What kind of people hate other people and what to do about it?

Someone does not like a specific person. Someone is annoyed directly by neighbors or colleagues. Some people hate all of humanity. Some want to hide from people, to retire. Others want to openly express their dissatisfaction with society and the world in general.

Features of manifestation of hatred
A person who hates people is called misanthrope... He is distinguished by unsociability. Hatred can spread to society and the world at large. Sometimes misanthropy becomes the life philosophy of a person, and sometimes it transforms into a disease - sociopathy... Dislike for others and dissatisfaction with society is often accompanied by anger, irritation and anger. A hostile individual accepts everything with hostility because of his psychological problems, including self-doubt. He is highly dependent on the opinions of other people. He perceives criticism in his address extremely painfully, therefore he tries to avoid all contacts with the outside world.
Often, a misanthrope hates himself more than others, projecting this dislike on society.... He does not accept folk traditions, customs, lifestyle, religion, culture. The misanthrope does not like all of humanity and the social order. He is annoyed by any weaknesses of people, their mistakes. Most misanthropists have normal relationships with others, they know how to be good friends, but they filter the social circle. Such people do not try to completely get rid of contacts, but simply limit them. A man-hater may envy the beauty, intelligence, and wealth of others.
Envy provokes hatred, disrespect, and anger towards those with good qualities.Sometimes a feeling of envy arises for the material well-being of friends or relatives.

Hatred of the human race can manifest itself in different ways. Some try to isolate themselves from society and enjoy their own loneliness. Others suffer from solitude. There are subjects who are very fond of animals but hate people. They are ready to keep dozens of pets in their apartment, but they shy away from society. The reason may be betrayal of loved ones, betrayal, disappointment in people, personal philosophy. However, not all animal lovers are misanthropes.
Some people hate being in an elevator with someone. Some people do not like that people are too close. Others are annoyed by the loud conversation of fellow travelers present nearby. Still others do not like stopping on floors and waiting for outsiders to exit the elevator. A person who should go out earlier causes a storm of indignation in a man-hater. Some people don't like sitting next to a stranger on public transport. Particularly annoying is the possibility of being in place in the aisle or sitting between two people. Discontent arises from the violation of personal space. A person wants to ride alone.
Most misanthropes, when canceling some joint plans, have an incredible feeling of joy that there is no longer the need for dialogue and interaction with another person. It is as if a load falls off the shoulders of a person. Now you can be alone with yourself, go about your business. When there is an opportunity to choose a company of friends or watch a movie alone, then the choice is made in favor of the film.

There are people who hate to talk on the phone. If necessary, they sadly appoint the time of the call, pick up the phone, dial the number and sadly conduct a conversation. It is much easier for such individuals to send SMS or write a message in one of the instant messengers. However, participation in group chats is very stressful and tiring for them.
If you need to overpay for lunch in a more closed place, then preference is given to laying out the extra money. You don't want to dine in a crowded place because of the noise and crowding. Queues lead to anxiety. People around you are annoying, make you nervous and do not allow you to eat normally. Sometimes the misanthrope has to move from a good place to a secluded corner, just to be away from people and not be on public display. When we meet, an unconscious search for shortcomings begins. The misanthrope immediately mentally notes: a new acquaintance is illegible, he is not dressed fashionably, and he waves his arms too much during a conversation. The initially created negative attitude causes a long-term adaptation to communication with the newcomer.
Dislike can only be directed at children, men or women. Hatred of women can manifest itself in the failure to fulfill one's promises, an acute reaction to the success of the fairer sex, being late for business meetings with them with punctuality in relation to the male environment.
Misogynists easily inflict mental pain on girls, make various taunts and offensive jokes at them. They treat their partner with disrespect and disdain, easily cheat on her.

Most misanthropes seek solitude. They are characterized by a distrustful attitude towards others, excessive suspicion, alienation, unsociability and pessimism. Such people shy away from noisy companies, but have their own narrow circle of friends. A misanthrope is a person with overestimated requirements for an individual and society. A man-hater does not want to forgive human mistakes, vices, inaccuracies to anyone, including himself.
There are very intelligent people among misanthropes. They are so passionate about their work that they perceive their environment as an obstacle on the way to achieving goals. Such genius people are classified as misanthropic techies. This misanthropic species can be found among technical specialists who silently rummage in various devices and do not pay any attention to those around them.
Sometimes a talented person, imagining himself a genius, expresses contempt for others. Man looks down on their imperfection. Strangers are perceived by him as talentless and stupid subjects.
There are failing misanthropes. Because of their inability or weakness, they cannot take a high position in society, gain the favor of others, and achieve success. As a result, dissatisfaction with one's own person develops into hatred of others and the whole world. There are misanthropes who deliberately reject social foundations. They do not digest miserable people and try to rise above the gray mass. For this purpose, they are engaged in self-development, trying to increase their own erudition.
Such misanthropists do not need to communicate with others. They keep in touch with a limited number of people.

Misogynists abhor women. The most dangerous misogynist is hidden type. In this case, the man shows courtesy and restraint. He makes a good impression on the ladies. But his true face is revealed only after the marriage procedure. The open type of misogynist includes people who publicly insult, humiliate and ridicule female representatives. They speak negatively about the mental abilities of women, support any negative statements towards women.
Rebel misanthropes dream of changing the world through reforms... They take any injustice hard. They organize rallies to protect animals and the environment. Their hostility does not extend to the world as a whole, but to certain groups of individuals, parties, specific individuals who have anything to do with wrongness. This type of misanthropist is not isolated from society, but openly enters into the fight against injustice.
Sociopaths have a dangerous personality disorder. They do not have a sense of empathy, are aggressive and have the ability to hurt another. They often resort to violence. The inability to control their own fear of society turns sociopaths into murderers, robbers and rapists. But not all sociopaths exhibit deviant behavior. Sociopathy is a mental disorder that requires treatment.
Xenophobes do not dislike all people. They hate individuals of a particular race, nationality, or religion. They are annoyed by subjects with a certain appearance, character, mannerisms and behavior. Xenophobes are categorically against interracial and interethnic marriages.
Nationalism and racism are varieties of xenophobia. Nationalists do not digest people of other nationalities. Some people peacefully and quietly hate representatives of some nation, others aggressively show their dislike. Mass intolerance often leads to extremism. Racists are uncompromising towards people of a different skin color. They divide society into lower and higher races. There are racists who in every possible way avoid and deny contact with representatives of another race. Some are tolerant towards an inferior race, but do not recognize marriage and hide their relationship with people belonging to it.

Main reasons
Hatred of humanity and the whole world begins to develop in childhood, and in adolescence, the feeling intensifies. In teenagers, critical thinking and a desire to defend their own "I" are sharpened. Resentment against parents sometimes leads to rejection of the entire human race and the world in general.Sociopathy is classified as a hereditary and acquired pathology. It can develop during the period of personality formation due to excessive criticism and exaggerated demands made on the baby by strict parents. Child abuse, violence, corporal punishment suppress the personality and contribute to the development of hatred.
A mother who is too strict and overbearing can affect the development of rejection of all women. Lack of emotional contact with the mother or lack of her attention is sometimes the reason for the emerging dislike for the female sex. Intrafamily religious views form a special worldview. In some families, the female role is devalued. Often, parents who lead an immoral and asocial lifestyle bring up angry and cruel people. It is very important for a child to feel completely safe, otherwise a persistent negative perception of the world is formed.
The kid must trust the mother and father. Their emotional coldness and tense relationship with each other provoke the development of internal complexes. Over time, self-doubt appears.

In some families, the opinions of the mother and father on the issue of raising a child are very different. The opposite parental opinion is reflected in the formation of personality. It develops a negative attitude towards individuals and society. Bullying of classmates and peers can lead to misanthropy. Constant humiliation from the people around them contributes to the development of hatred towards a certain group of peers. Subsequently, dislike can spread to the whole society.
There are romantic natures who perceive the world in pink. Any disappointment leads them to fencing off from society. After betrayals and betrayals, romantics retire and no longer let strangers into their lives. Failure to connect with the opposite sex can cause severe mental pain. A person who counted on an honest and stable relationship is faced with lies, betrayal of the second half, duplicity. He experiences deep suffering, takes offense at his partner, and as a result ceases to trust everyone.
The presence of physical defects in appearance can cause fear of a woman or a man. Unsuccessful first experience of sexual life, open ridicule of the girl sometimes lead to rejection of other people. Many misanthropes have a protective projection mechanism. Dissatisfaction with oneself provokes rejection of other individuals. When people do not share the point of view of such a person, he begins to hate their society with all his soul. It is unpleasant for him to be among subjects who do not accept his views.

What to do?
First you need to deal with your negative feelings. Try to find the answer to the question, what is the reason for your hatred of people. Maybe it's all about your character? Or are you not satisfied with your financial situation? You need to decide whether you want to continue living with the rejection of individuals, society and the world as a whole. Or it's time to say goodbye to a kind of shell that protects your subtle soul. After all, misanthropy is a defensive reaction to the manifestation of depreciation and aggression. It may indicate low self-esteem.
The first step to spiritual cleansing is liberation from feelings of guilt, forgiveness of oneself. After that, you should accept all those around you as they are. A man-hater needs to transform negative into positive. Recognize the personality traits of the other person. Try to find a common language with the subject, and do not seek to artificially evoke sympathy for him.
It is necessary to try to take the very first step towards people. If you are having trouble accepting and loving another person, try to at least stop yourself in moments of anger.An effective exercise is to mentally count to twenty as this destructive feeling approaches. As long as one counts in the mind, the anger subsides. Don't show your negative emotions in public. Maintain normal dialogue with people in a calm and constructive manner. We must stop looking at the interlocutor with hostility.
Destroy the hatred in your heart. Put yourself in someone else's place. Look at the situation from the outside.

If you are annoyed by the stupidity of the interlocutor, then understand that each person is a specialist in a field close to him and may not understand at all in another area. If you speak several languages, then your interlocutor does not need to know them. But he can be a great programmer and a great connoisseur of computer games modeling. His knowledge may not be available to you. Treat others with respect.
Try to do charity work, help those in need. Participate in the improvement of the territory adjacent to your home. Improve playgrounds and a park area with your neighbors. A man-hater will definitely feel that it is very pleasant to bring joy and benefit to others. The worldview will gradually begin to change. Over time, a more tolerant attitude towards the insincerity of others and injustice will develop.
If you have difficulty in trying to eradicate misanthropy on your own, seek the help of a specialist. A psychologist will identify the cause of misanthropy and help you learn to love. Overcoming painful internal protests is best done under the supervision of a specialist.