What kind of girls do guys like?

Every girl wants to feel beautiful and special. And self-esteem depends more on the signs of attention of men. Consider why some girls always have a lot of fans, while others while away their evenings alone, what determines the degree of attraction, and what kind of girls do guys like.

A man loves with his eyes - this truth is as old as the world, and you cannot argue with it. No matter how the opposite sex claims that inner beauty is more important, any guy pays attention to his appearance. Even if a girl cooks deliciously, reads a lot, has an interesting hobby and has a unique sense of humor, without basic care for her appearance, she risks remaining invisible to men.
What do you need to be to please a guy, and is there any standard - maybe Angelina Jolie or Monica Bellucci, let's figure it out. Here you can please all the fair sex - every man likes a certain type. For a young man in love, his girlfriend will always be the most beautiful, even if for the rest she is rather ordinary and discreet. Because there are no uniform parameters, no matter how the media impose them. In other words, “there is a merchant for every product”.
But this does not mean that you need to let everything go by itself and wait for the prince to knock on the door himself. There are certain external criteria that absolutely all men like, and girls must adhere to them.

This applies to the condition of the skin, hair, nails.Women simply have to take care of themselves, take a shower regularly, wash their hair, use creams and other means. Many girls visit salons where they do various skin care procedures from masks to body wraps. All this to ensure that the skin is always smooth and looks healthy. Any man will be put off by a dirty head, an abundance of acne on his face or bad breath.
And even the most incredible beauty can make an unpleasant impression if her nails are in an inappropriate condition. And men are greedy to the smallest detail. The same goes for body hair. Almost 100% of men do not like a girl's hair anywhere except on the head. Therefore, this item should also not be deleted from the list of responsibilities. In addition, now there are many ways to get rid of unwanted hair, including permanently.

Shining eyes
Men, contrary to stereotypes, pay attention to their eyes. But not on their color, but on the look. A beautiful girl is a happy girl. Sometimes enviable beauties are surprised that men do not approach them to get acquainted, but the reason may be hidden in the way the girl looks at others. Alertness, coldness, malevolence in the gaze will be read immediately, and this will alienate the man. No matter how much a woman likes him outwardly, he may simply be afraid of refusal.
Therefore, the gaze should be relaxed, warm and inviting. The famous supermodel Tyra Banks has always taught to "smile with your eyes", you should definitely learn this tactic.

This concept should not be confused with neglect. Being natural does not mean completely giving up cosmetics, not doing hair and not taking care of yourself. Natural appearance is the harmony of the image. Some girls think that the abundance of makeup, false eyelashes and strands, fake tan makes them more attractive, but this is not so. Men tend to be put off by this unnaturalness.
The question legitimately arises - what is hidden behind all these layers of cosmetics? Therefore, in order not to look like a doll, you need to use cosmetics correctly. She should not hide her face, her task is to emphasize her dignity. You can even attend special make-up courses, where experienced masters will select an individual make-up for any look.

Beautiful hair
They can be taken out as a separate item, because in fact, men are crazy about women's hair. Needless to say, they must be clean. This is the absolute minimum that every girl should adhere to. The maximum is to have a beautiful haircut and use care products to keep your hair healthy, soft and shiny.
As for the eternal question - do gentlemen prefer blondes, or do they like brunettes and redheads, and what hair color is in the lead - it is not so important for guys... If he likes the girl in general, then her hair is light or dark - a secondary issue. Extreme colors such as red, purple, blue, green are considered an exception. Such coloring can scare off a man, so it is better to opt for familiar and natural shades.
If we talk about hairstyles, then, of course, long hair is always held in high esteem by the stronger sex. But this does not mean that a girl with a short haircut will not be in demand. If the hairstyle is in harmony with the overall appearance, then a man will definitely pay attention to such a girl.
By the way, there is advice for those representatives of the fair sex who seek to straighten their naturally curly hair - guys even really like curls, so you should not so desperately hide your individuality, which is better to make your zest.

Posture and gait
Everyone remembers the film "Office Romance", where the secretary Vera taught Lyudmila Prokofievna to walk correctly.The main rules were that a woman should have a riddle, her head should be raised, her back should be straight, and the gait itself should be free from the hip. One has only to remember the charming Marilyn Monroe, who drove men crazy with her amazing ability to walk beautifully and femininely. The main thing is to be able not to go beyond gracefulness and not go (literally and figuratively) into vulgarity. You can even take lessons or train at home using modeling techniques, for example, with a book on your head.
Nor should you underestimate the importance of a straight back. It is unlikely that a man will be attracted by a stooped girl. It is important to monitor your posture while sitting and walking until your back becomes an integral part of your look.

With the face, skin and hair, it is more or less clear, but everyone is interested in what kind of figure guys like. Probably, all the girls will unanimously answer that the parameters 90-60-90, which have arisen since the time of Marilyn Monroe, are considered the ideal. But do not forget that once the ideal was considered to be overweight women, whom Rubens painted with such admiration on his canvases. Fashion for figures is changeable, but the essence remains the same - men like both thin and large girls. It all depends on the ability to present yourself. And of course, you should not go to extremes - exhaust yourself with diets until there is nothing left but skin, or overeat to the point where it will be difficult to get through the doorway. Both that, and another can not please a man because of the unhealthy appearance. Everything should be harmonious.
Let's figure out what parameters you need to have in order to please a guy, but first you need to get rid of two very important stereotypes.

Lean body type is always held in high esteem
This is a misconception. But it cannot be said that double chins and an abundance of cellulite will look more attractive. You just need to understand that thinness is not equal to beauty, and a fat girl does not mean ugly. For a man, the main thing is that the figure looks fit, regardless of weight. The main thing is to know when to stop. There is no need to bring the weight to dangerous levels, both in plus and minus.
Of course, the hourglass type will always attract males.but that doesn't mean the other girls don't have a chance. The main thing is to be fit, and fitness classes, jogging in the morning and workouts in the halls will help. In addition, such exercises will not only strengthen the muscles and make the figure more attractive, but also heal the body.

Girls with big breasts have a better chance
Another misconception. And many women are complex because of their first size, and some rush headlong to plastic surgeons, increasing their breasts to the "ideal" third or even fifth size. Of course, a beautiful neckline will draw attention to itself, but men are not so important about the size as the shape of the chest. If outwardly it looks attractive, then the chosen one does not care at all whether it is the first size or the fourth. Therefore, you should immediately exclude this complex, and not focus attention on it. As for giving the décolleté area a beautiful shape, sports (especially push-ups), taking a contrast shower and various creams that contribute to the elasticity and tightening of the skin will also help here.
It is important to be able to accept your own body, to improve it and not to complex because of the stereotypes imposed by society and the media. Because a girl with any type of figure (no extremes) is able to charm a man. The main thing is the ability to present yourself correctly.

What kind of girls do men like - tall or short - there is no single answer to this question. And the concept of growth will be different for each guy. Usually men prefer the girl to be about ten centimeters shorter than them, although many men do not mind a tall companion. It happens that a short man tends to choose a girl of the same height or slightly shorter in order to avoid awkwardness next to a tall beauty.
Of course, model growth has its advantages - such girls stand out from the crowd, outfits fit perfectly on them. But low growth is not a reason for complexes. Short girls look younger than their years, even with a full figure they do not look cumbersome, and men immediately want to be the defenders of such pretty beauties.
Small girls are very popular with really tall men. Sometimes the difference in centimeters can reach 20, 30, and even 40. And sometimes a tall guy prefers a girl to match, so that the couple looks harmonious. In any case, growth is only a convention, it largely depends on the psychological characteristics of the partners.

Style and clothing
Men value femininity in the opposite sex. And you can emphasize it with the help of a wardrobe, namely: dresses and heels. The already mentioned film star Marilyn Monroe considered heels a salvation for women - and she was right. With the help of them, you can profitably lengthen your legs and emphasize your attractiveness. A girl on stiletto heels automatically begins to feel more confident, her posture, gait and ability to hold herself change. As for the dresses, they will be leaders in the opinion of the male population. Even if trousers or jeans look great for a girl, this does not compare with the effect that she will have on a man wearing a dress.
When choosing a wardrobe, several important rules should be followed.
- Elegant and not vulgar. A short and open dress can create a rather frivolous image, giving the young person the wrong signs. Therefore, it is important not to cross the border. Sexuality and vulgarity are not synonymous.
- Price is not an indicator. A girl can buy a dress in an expensive boutique or at a sale - it doesn't matter for a man. The main thing is how the clothes fit on the figure, and not a single representative of the stronger sex will look at the price tags.
- Cleanliness and tidiness. These are the main criteria for clothing. Not a single guy will like a wrinkled dress on his darling, besides with a spot on the sleeve, even if it was bought for a fabulous sum.
- Relevance. Of course, dresses with heels are a safe bet for any woman. But you need to put them on in accordance with the occasion. An extravagant outfit with stiletto heels for a walk in the park is more likely to puzzle a man than to attract.

Of course, all this does not mean that it is necessary to throw out all things from the wardrobe, except for dresses. The girl is attractive in other outfits as well, as long as the wardrobe is not boring or too pretentious. Both are bad. Men appreciate girls who dress tastefully.
As for the underwear, here it is worth starting from the color and fabric.
- A man will definitely associate red with passion, so a girl in lingerie of this color will make a vivid and effective impression.
- Black is no less popular. It gives the impression of extravagance and mystery.
- Some men love white underwear because innocence can be sexy too.
The fabric plays an important role. Cotton takes the last places in the ranking, according to men, it looks simple and unpretentious. Therefore, it is worth stopping the choice on lace or silk, which will undoubtedly drive any young man crazy.
The main thing is that the clothes are harmonious, appropriate, emphasizing their dignity, and then you won't have to wait long for attention from the opposite sex.

Character and behavior
Of course, external data are important, but on one pretty face and a beautiful figure you won't get far, a man needs to be able to interest him. Let's list which girls like the opposite sex by nature.
- Sociable. It's worth noting that this is not synonymous with loquacity. No one likes a silent girl who doesn't know how to keep up a conversation or start a conversation. A man is not against modest behavior, but it is important to know when to stop, otherwise he may take shyness for disinterest in communication.
- Self-confident. This is not about narcissism and arrogance. It is only important to be able to present yourself with dignity. Even if a girl has some kind of complexes, it is not necessary to focus the attention of a man on them, it is important to pay his attention only to her dignity.
- Smart and literate. Oddly enough, but the stereotype about the attractiveness of stupid girls has not worked for a long time. If a woman reads books, is engaged in self-development, has a hobby, writes competently and expresses herself, then she is much more likely to be liked by a man. It is not a shame to introduce a smart companion to friends and any other company, it is always interesting with her and there is something to talk about, and most importantly, you listen to her opinion.
- Mysterious. Men most of all like to seek the location of the girl, to recognize her gradually. You do not need to tell everything about yourself at once at the first meeting, you should always hold your trump cards for the future. It is important for a girl to be unpredictable, but within reasonable limits.

- Caring and kind. Any guy will love it if the girl shows a gentle attitude. At the same time, she should show kindness not only to the chosen one, but also to relatives, children, animals and strangers. But here you should not overdo it, otherwise there is a risk of turning from a desirable woman into a mother.
- Calm. In fact, men don't like girls who are too emotional. They can cry at any time or throw a real tantrum. The guy will quickly get tired of such outbursts, so you need to forget about breaking plates and throwing clothes out of windows. The main thing is to control yourself!
- Merry. A sense of humor makes any girl even more desirable and attractive. Therefore, it is important to be able to laugh, including at yourself. Excessive seriousness repels men, but it's not worth being a solid holiday girl either. Measure is important in everything.
- Modest. If a girl is embarrassed, blushes, it always looks cute and can charm any man. But at the same time, you should not confuse modesty with isolation.
- Unobtrusive. The basic rule in dealing with a man is to allow him to achieve himself. You do not need to go into his hands, showing excessive initiative. Guys like some inaccessibility, but frequent calls and restriction of personal freedom will only repel.
- Talented. In fact, men, like women, love romantic surprises. Therefore, there will be nothing like this if the girl herself prepares for her chosen one some original gift, made with her own hands, or reads a poem of her own composition. Such a gesture will be pleasant to a man, and he will definitely appreciate the creative approach.

There are some types of women who are attracted to men.
- Business lady. The image of a business woman scares some of the stronger sex, and some impresses. Success is a trait that can give rise to complexes in an insecure guy, so usually strong men prefer such girls. Many representatives of the strongly gender find this image sexy and interesting.
- Skillful hostesses. This type of woman always has delicious borscht prepared, the apartment shines with cleanliness, the linen is washed and ironed. Many men choose just such life companions who skillfully create home comfort.
- "Our own in the board." Such girls become real friends and like-minded people for their companions. They can watch football or enjoy fishing. It's fun, comfortable and interesting with such a girl.
- Fatal women. A mysterious and attractive type for a man. They are insidious, selfish, unpredictable, but despite this, they are popular with the male sex. Of course, not every guy will decide to choose such a girl for a serious relationship, but nevertheless, this image is present in the dreams of many representatives of the stronger sex.
- Enchantments. Such girls combine the features of all the above types.They are pleasant to talk to, they can surprise with their culinary skills, and at the same time they are able to achieve success in business and try on the image of a fatal lady. A man with such a woman will simply have no time to be bored.

We take into account the age
The most common stereotype is that men are attracted to young women and girls. This also applies to older men. Even at the age of fifty, they pay attention exclusively to girls of twenty-five. What should those over 30 do to put an end to themselves? Of course not! The famous actress Audrey Hepburn argued that the beauty of a woman increases with the years. And she was right. After all, the older a woman is, the more experienced, wiser and more interesting she is.
Long gone is the time when a girl at 30 was considered almost old. Now the age criteria have already shifted in favor of youth, especially since men do not know much about this issue. Thinking that they like girls under 30, they pay attention to those who are not even 35, but already 40. It's not about numbers, but about taking care of themselves. Some adult women can give odds to any twenty-year-old beauties.
The main thing is to preserve the radiance in your eyes, love of life, lightness, charm and mystery. It is with such a woman (no matter how old she is) that any man will want to be near.

What perfume attracts guys?
Smell is one of the key criteria for attractiveness. A girl will definitely be remembered by a man if she smells good. Therefore, it is important to choose the right perfume. What scent is sure to please the stronger sex?
- Floral. Roses, tulips, jasmines - all this will add lightness, weightlessness and femininity to the image. A man will definitely be captivated by floral notes in a woman's perfume.
- Fruit. Another attractive scent for the opposite sex. Sweet and juicy scent will add spice to the image of any girl.
- Spicy. What guy doesn't like the scent of cinnamon, vanilla, or chocolate? Such a woman will be associated with something sweet and charming.
Of the special women's fragrances, which are rightfully considered the most attractive for the opposite sex, one can single out the already well-known and beloved by all Chanel No. 5, light floral fragrances from Nina Ricci, sexy and sensual notes of Poison (Dior), saturation 212 from Carolina Herrera.

Spirits can not only attract a man, but also push him away. Let's remember what you need to know when using perfume.
- The smell should not be harsh. He can easily get a headache. No need to douse your favorite perfume from head to toe, just a few drops on the neck and wrists.
- The smell shouldn't be too complex. The scent should complement the female image, but not overshadow it in any way. It is better to opt for pleasant, but simple fragrances, the smell of which will be understandable to any man.
In the next video, seven habits of women that guys like are waiting for you.
I am a blue-eyed blonde, I only love blonde-haired blue-eyed girls.