What to write to a girl you like?

It often happens that it is difficult for a young man to continue communicating with a girl whom he liked when meeting. In such situations, excessive modesty and shyness usually interfere, the guy is not confident in his abilities, so he is embarrassed to talk to the girl about his feelings and generally keep in touch with her. Sometimes, on the contrary, a man is so proud that he behaves too assertively towards the opposite sex. Let's figure out what and how to write to a girl in order not only to please her, but also to keep her attention.

Basic principles of communication with a girl
Girls do not accept platitudes. It is absolutely boring when a seemingly nice young man writes any trivial things. For example, "Hello, how are you?", "What are you doing?", "How did you sleep today?" etc. Obviously, when you've been in a relationship for a long time, it can come across as caring. But if your acquaintance took place quite recently, then such turns are not at all appropriate.
It is important to "hook" a person so that he again wants to communicate with you, go to social networks, always be in touch. Be original. Do not write platitudes, come up with something unusual. Let's say, "Today you will definitely conquer the Universe, have a nice day!" or "Dream about lilac rhinos in Africa." Let it be stupid, but it will be from the heart.

Questions and answers
Forget about monosyllabic questions.Encourage the girl to communicate. You shouldn't ask what you can answer "Yes", "No" or get away with a simple "Good". You need to lure the girl, challenge her to a dialogue, which means that someone has to start, let it be a young man.
Try to ask something that can be answered in detail. For example, "What emotions did this film evoke in you?" or "What do you think about the last event at the school / institute?"

Sense of humor
This is even more important. What else can attract attention, if not a good joke? Of course, you can find interesting and uplifting jokes on the internet. But it will be much more effective to show your own sense of humor in time. You do not need to think in a formulaic way, just look at the situation from the outside, come up with some of your own situations and act, but always with humor.
For example, if a girl is out of the network or does not answer for a long time, it is better not to use the banal "Where are you?" Try to write "What well did you fall into there?" or "Are you alive?"

Knowing of limits
You don't have to be boring. Yes, literally. Don't write too often, too much, and for no particular reason. Of course, it is important to maintain constant contact, but any patient person will become very stressed by the situation when the correspondence lasts whole days. In the end, you will be left out. Therefore, it is necessary to leave both yourself and the girl time for personal thoughts, a place for personal space.

It is very important to understand what kind of person you are dealing with. Let's say you have never seen a girl, therefore, you have no common topics for conversation. To start a dialogue, you need to find any similarities, her or your hobbies that might attract attention. To do this, carefully study her page on the social network. There you can find, for example, a woman's musical preferences or, perhaps, her hobbies according to the groups in which she is a member.

For many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, the most important factor is the ability of a young person to handle words. That is, his literacy, correct and appropriate use of certain words and concepts. You will make a positive impression on a decent and educated girl if your messages follow the spelling rules, punctuation marks are placed where necessary, and words are used in the right context.

How to keep attention?
Besides the fact that you have become an excellent conversationalist, you need to be able to keep the girl's attention in relation to you, to make her want to communicate with you not only on the Internet, but also in life. It's not enough to like her by correspondence, you have to be on top and in reality.
- First of all, you need to find common interests. It can be anything from movies to fishing, from skiing to collecting old books. Try to find a hobby that unites you, it will take your relationship to the next level. And then try something new together, take the risk of trying some unusual food or watch the horror movie you are so afraid of together.
- Flirt! When she sees that you want to continue dating, she will definitely not remain indifferent to your efforts. Always write compliments to her, but remember the measure and know your worth. It is important that there is a return from both.
- Let her know that you are constantly thinking about her. Even a message written late at night will make her think that thoughts about her visit you around the clock. Of course, it will be pleasant for every girl.
- In any business, it is important to know when to stop, and especially in dealing with a girl. Do not overdo it with constant correspondence, it depresses any person. In addition, the endless exchange of messages cannot lead to the successful formation of a couple. Try to be non-intrusive and try to get the girl to start texting you first. This will definitely indicate the fact that your relationship has a future.

Successful examples
Of course, nice words can lure a huge number of women. However, it is much more important not just to throw compliments in different directions, but to tell the truth, write really sincere and meaningful SMS messages. Moreover, if you do not want to linger at this stage of the relationship. Let's take a look at some examples of original letters.
Message for dating a girl you like
- “Today is perfect for meeting new people. Don't you think it's happening right now? "
- "Good day! My name is Alexander. We are in the same group, I think we have a lot in common. Do not want to meet?".
- "Hello! Most likely, you do not remember me, but I cannot stop thinking about you. "
- "Good evening! Today at the party you moved beautifully, would you like to accompany me on tomorrow's holiday? "

Compliment messages
- “Today a wonderful photo has appeared on your page. I really like. How did you manage to take such a picture? "
- “Every day I hasten to go online to enjoy communication with you.”
- “I am interested in communicating with you on the Internet. I look forward to our meeting in reality. "

Messages that make you smile
- “My most enjoyable activity is thinking about you.”
- "The best woman in the universe spent tonight with me."
- “I don’t want the minutes of our communication with you to end.”

Apology Messages
- “I want to fix what happened. I promise you will like the edits. "
- “I understand that because of my character you are nervous now. I promise you will be calm now. "
- “I don’t want to lose you because of such stupidity. Sorry".

How to replace "Hello"
- "Today you are so adorable that I completely forgot to say hello."
- “You don’t have a thread? I would like to make friends with you! "
- Greetings in foreign languages will highlight your personality. For example, "Salute!"
- "Hello". It would seem a very simple word, but usually it is perceived more gratefully than the banal "Hello".

Bedtime Messages
- “Don't forget about the alarm! Work will not wait. "
- "I went to bed so that the day would come faster when we meet."
- “Sleep tight. I will guard your sleep. "

Messages in the morning
- "Have a nice day, and I will wait for the evening to hug you as soon as possible."
- "I was guarding your sleep, and now I will provide you with a good day."
- "Good morning! I've been thinking about you all night. "

Typical mistakes
Many girls report that they are turned off by phrases in messages like “Hello. How are you?". They think this is hackneyed and does not attract attention at all. Most likely, after this message, the girl will break all contacts with you.
Some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are especially embarrassed when young people, when meeting, allow themselves all kinds of vulgar jokes and hints of a sexual nature. Of course, this makes you think about the seriousness of the guy's intentions.

The use of various jargons and obscene expressions will also not lead to anything good. At least, this is unacceptable in the early days of communication, when people can judge each other only by their appearance or writing style.
An equally important factor is the observance of the spelling and grammatical norms of the Russian language. Your meager vocabulary will definitely not lead to anything good, but will only aggravate the situation of continuing to meet a girl.

Inaccurate data about your personality will definitely not delight a woman when the deception is revealed and it becomes clear who you really are. If you crave a serious relationship with a worthy woman, in no case do not deceive her with false information and fake photos.
Girls always pay attention to details imperceptible to the male eye. Therefore, it is important to put your page in order: add truthful information about yourself, post a photo in a sober state, with a good mood. For a correct representation of you in the eyes of others, indicate your interests, hobbies.

"Hello, let's get acquainted!" - it is better not to write this way, because such a form does not imply the word "No" for the answer. Therefore, it will put the girl in a quandary, which will instantly distract her directly from you.
"Most likely, my message will remain unread, but ..." - such phrases demonstrate the strongest insecurity of a man and, as a result, drop his significance in the eyes of a woman.
“Maybe I'm not your type at all” - for sure this will greatly alert the girl, because how does she know who is behind the monitor screen. Moreover, you are in the same situation, because there is also not a lot of information about the interlocutor.

Either way, it's important to be yourself when texting with a girl you like. After all, who knows, maybe it is with her that you will be able to build a wonderful family.
For errors in correspondence with the girl, see the video below.
Too sweet selection) In fact, I really liked it, I took some phrases for use, I will flaunt in front of my beloved)