Meditation for Calm and Self-Confidence

Gaining self-confidence relieves a person of low self-esteem, which deprives him of calmness and happiness. There are special meditations, during which the field of human consciousness is so limited that the brain is able to respond to a stimulus, which is the subject's focus point.

Preparing for meditation
A full-fledged life of an individual begins with gaining inner peace and self-confidence... This state can be obtained with the help of a special meditations... To carry it out, you need to sit comfortably in a secluded place, close your eyes, completely relax, take a deep breath with a deep chest, focus on breathing, then transfer it to the heart area. You need to clearly feel the rhythm of your heartbeat.
Scented candles and sticks speed up relaxation of the body and help to find peace of mind.

Psychological attitude
In this moment you should let go of all your grievances, negative emotions and any extraneous thoughts. You need to imagine how a gentle wave of relaxation is covering you.
All problems turn into minor grains of sand. You need to feel how the emerald wave instills in you calmness and confidence. The ocean fills your body with strength and greatness. You become a part of the universe. All fears that worry you gradually dissolve.
This mental attitude to meditation should last at least 10 minutes.

Is of great importance the right room. A cramped room negatively affects the result of spiritual practices. To create a calm environment, favorable vibrations of the environment are necessary.
The room should not feel cold or stuffy. The room should be thoroughly ventilated. Avoid direct sunlight and drafts.
Any external stimuli make it difficult to focus on the main thoughts and distract attention from meditation.

A pleasant melody helps to eliminate extraneous thoughts, drown out external sounds and noises. Music contributes to a deep immersion in trance.

Clothes and poses
Experts recommend taking a shower, putting on clean clothes and choosing an appropriate posture before performing any of the techniques. Beginners are not advised to meditate while lying down, as a relaxed body can provoke falling asleep.

Effective techniques
Meditation improves brain function, helps to increase self-esteem, develop mental strength, and achieve inner harmony. Through the use of effective techniques, a person can free himself from excessive self-criticism or excessive self-confidence.
Morning or evening meditations the subject chooses depending on his own activity. If the energy is in full swing in the first half of the day, then it is best to meditate in the morning, if in the second - in the evening. People with insomnia are advised to engage in any spiritual practice before going to bed. Nighttime meditations are great for women since the fairer sex is more prone to compassion and stress than men.
Perfect for improving women's self-esteem visualization meditation... This technique, which affects the subconscious mind, can be applied in the morning and evening. The lady should present herself in elegant fashionable clothes. She mentally sees herself as a confident, strong, independent woman.
In your imagination, you need to draw yourself with a charming smile, beautiful gait and flowing gestures. It is necessary to imagine how passers-by look around and look after them with admiration. At the same time, a bright picture should be accompanied by the words: “I am forever getting rid of all doubts and fears! I am calm and confident! I am assured of success in all my endeavors! I'm happy!"

One of the most effective techniques is artistic meditation... You need to remember an unpleasant event, feel it again, throw out all negative emotions in the form of screaming or crying. Then all your rage, anger and resentment should be depicted on paper. Then the drawing must be torn, burned and the ash scattered in the wind. After clearing the painful emotions to lift your mood, come up with a happy ending and draw a positive ending to the traumatic situation on a piece of paper. In difficult moments of life, you can refer to the drawing and be charged with bright emotions.
Calmness and self-confidence helps to gain technique "I am a rock". It is performed with closed eyes in a supine position. After taking a deep, slow breath, concentrate on the sensations of the body as you exhale. It is necessary to mentally imagine how heavy your body is. Feel the heaviness in your feet, then gradually move to the calves, hips, pelvis, back, chest, neck.
Imagine yourself as a solid, unbreakable rock. You feel the power and weight of your entire body. You are not afraid of storms, blizzards, hurricanes, storms. No element can deprive you of your balance and inner peace. Your head - the top of the mountain - feels the pleasant cool air.
Take 2-3 deep breaths, wiggle your fingers, then your arms and legs. Imagine a blinding white light illuminating you. Finally, lift the weight back and enter your body full of confidence and inner peace.
Tibetan meditation pays great attention to the abandonment of thoughts about the satisfaction of their own desires. Tibetan techniques suggest exhaling air before taking the desired posture, then inhaling it slowly, while concentrating on the tip of your nose.If a person feels the transformation of inhalation into exhalation, then, in order to activate the mind, he must concentrate on the movement of air during exhalation.
After these actions, you need to listen to the rhythm of your own heart and begin the process of meditation.

Breathing practices
Peace of mind can be obtained with the help of breathing techniques. Attention should be focused on even and deep breathing. Experts recommend counting breaths and breaths. For the simplest meditation, 10 breaths are enough. Calm, smooth inhalation and exhalation should not have intermittent jerks of air. In case of a runny nose, breathe through the mouth.
If during the breathing practice the imagination was played out, then you need to open your eyes for a while and look at the real world.

Special inspirational phrases help you to tune in a positive mood. It is necessary to use individual affirmations, because only the person himself knows his weaknesses. After carefully working out each expression, you need to fix them on a piece of paper. During meditation, it is recommended to use at least one inspiring phrase.
Affirmations get rid of unnecessary doubts and fears, instill calmness and confidence in a person.

Author's techniques
There are many interesting author's techniques with the help of which a person gains self-confidence and peace. For example, method "Tron" increases a person's self-esteem by directing the energy of the mental plane to the central part and forming a certain information field around the personality. During meditation, a person imagines himself sitting on a throne and holding a rod in his right hand, symbolizing the energy of love, transformation, and in his left hand - a scroll that personifies wisdom.
The throne symbolizes the energy of accomplishment.

Parsing the mistakes of beginners
The most common mistake newbies make is ignoring extraneous sounds and noises. The inability to create a suitable environment prevents the body from completely relaxing. If the sounds of a drill or children's screams are heard from a neighboring apartment, then you need to use headphones to block the noise coming from you. Let light, calm music come from the headphones to help you tune in to meditation.
Some beginners do not pay attention to their emotional background, state of health and start meditation. A bad mood or headache counteracts the body's right mindset. Experts advise to pre-conduct special technique to tune in the desired mood... If you cannot cope with your negative emotions, then meditation should be canceled.
An attempt to drive away extraneous thoughts is considered a mistake. You should not pay attention to them, you have to wait a little and they will gradually dissipate by themselves. During meditation, you should not try to assess your state and be distracted by mental questions, how the technique works, and what is happening to you at the moment. Especially it is necessary to get rid of the thought: "Do not think about anything." It interferes with relaxation of the mind, abstraction and interferes with entering a trance.