
Affirmations for women

Affirmations for women
  1. Peculiarities
  2. How do they work?
  3. Compilation rules
  4. Terms of use

Affirmation is a statement that helps to tune our subconscious mind in a certain way with the goal of positive changes in various areas of life. These are short positive statements. They help in different life situations: for vigor in the morning, improving health, calming down in the evening, building relationships with children, loved ones, acquaintances.

By applying affirmations, people feel calmer and more confident, and beneficial changes begin to take place in their lives.


All women want to have a beautiful appearance, to be slim and attractive to men, confident and cheerful. Therefore, the best affirmations for women include these and some other aspects of a woman's perception of the world.

In addition, every woman has the power of persuasion. Although she herself may not know about it. But nature has endowed women with emotionality, which is the catalyst for any wish, be it good or bad. As the saying goes: a word can kill, or it can heal. Women's thought, moreover, clothed in a word, has even greater power. Because of the words of a woman, men commit rash acts and even start wars. But at the same time, words of sincere love give the child confidence, bring joy to a woman, raise self-esteem for a man and encourage him to do good deeds. Knowing this power, a woman needs to be able to use it and use it for good. There is enough negativity in our life, but not enough good. Thanks to female affirmations, you can learn to make yourself and the world around you happier and feel like wonderful sorceresses, creating beautiful thoughts and positive images.

Check out the effect of affirmation for women right now.Repeat several times: "I am ugly" and feel your shoulders sink, your face is sad, and your soul is melancholy. Now say to yourself: "I am an angel" and notice how much easier it is now to breathe, how the shoulders are straightened, the posture is leveled, the mood rises, and the heart is light. A sorceress woman knows how to create her own beautiful reality and be happy.

How do they work?

Every day, every minute, thousands of thoughts and statements rush through our head. It is not always possible to manage them, let alone order them. Therefore, the river of life often carries us wherever it pleases, and we cannot turn where we need to. Although in this case we apply a lot of physical and mental efforts and spend a lot of energy. But the result is not always what we want.

The fact is that our subconscious is designed in such a way that our thoughts and statements are perceived by it as commands for action. The subconscious is, in essence, the executive power of our psyche, and it does what our consciousness orders it. Now observe your thoughts for one or two days: what is this stream filled with? Most often these are any fears, doubts, resentments. We can digest even the most insignificant offense for a long time and thereby clog the flow of our thinking, and the subconscious will helpfully fulfill our command. For example, the thought constantly revolves in my head: no one loves me. Indeed, it turns out that in the life of this person there are no people who love him. And he cannot understand why this is happening to him.

Therefore, the flow of thoughts must be able to cleanse and fill it with positive affirmations, positive thinking. Then your life will change for the better.

You will feel how your affirmations are being realized, how your dreams come true, which were squeezed into a corner of consciousness and wiped out by a stream of unpleasant thoughts, and you will feel like the master of your destiny.

Compilation rules

As already mentioned, negative or "empty" thoughts are also affirmations, only directed in the wrong direction. A well-written affirmation goes to the core of your desire and is a powerful tool for improving your quality of life and personal development.

The first rule of writing affirmations is that they must carry a positive message. The thought that you form must be pure and light. The affirmation should be constructive not only for you, but for your environment and for the whole universe. This is one of the important components of fulfilling your desire. That is, the mood when drawing up an affirmation and its text should be positive, life-affirming.

  • I love myself and all life on Earth!
  • My thoughts are pure and bright!
  • I appreciate life in all its forms!
  • Happiness and joy envelop me!
  • I radiate love and goodness!
  • I bathe in Love and Happiness!

Another important rule is that the text should be without the "not" particle. It is not recommended to use it, because our unconscious simply does not hear denial. And if we say “I’m not getting fat”, “I don’t want to doubt myself,” then we achieve a completely opposite result, since the subconscious mind perceives: “I am getting fat”, “I want to doubt myself”. Examples of Good Weight Loss Affirmations.

  • I celebrate my weight loss every day!
  • Slenderness and youth are my faithful companions!
  • My body is slim and attractive!
  • I can easily control my appetite!
  • I love and appreciate my body!

The third rule of forming affirmations is that they are compiled in the present tense. This is due to another feature of our subconscious: it functions here and now, that is, it perceives the events of the current situation and follows the instructions. Listening to yourself, you can notice that usually our daily movements of thought occur in the present (I believe / don’t believe my friend, I understand / don’t understand the interlocutor, am confident / not sure of something, and so on).Therefore, saying: “I am the happiest in the world”, “I have a slender body,” “I am confident in myself,” “I already have what I want,” you activate the mechanism execution of the approval.

  • I always get what I want!
  • The prosperity of my business is the reality of today!
  • I am successful and rich!
  • I have a successful business!
  • My business is booming!
  • Things are going smoothly and easily!
  • Everything goes well in work!

Visualization will perfectly complement the text mood. You are clear about what you want. Try as vividly and in detail as possible to imagine the image of what you want or the feeling that arises when you imagine the final result.

Although, if at first the imagination is not turned on, then it makes sense to repeat affirmations without vivid impressions and emotions. The subconscious mind, although slower, will still perceive information, but subject to regular training. And gradually, with your participation and conscious efforts, the desired image will be formed, and the process of implementing the plan will go faster.

A great help in drawing up affirmations will be the inclusion of creativity and drawing up the mood in verse. This method is effective because poems are usually emotional, and, as we know, it is feelings and emotions that contribute to the realization of the plan. Poems also help to create the most vivid image of what you want. The more sensual your statement, the more clearly the information is imprinted in your subconscious mind.

To attract happiness.

  • I bathe in the rays of happiness!
  • I feel happiness with every cell of my body!
  • It is natural for me to be in a state of happiness!
  • I feel how happiness and joy envelop me!

For success.

  • Everything that I have in mind always comes true easily!
  • Success finds me everywhere!
  • Luck is my lifestyle!
  • I believe in myself and my luck!
  • I was born under a lucky star, so I am always successful!

In poetry (for love, sexuality, beauty).

  • My youth blooms, and my soul sings!
  • I am the most beautiful, I am the happiest, I am slim, sweet and loved by everyone!
  • I am the most beautiful, I am young, passionate!
  • I have a blooming appearance - men are drawn like a magnet!
  • Love came into my life, spring blossomed in color!


  • I feel femininity with every cell of my body!
  • Femininity manifests itself in me with every letter of this word: desirable, natural, tender, light, creative, inspired, uniting, softening hardness!
  • The feminine principle is strong in me!
  • My femininity is that I gladly accept male care!
  • I accept male help with joy!
  • Femininity is my natural state!
  • I love my femininity, I care about her!

Notice how you feel as you read these lines. Feel how a pleasant surge of positive energy excites you. The soul becomes joyful, the mood rises, you want to move, fly, soar!

In the morning, we need to create an elevated mood, a positive mood for a productive day after a good night's rest. We need to compose such morning affirmations that set us up in a good mood.

  • The beginning of the day and the whole day are going great!
  • I have a great mood all day long!
  • The world cares about me!
  • I am grateful to the world for loving me!
  • During the day, only Love and Joy surround me!
  • My life is filled with happy events!
  • With joy in my soul I accept everything that life gives me!


  • I deserve all the best (admiration, love, happiness, male attention, etc.)!
  • I am a wonderful mom!
  • I am the perfect leader!
  • Courage and determination are my strengths!
  • I am a wonderful wife!
  • I can feel my confidence mobilize me!
  • Confidence is my constant companion!
  • I am confidence!

And a few more morning affirmations for each day.


  • I feel lightness and a surge of energy in my body!
  • I am slim and graceful!
  • My body is light and mobile!
  • The body is elastic and springy, it requires movement!

For happiness and love.

  • I love life in all its forms!
  • I am the happiest today!
  • Every day brings happiness!
  • Morning gives me a sea of ​​positive!
  • I am loved and in love. I'm happy!
  • There are only wonderful people on my way!
  • I am worthy of admiration and love!
  • I'm happy right now!

Reading affirmations before going to bed, you give the task to your subconscious mind to neutralize accumulated experiences in a dream, to rest, relieve tension, and improve your health. Thanks to the right attitude, sleep will be blissful, restful, and the morning will be fresh and vigorous.

  • My body is ready for relaxation rest.
  • Sleep calms my brain, gives it rest.
  • In my sleep, my thoughts calm down and order.
  • Pleasant feelings accompany my sleep.
  • Deep and restful sleep brings relaxation.
  • I float calmly and relaxed through the waves of soothing sleep.
  • Sleep restores my strength.
  • Sleep gives the body freshness and vigor.

Well-chosen bedtime affirmations help to cope with nervous tension and depression.

  • All my fears and worries dissolve.
  • Sleep removes all experiences.
  • My subconscious mind lets go of fears and stress.
  • I want to live! Sleep restores my vitality.
  • Sleep heals all my emotional experiences.

Later, as you learn to quickly relax and release tension before bed, you can add affirmations to fill your subconscious mind. Forming a positive attitude, supplementing it with vivid life-affirming images, you tune your subconscious mind to positive changes. Regularly reading such moods at night, you learn to shape and create the attitude you need to the world and your destiny. Gradually, your life becomes the way you want it!

  • In a dream, revelations come to me that help me in life.
  • In a dream, a hint will come on how to meet my betrothed.
  • The dream will tell me how to strengthen my femininity.
  • Sleep brings me the solution to my difficulties.
  • In a dream, a hint will come on how to develop in the best way.
  • In a dream, my positive perception of life is formed.
  • In a dream, the answer to my question will come (formulate the question).

Terms of use

In order for affirmations to work, you also need to follow some rules for their use.

  • Texts can be read, pronounced to oneself, but reading aloud will give the best effect. Sound has an additional effect on the subconscious, imprinting useful information in it.
  • You need to pronounce the mood several times., trying to achieve a pleasant sensation in the soul and in the body that the change has already taken place. A pleasant, exciting feeling of renewal may not arise immediately, but during training. But the exercises must be continued. Simple repetition will also have the effect of imprinting information in the subconscious.
  • You need to read affirmations several times every day. The more often we say them, the more our subconscious mind remembers the desired state.
  • Emotional uplifting when making affirmations has an even greater effect. Therefore, it is better to pronounce the affirmation on a positive wavelength.
  • The habit is developed within 21 days, therefore, to observe positive changes, you need to practice pronouncing affirmations every day, at least during this time.
  • Before going to bed, you need to clear your thoughts, as if making room for something new. By pronouncing texts in the evening, we create favorable conditions for sleep and relaxation.
  • By reading the moods in the morning, we create a mood for ourselves for the whole day. These simple actions lead us to a state of joy, self-confidence, fulfillment of our plans. Because in the morning our subconscious is clear and receptive to new information.

Writing and reading an affirmation is a creative and fun process that will definitely help improve your mood, well-being and change your life for the better.

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