How to develop communication skills?

A sociable person can easily find complete understanding with others, quickly resolve any conflict, and adapt to a difficult situation. Thanks to the ability to easily establish contact, the individual acquires a wide range of useful and friendly contacts. Well-developed communication skills help an individual achieve success in various areas of life, be it work or personal relationships.

Factors inhibiting the development of communication skills
Effective construction of the process of interaction with others is possible only when a person is able to freely express his thoughts and emotions. They must be clear to the interlocutor. Such psychological characteristics as isolation, anxiety and shyness can act as a communicative barrier.
Unnecessary pauses, lack of ease in conversation and the desire to end the dialogue as soon as possible are often obstacles on the way to productive communication. Fear that others will misunderstand can inhibit the development of communication skills. Some people attach too much importance to their appearance for fear of making an inappropriate impression on their opponent.
From early childhood, it is necessary to teach a person the ability to hear other people, understand them, choose the right words for a conversation, and correctly build a line of behavior depending on the situation that has arisen. In childhood, the following factors can become a brake on the path to the formation of sociability:
- insufficient communication with adults;
- the lisp of others;
- ignoring the needs of the baby;
- allocating insufficient time for the development of fine motor skills;
- retraining a left-handed child to a right-handed child;
- features of physical development caused by various diseases.

Exercises to develop confidence and sociability
In achieving the goals of communication in oral speech, the speaker's voice plays an important role. It is necessary to improve its sound and strength. Adjust the pitch. The most important meaningful means of language is intonation. With its help, basic communication meanings are expressed. For example, a phrase pronounced with a harsh intonation may acquire a different meaning. Train your diction and breathing daily.
Keep your speech clear. Avoid parasitic words when reasoning. Expand your vocabulary. Possession of speech etiquette generates trust and respect of others. Compliance with etiquette formulas when communicating gives a person confidence and ease, since he does not have to feel awkward in front of his interlocutor because of involuntary mistakes and wrong actions.
The following exercises help to develop all of the above qualities:
- alone with yourself, start a conversation about anything, talk with an invisible interlocutor about some object of your choice for as long as your strength and vocabulary are enough;
- try to establish communicative contact with casual fellow travelers in transport, passers-by, consultants in stores, gradually increasing the number of daily conversations.

You can also learn communication skills with the help of collective games. Teamwork contributes to the production of a large amount of the hormone of pleasure and the appearance of ease in the process of communication. Consider two interesting games on this topic.
- The first role-playing game involves playing out various communication situations. Several people pre-receive individual tasks and try to convey to other participants all the conditions of the event. For example, a buyer contacts the consumer protection department because of the purchase of a low-quality salad.
- The next game involves recognizing emotion. 2 teams compete. A member of one group is asked to draw a card from the deck and express the emotion of the received image with the help of facial expressions. Each member of the same team has only a minute to recognize it. The correct answer is worth 10 points to the players. Then their opponents do the same. The winner is determined after several equal attempts.
Collective trainings help to become a communicative and self-confident person. They aim to remove psychological barriers. First, a warm and welcoming atmosphere is created. Participants should feel supported by those around them. After the atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust is established among those present, you can perform various exercises that increase the ability to communicate. Psychologists recommend trying the following options.

"Tell about…"
This exercise helps build confidence in communication. It is used when meeting members of a group and for a deeper disclosure of personality. The players take their thing in turn and ask it to tell about its owner, that is, about itself. And on behalf of this thing, the story begins. Owners of other items ask different questions.
"East market"
The purpose of this exercise is to hone business communication skills, analyze tactics and strategies for achieving the set task. Each receives 5 small leaves. Then the participant legibly writes his name on all pieces of paper, folds them with text inside so that the entry is not visible. Stickers with names are folded into a beautiful box, mixed. Then everyone in turn pulls out 5 folded leaves.
Further actions are aimed at getting back their stickers in any way. Persuasions and disputes begin. Shouts are allowed. The bargaining and brisk trade inherent in any eastern market should help a person get out the pieces of paper with his own name.
The winners are those 2 players who manage to bargain their goods faster than others.

"In other words"
The next exercise aims to convey the same idea clearly in different words. During the assignment, the skills of choosing synonyms, fluency and flexibility of speech are trained. All participants are divided into groups of 3 to 5 people. The first member of the team, having heard a sentence of 5-7 words from the leader, is obliged to convey it in other words to the second member of the group. In this case, the meaning of the phrase should be preserved. In the same way, the statement should be conveyed to the next players.
Not a single word can be repeated. All teams are given different sentences with the same word count. The complexity of word forms should also be similar.
"How Similar We Are"
The exercise develops the ability to establish contact, trains the skills to better recognize each other. All those present are united in pairs. Each member of a couple should quickly discover and write down 5 characteristics inherent in both partners. Birthday, hobby, place of work can coincide. The winner is the one who first found 5 common qualities. After the completion of all actions, a discussion takes place.
It turns out how difficult it was to complete the proposed exercise, which helped in quickly establishing contact with a partner, whether there were any difficulties in finding similarities with a stranger.

"For that guy"
The objective of the assignment is to develop the ability to communicate confidently. All people taking part in the training are divided into pairs. The members of each pair talk to each other, telling the partner some important details about their person. After that, the name tags are exchanged. Then one representative of the pair stands behind the partner sitting on the chair, introducing himself by his name, and instead answers questions from other players concerning various areas of activity. He must answer confidently, and it does not matter whether he knows the answer or not. In conclusion, the person on whose behalf the representative of the couple spoke must determine the percentage of hits.
The task contributes to the development of the ability to feel and understand a partner.
Psychological advice
You can increase the level of communication skills with the help of daily workouts. Becoming a sociable person is not difficult. Do not be pessimistic: it is much more pleasant for others to look at a smile than at a sullen face. Learn to enjoy communicative contacts with people, enjoy it. Build your social circle of positive, pleasant, and interesting people to talk to. It is very important to learn to win over a person. There are several rules that can be followed to improve communication skills.

Positive attitude
Never set yourself up for boring dialogue. Start any conversation with a genuine smile. Learn to charge yourself with a great mood, include imagination and improvisation. Do not detail your story, save your interlocutor from unnecessary and unnecessary information.
For many employees, an upcoming meeting with a manager causes stiffness and anxiety. Try to change the situation, set yourself up for a pleasant conversation, mentally switch places with your boss.
Necessity of conversation
You should not be afraid to start a conversation yourself, because it is not so difficult to come up with and develop a topic for discussion. Try to keep any conversation going. Share an interesting story with your interlocutor. Watch his facial expressions, gestures, body movements. Try to interest your opponent, try to take the initiative of the dialogue on yourself.
You should not hide your eyes when meeting an old acquaintance and pretend that you do not see or do not recognize him. This behavior is charged with negative emotions.Engage in conversation with him yourself, even if you don't want to. Then you don't have to wait for a friend to come up and talk to you. As the initiator of the conversation, you will feel an inner lightness.

Respect for the interlocutor
Learn to listen carefully to the person, do not interrupt him, do not try to shout down, abruptly interrupt the dialogue, switch to another topic. Even if you are completely sure that your opponent is wrong, do not initiate a verbal skirmish, but rather try to hear the opposite opinion, otherwise a constructive dialogue will not work. During a conversation, with all your appearance, show the interlocutor your benevolence and complacency.
Dealing with indecision
Watch the behavior of famous politicians, TV presenters, and various creative personalities. Put yourself in the shoes of your interlocutors. Even if you don't want to keep the conversation going, don't walk away from it or keep silent. Try to hone your verbal debate skills in front of the mirror, watch your own expression.
Relevance of visualization
Only live communication contributes to the development of communication skills. Quite often a modern metropolis has a negative effect on the psyche of the subject. He wants to get rid of the noisy crowd, retire, hide. There is no need to shy away from meetings and withdraw into yourself. Imagine an upcoming meeting with your friend. Imagine that the communication is going well. Enjoy a good conversation. In your imagination, it should benefit the other person.
Give yourself the feeling that you have raised the spirits of the other person and brought brightness to their day. When thinking about a good deed, inspiration comes naturally.