the colors of honey, fawn, saffron, sand, straw, corn, amber tones.
The yellow color is reflected in the formation of the character of people who love it.

At the mention of yellow, the sun, light, brightness, warmth immediately comes to mind. The tone has the most radiant sheen of the entire range of colors. It radiates warmth, warms the soul. In psychology, it is called the color of the optimists. At the sight of the sun, the mood rises, the soul comes to life, is filled with joy and kindness. It is no coincidence that many popular emoticons have the same coloring.
A wide variety of yellow tones are very often found in nature, they carry a life-affirming positive attitude. Writers often call one of the amazing seasons of the year the golden autumn. The same epithet is used to describe yellow leaves: golden foliage. The yellow color tones up, increases a person's ability to work, helps to cope with mild forms of depression.
The color range of various shades of yellowness is ranked as warm tones, but the lemon color carries a cold ebb. Psychologists say that most shades of color evoke positive emotions in people. Although sometimes a dazzling gold tone denotes greed and greed. The golden hue symbolizes wealth, success, prosperity.
The rich color spectrum charges with positive energy and inspires action. The yellow color helps to get rid of the fear of childbirth. It is no coincidence that pregnant women often want to contemplate the whole range of yellowish shades.

Yellow flowers are widely used in folk medicine. Helichrysum broth has an antispasmodic effect. It is used for gastrointestinal diseases. Kuril tea has a hemostatic, expectorant, diaphoretic effect. It is recommended for diseases of the lungs, heart, liver. Tansy is a good antibacterial, choleretic, anti-inflammatory agent.
The value of shades of yellow in personality psychology:
- light ebb indicates a tendency to simulate, unwillingness to take responsibility for others;
- pale tone indicates a desire to get rid of any restrictions, forget, disconnect;
- saffron color means the desire of a person to enjoy life;
- honey color talks about the need for happiness;
- amber shade testifies to the impulsiveness of nature, spontaneity of decisions, destruction;
- golden spectrum promises inevitable victory, testifying to the maturity, wisdom of the individual;
- lemon color indicates the insight and cruelty of an individual who does not like criticism and controls himself in all situations.
Different cultures have implications for the golden color spectrum. Among Europeans, Canadians and Americans, it is associated with fun, spontaneity, simplicity. At the same time, the color personifies jealousy, envy, greed. In the US, it also means cowardice. Iranians associate this coloration with disease, pallor and wisdom. In Asian countries, it means inspiration, bliss, harmony, glory.

What does it symbolize?
Psychologists associate bright shades of yellow with positive emotions: joy, laughter, happiness, sociability, energy, warmth, summer. Pale and muddy tones personify deception, betrayal, envy, greed, jealousy, fury.
There is a popular belief that yellow flowers are an emblem of treason, parting, jealousy. Florists do not associate them with separation and other negativity. Such flowers have a positive symbolic meaning. They signal harmony, luck, well-being and wealth.
The symbolism of the color spectrum of solar shades differs from country to country.
- In Egypt, since ancient times, color has symbolized mourning.
- The Indians successfully use the entire golden color gamut in trade.
- In the Middle East, yellowish tones represent prosperity.
- In China, yellowness has always been used in the attributes of emperors. The Chinese call a similar color imperial.
- The Japanese associate the fawn tone with masculinity and nobility.
- For Americans, the entire spectrum of yellowness is a sign of unconditional love.
- Physicists in European universities use this color in clothing because it is for them a symbol of cause and effect.
The religions of the world are ambiguous about yellow tones.
- In the Orthodox iconography bright shades symbolize gold, divine light, eternity, grace, the presence of God. In the Holy Trinity, the golden color personifies God the Son, his glory, dignity, royalty. The yellow cape of Judas Iscariot personifies betrayal, the fall.
- Muslims yellowness is associated with wisdom.
- Buddhists consider the yellow color to be a symbol of rejection of the outside world and a call to order. Monks wear fawn clothes.
- In hinduism saffron means holiness. The image of the Deity from ancient times is accompanied by yellowish tints.

Features of perception
Yellow color affects the psyche very strongly. It has a calming effect on nervous individuals. Depressive and apathetic individuals receive a powerful charge, a stimulus to creativity and the disclosure of mental abilities. An excess of lemon color can cause fatigue and headaches in impressionable people. Hot-tempered natures are capable of splashing out aggression.
The yellow color is striking and visually expands the space.Yellowness has a reflective property and slides along the surface, spreading in different directions. Things and objects are perceived as weightless, voluminous and very warm objects. Yellow tones in clothes and interiors help to warm up quickly. A person feels a surge of strength and a feeling of spreading warmth throughout the body.
The presence of straw, honey or sand tones in the interior helps to cope with chronic fatigue and intellectual exhaustion. This color has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. It is not recommended to use lemon color in the bedroom, as it encourages activity. You can opt for pastel or dark yellow colors.
In the office, it is appropriate to use a soft yellow color. It improves mental activity, enhances working capacity, helps to quickly restore strength, and has a beneficial effect on the psyche. A living room in such tones improves mood, creates a feeling of the presence of the sun, even in cloudy weather.

The child's immature personality is in the process of being formed. Psychologists advise limiting the number of yellow elements in the children's room. Schools and other childcare facilities do not decorate in this color scheme due to its intense influence on the psyche. Impulsive and active children will be overly excited by yellow interiors or walls. The reaction of young children to excessive yellow tones is anxiety and increased crying.
Yellow is appropriate for kitchen interiors and dining rooms. It promotes appetite stimulation. With its help, the digestive processes are restored, the work of the intestines, stomach and pancreas is improved. Beneficial substances, including calcium, begin to be intensively absorbed. The human skeletal system is strengthened, the elasticity and softness of the skin is restored.
Advertisers take advantage of color's ability to evoke positive emotions. Saturated yellow tones are often used to promote children's products. Banana, lemon, pear, melon, pineapple flavored products are often packaged in a yellow wrapper. The combination of yellow and black colors is remembered for a long time, therefore mixing of these colors is often used in advertising.
Yellow things catch the attention of others. Choosing yellow clothing and a car can prevent accidents. Yellowness especially affects perception. Very bright colors are not always appropriate. It is necessary to select additional tones to expand the color gamut.
Dazzling yellowness highlights the imperfections of pale skin and blond hair. This outfit suits dark-haired young ladies with tanned skin.

Yellow clothes and accessories look great on active, cheerful, sociable people. The good nature of nature is reflected. It is undesirable to wear yellow clothes to educational institutions and to work. Their color is poorly perceived by tired people. It can be annoying. It is not recommended to wear yellow clothes for important business meetings. In a job search interview, she can signal the hiring person about the frivolity and even dishonesty of the applicant.
Lemon shades have an invigorating effect on a person, add positive energy. Honey tone has a depressing effect, causes blues. Dislike for the color yellow can be experienced by concentrated, withdrawn, uncommunicative, practical pessimists, skeptics. Disappointment in life and collapsed dreams can cause an individual to reject sunny tones. The girl perceives the young man in the yellow robe as an attentive, caring and gentle person. A man considers a young lady in a lemon dress to be a frivolous, eccentric and mischievous girl.
A yellow swimsuit looks best on swarthy tanned young ladies. It favorably emphasizes all the charms of a female figure. Brown-haired women are well suited for pineapple and honey-colored swimsuits.For fair-haired, pale-faced girls, corn is perfect.
Only dark saturated tones are combined with very pale skin, which should be avoided by swarthy ladies.

What kind of people do they like?
Lovers of amber, saffron, lemon tones are characterized by clarity and originality of thinking, high intelligence, talent for creativity, sociability. Yellowish shades are often preferred by superficial, fickle, impatient people.
Yellow color can be present in the clothes of brave, cheerful, energetic, dexterous, resourceful, optimistic, sociable people. They are quick-witted, original, prone to gossip and idle chatter. Lemon colors are chosen by confident individuals who want to draw attention to their own person.
The craving for yellow is most often experienced by men who have the following traits:
- sociability, sociability, the ability to easily integrate into a new team and be in the spotlight;
- confidence, courage, courage, the ability to quickly successfully implement their plans and quickly move up the career ladder;
- activity, the ability to perform a large number of tasks in a short period of time;
- intelligence, charm, politeness, the ability to quickly win over the female sex;
- optimism, skillful assistance in encouraging those in need of emotional support;
- great sense of humor, the ability to make a positive impression on others through the use of good jokes.

Lovers of yellow shades have similar qualities, but their humor is softer and less provocative. Such ladies have a rich imagination and are distinguished by exquisite taste.
Children do not have a very stable psyche. Their color preferences usually depend on their mood. If a child constantly chooses items / clothes of yellow color, then we can conclude about his character traits:
- purposeful, diligent kid with a well-developed concentration of attention, able to achieve any set goals;
- a charming leader, knows how to take on the role of a leader and organize games on playgrounds, direct them in the right direction;
- an intelligent, inquisitive child with a rich imagination and a good memory, comes up with new entertainment and solves life's problems in an unusual way;
- sociable person, strives to be always in the spotlight and have many friends.
Some lovers of yellow shades are absent-minded, frivolous, prone to sarcasm, critical in looks. The need for the disclosure and development of personality leads people to the choice of solar colors. Usually saffron shades are preferred by those who wish to free themselves from stress and irritation. But not a single drug addict or alcoholic likes the yellow tone.