What will happen if you are silent for 7 days?

In Eastern practices, there are meditations with seven days of silence. During this time, a person learns his nature, cleans his soul from the negative influence of society and comes to enlightenment. Psychologists advise practicing silence for a week for people who are under stress or depression, as well as those who have any problems with the outside world.

Why is silence useful?
If a person is silent for 7 days, then after a week has passed, he will feel cleared of negative energy. Silence has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. Self-contemplation and renunciation of the daily hustle and bustle helps a person to put his mind in order, to arrange a rest from the influx of a large amount of different information. Silence strengthens willpower and leads to an understanding of your own purpose in life.
If you do not get distracted by extraneous matters, the thought process takes place a little differently. The personality has the ability to focus on his inner world. Solitude allows the subject to clear his thoughts of negativity, know himself and find a positive attitude. A break from the exhausting worldly hustle and bustle leads to the realization that it is unnecessary to conduct some daily dialogues. The individual acquires the ability to evaluate the significance of words, to control his statements. Thus, he relieves himself of empty conversations that take up precious time.
Clarification of the relationship, senseless disputes devastate the human soul, so the subject feels like a "squeezed lemon" in the evening. After a week of silence comes a clear understanding that any disputes are destructive. They take energy, leaving a negative residue in the soul. And your point of view, it turns out, is not interesting to anyone.A silent person cannot provoke a conflict situation or take part in it. He becomes an outside observer and tries to mentally give the conflict an objective assessment. The time freed from the empty grinding of unnecessary events and from participation in senseless strife, a person can spend with the benefit of himself and the people around him. The level of aggression and conflict decreases, the desire to sort things out once again disappears.
The personality gains the ability to better understand others. For a week of distance from society, a person will definitely find out who is a real friend and who uses him for selfish purposes.
Only true friends are able to support a comrade in seven days of silence. Some people who expect you to solve their problems will think your persona is a crazy person. With such friends, you can say goodbye forever without any regret.

The absence of empty conversations, watching TV and news feeds contributes to the acquisition of the ability to build your internal dialogue. Over time, the individual begins to value solitude. He is glad to be able to devote time to himself. After a long silence, most begin to see how exaggerated all their difficulties are. Sometimes a person, after a week of silence, radically changes his views on life.
Silence and contemplation allow an individual entangled in himself to find peace of mind and peace. A clear mind naturally finds answers to many questions. In this state, the subject is able to align actions and thoughts. New solutions, ideas and ideas appear. The individual receives answers to the questions tormenting him. And unexpectedly for himself he finds a way out of a difficult situation, which he now perceives in a different way. He solves his most difficult problem in life, making the only right decision. After that, the world takes on new colors.
A person becomes closer to nature, learns to listen to the silence and singing of birds. He begins to perceive the world around him in a different way. There is a rethinking of life. Inner peace gives attractiveness to human appearance. The happy and welcoming subject has a beautiful and peaceful face. A warm and kind look reflects inner calmness and balance.
Thus, the practice of silence is not only an excellent system for self-improvement, but it also physically and psychologically heals the body.

For health
The person begins to listen to the inner voice, to his body and its needs, to his own feelings. On an unconscious level, control over one's own breathing takes place. Silence calms the nervous system. A person can cope with chronic stress. Others manage to get rid of serious diseases. Many people have a heightened hearing. Immersion in total silence for 7 days promotes physical and mental recovery. Some are completely healed in mind and body.
For an emotional state
The ability to exercise control over your feelings and emotions is enhanced. Superfluous thoughts and experiences move to the background, and important points clearly show through. The emotional state is stabilized because the subject no longer sees grounds for fears. He lives here and now. The past cannot be changed, and the future has not yet arrived.
A person comes to the realization that it is pointless to waste time on empty experiences. The practitioner of the seven-day silence begins to enjoy every minute of life.
Potential harm
Sometimes overly sociable people, after seven days of silence, begin to feel depressed and even depressed. Some develop unexplained anxiety, helplessness, and confusion. After some time, a person realizes that he is the only interlocutor for himself.The fear of being alone with oneself can drive an overly sociable person into a stressful situation. For this reason, observe the reaction of your body. If you feel that this method is not suitable for you, look for an alternative.

What is the best way to do it?
It is advisable to try to be silent for one day on the eve of a seven-day stay in silence. Gradually increase the period to 2 and 3 days. Successful attempts are the guarantee that you can definitely make it through the week. To be able to withstand this difficult test, before starting the process, you need to find the question to which you want to get an answer. After that, you should let go of the situation. Being in solitude and meditation will lead you to the achievement of your desired goal.
An important point is mood for silence. Only absolute faith in yourself will allow you to achieve the maximum result from the practice of silence. Unaccustomed to in the early days, anxiety and disharmony may arise, but these sensations will gradually disappear. By the end of the experiment, negative feelings are transformed, and you will find harmony with yourself and the world around you.
Avoid any communication... Before diving into silence, it is recommended to warn relatives, friends and other acquaintances. Carefully work out all your further actions during the period of silence. It is advisable to draw up a plan and daily routine. Next, you should turn off your mobile phone, computer and TV. There should be no newspapers, no magazines, no books at hand. All sources of negative emotions must be eliminated.
Solitude should take place in a comfortable environment. For this purpose, a country house or suburban area is perfect. The most appropriate time for a seven-day silence is another vacation. It is necessary to carefully study all your further actions, calculated for 7 days of silence.
A person must decide whether he can listen to light music during the week. Experts recommend refusing to listen to it.

You can practice silence for a week alone or in a specialized group. It is necessary to completely disconnect from external stimuli, problems and everyday hustle and bustle. You should immerse yourself in your own inner world as much as possible. Make sure to set aside time for meditation and exercise. You need to focus on your thoughts, body, mental and physical sensations.
You need to choose comfortable and light clothing so that it does not hinder movement. Meditation, yoga, relaxing gymnastic exercises are good to do outdoors. Learn to concentrate on your breath. Try to control the length of inhalation and exhalation. An important point is focusing on the current moments. Avoid past and future events. Introspection helps to feel harmony and eliminate contradictions between the inner and outer world. Daily walks in a pine forest, birch grove or river bank improve your mood.
Throughout the week, you can think about what you most want. Try to assess your own abilities and capabilities. Summarize some of your past life. Try to predict future events, develop a plan. This introspection will allow you to understand in which direction you need to move next to achieve real success.
Not every person is capable of a week of silence. Some don't make it to the finish line. They are rented for 3-4 days. Those who like to talk a lot begin to feel very bad without communication. Experts advise them not to constantly glance at the clock and not think when the forced silence will end. Try to enjoy the silence process. Train your willpower.

How to prolong the received effect?
Seven days of silence builds endurance and patience. These qualities are necessary for everyone, so it is very important not to stop there, but to develop further. The effect of the practice is enhanced if the subject regularly walks in the fresh air, goes out into nature, performs physical exercises, meditates, eats right, and has the opportunity to fully rest and get enough sleep.
A person who has been silent for a whole week automatically continues to listen to their breathing. He controls it on an unconscious level. Experts recommend mastering the correct breathing technique during practice. In the future, it helps to maintain personal energy. The ability to hear your inner voice leads to scrolling through various situations in your head and an automatic search for a worthy way out of them. Rethinking your position in life helps you gain calmness, restraint and patience. Try not to lose these qualities in the future.
Do not forget that all your words should carry a deep meaning. By realizing this, you will become a more pleasant and empathetic conversation partner. You cannot take a thoughtless and offensive statement back, so learn to take responsibility for the phrases you utter. Gradually, a person acquires the habit of not being rude and not provoking others to conflict. He calmly reacts to the irritation of other people and is simply silent. Silence helps not to quarrel.
Save the experience gained over 7 days. As a result, you will learn how to easily and easily convey your thoughts to other people. Do not speak out loud thoughts that contain unnecessary information. Words spoken only in order not to sit in awkward silence are of no use.
A weekly exclusion from the life of information technology relieves strangers from pressure on you. Try to no longer depend on individuals from social networks, news feeds and the media.