Who is a philanthropist and what does he do?

There are subjects who provide assistance to everyone, without exception. They are usually kind and compassionate. Their brain activity is aimed at supporting those people who need assistance from the outside. It is interesting and calm to be with these persons. To understand this issue in more detail, let us turn to the following information.

So what does the word philanthropist mean? If we rely on the concept of a given verbal unit, then we can say this: the person who provides support to all in need is called a philanthropist. It should be added that a philanthropist is a person who provides any kind of assistance free of charge... He never asks for anything in return. This means that this term has a certain connection with activities that are aimed at performing good deeds. Therefore, we can say this: the philanthropist is engaged in the right business, and he definitely loves people.
To further understand the meaning of the word "philanthropist", it is necessary to plunge into history. A synonym for the term under consideration is the word "lover of mankind". The term was coined by a Greek. At one time he was a playwright, and his name was Aeschylus. A little later, the Greeks who helped their compatriots began to be called philanthropists. When Christianity arose, this direction began to develop even more actively. For example, in German cities, caregivers began collecting information about poor people and helping them.
And yet it is necessary to accurately define the activities of the philanthropist. It is as follows:
- support and financial assistance to all those in need;
- support and assistance of a physical nature;
- providing material assistance to organizations that are engaged in good deeds;
- support of talented people, financial assistance in organizing exhibitions;
- support of those who have experienced the consequences of any cataclysms or survived some kind of disaster.

Who can become?
We already know that philanthropy is philanthropy... This means that people who treat their own kind with love and complete sympathy can theoretically become philanthropists. You don't have to be a fabulously rich person and donate huge sums to charity to do this. It must be remembered that there are a huge number of people on the planet. Everybody has different possibilities. If you have a desire to help others, then you do not need to ignore it.
It is possible that your subconscious mind requires you to become kinder and wiser. This should not be denied, since good must be sown always and everywhere. Therefore, altruists will never disappear both in Russia and abroad. They will sacrifice their personal time and help the elderly. For example, their activities may include the following: cleaning the homes of lonely old people for free, going to the store for groceries and arranging various themed evenings for them. And this suggests that any of us can become a philanthropist, if there is a desire.
Now let's look at specific tips that will help you quickly find the path to humanism.
- If you want to donate a certain amount, then transfer as much money as you can. To do this, you do not need to completely deprive yourself of any benefits. Just give the part of the earnings that you may not need.
- If you cannot consistently donate certain amounts of your salary to charity, then try to help those in need physically. For example, take over an elderly person or raise money for a charitable organization.
- If you consider yourself an organizer, then try to create a foundation that will provide charitable assistance to those in need.
- Volunteering Is another step towards philanthropy. For example, you can participate in an action that aims to distribute food to homeless people.
- To make it work for you, choose the direction you like. For example, it can be work related to the environment, helping sick children, homeless animals.
- Tell your friends and other people that doing charity is good for peace of mind. Good deeds are good for self-awareness.

Activity value
It must be said that in simple words the significance of the activity in question cannot be explained and overestimated. There is a lot of injustice and grief in our life. Therefore, you need to make sure that there are as few such manifestations as possible. And for this, all people need to devote at least a little time every day to make this world a better place. In other words, it is important to create a corporate charity that would unite everyone.
However, philanthropy cannot be very effective without a specific approach. If we consider charity as a science, then strategic philanthropy should be highlighted. It's about prioritizing and focusing on dynamic change in altruism. Anyone who is involved in such a good cause wants to see the changes for the better that have come about thanks to his contribution. This is the idea that has previously inspired all great philanthropists. Therefore, they began to look for approaches that would help to achieve better results. The best of them turned out to be analytical approach.
Takeaway: There are three main pillars on which strategic philanthropy is based. First is the definition of goals. Then comes the action, which is based on precise aspects.Next comes the training that helps in organizing charity. This spectrum includes increased interaction with different groups of people interested in widespread philanthropy. As can be seen from the above information, the importance of philanthropy in the world today is only growing.
People who strive for ideal relationships in society are actively expanding their activities. And this is very good.

How is it different from other types?
A philanthropist is a philanthropist who helps people in the most difficult situations for them. For example, he provides support to subjects who have no money at all for food or medical treatment. Also, such a benefactor provides moral assistance to those individuals who have experienced the death of loved ones. Therefore, there is a very big difference between a philanthropist and a philanthropist. Nevertheless, the patron also participates in charity. However, he provides assistance to established persons. These persons have already achieved certain results. To move even further, they need outside support. This is exactly the kind of support you can get from a philanthropist.
Sponsoring is also different from patronage... We can say that this direction is its antipode. Yes, of course, sponsors provide financial assistance. But they do it not entirely disinterestedly. For example, they give money for the promotion of a talented person, but in return this person must advertise the activities of the sponsor or the goods he produces.
And yet, it is impossible not to agree that all the listed types of patronage are to some extent similar. Both sponsors and patrons provide financial assistance to people. And only philanthropists do not demand any benefits in return.

Forms of philanthropy
Like all areas, philanthropy takes certain forms. Let's consider them in more detail. The first is cash donations. Such assistance can be directed to the benefit of a charitable organization or a specific person. Some philanthropists choose to spend part of their income on helping those in need, while others leave behind a legacy of all their savings for the benefit of people or organizations in need. Donation of property can also act as support. For example, a person makes a donation, which says that the donor's house, cars and apartment should be donated free of charge in favor of a charitable organization or in favor of a specific entity.
Personal time donation is another form of philanthropy. For example, people work in nursing homes or visit people with disabilities and fulfill their requests. Also, philanthropists can engage in free education and promotion of talented children whose parents cannot pay for these services.
Some philanthropists are involved in donations. Thus, they save lives.

Famous benefactors
For many businessmen and the mighty of this world, philanthropy is almost the most important moment in their lives. So, here are some famous people who do not mind spending their money to arrange the lives of those in need.
- Bill Gates is considered the most generous. He donates billions of dollars to charity.
- Warren Buffett Is the most famous philanthropist in the world. His donations totaled $ 21 billion.
- George Soros Is a financier who donated $ 8 billion to charity.
- Azim Premji first invented the "Oath of Giving" and signed it.
- Charles F. Feeney donates to charity in secret. He gives away most of his earnings.
- Carlos Slim - one of the richest people. He owns two charitable foundations.
- Suleiman ibn Abdul Aziz al-Raji has been involved in charity work since 2011. For this, he organized his own company.
- Gordon Moore created his own charity fund for caring for sick people.
- Michael Bloomberg was once the mayor of New York.Today he helps medical organizations.
- Mark Zuckerberg founded the Facebook network. This is the largest philanthropist.

In addition, Hollywood stars are also involved in philanthropy. There are women among them. Consider the most famous philanthropist stars.
- Meryl Streep Is a famous movie star who founded The Silver Mountain Foundation for the Arts in 1983.
- Michael Fox with the help of the foundation, he donated a large amount to the fight against Parkinson's disease.
- Matt Damon provides funds for children in need.
- Taylor Swift donates money to artists.
- Bono always participates in charitable events aimed at fighting poverty.
- Mel Gibson helps children who need serious treatment. In addition, he set aside a large sum of money for the protection of the tropics.
- Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are actively involved in charity work in many areas. For example, Jolie donated a certain amount to promote women's rights in Pakistan.
- Paul McCartney fights for animal rights and allocates considerable sums for this activity.
- George Lucas sold his film company and donated most of the money to charity.

There are also patrons of art in Russia. These are the following personalities.
- Russian businessman Alisher Usmanov, founder and major shareholder of USM Holdings, invests heavily in art-related projects.
- Alexander Mamut, a member of the Rambler Group steering committee, makes private investments in godly deeds.
- Vladimir Potanin, President of the Interros holding, helps museums.
- Oleg Deripaska, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Basic Element, every year he donates huge sums to support the arts.
- Gennady Timchenko, Member of the Board of Directors of Novatek and Sibur, allocates funds for organizing tours of various theaters.
- Inna Bazhenova, publisher of the international network The Art Newspaper, organizes research exhibitions in the field of culture.
- Stella Kesaeva, a public figure, as well as Igor Kesaev, president of the Mercury group of companies, are organizing exhibitions and supporting artists.
- Mikhail Abramov, an entrepreneur and owner of Plaza Development, directs his charity to support the cultural heritage of Russia.
- Shalva Breus Is a businessman, publisher, chairman of the board of directors of Ost West Group, chairman of the board of directors of PPM Volga. He created the "Kandinsky Prize", which is awarded to contemporary artists.
- Yuri Rozum - pianist, People's Artist of Russia, President of the Yuri Rozum International Charitable Foundation. This fund allocates funds for concerts, festivals, etc.