Features of the practice of silence and the rules for its implementation

In our modern life, people are faced with many negative factors. The worst of these is the flow of information and the reaction to it. As a result of various experiences about this, a person begins to enter into a dialogue with the society around him. Often, the result of such a dialogue is various conflicts. Ultimately, the psyche of such a person can not stand it. In this case, the practice of silence will help.
Features and effect
The practice of silence, or the vow of silence, is a kind of vow that a person makes to himself. He does this in order to hear his "I". And at the same time, this subject can afford to freely communicate with God and with the Higher powers. This practice is characteristic of absolutely all people. And it doesn't matter what religion they have (Buddhism, Christianity, etc.).
For example, the Indian practice of silence Mauna aims to achieve a state of inner silence.
Everyone knows that if you control your speech, then you can keep your thoughts under control.

Or take Vipassana, for example. During a practice such as Vipassana, one can contemplate his mind. This technique is also designed to release negativity.
There are 4 truths in Vipassana - this is nobility, suffering, the cessation of suffering, as well as ways to prevent suffering. Through meditation and a vow of silence, people open up to the Buddha. Thus, they are cleansed of all bad things and become spiritually developed people.
The practice of silence was invented by humans in ancient times. She is rightfully considered ascetic. This technique was often used by monks.To implement it, they went far into the mountains or forests in order to calmly pray, fast and get to know themselves there.
There are people who are fluent in yoga. They know how to immerse themselves in "the silence of the mind." Such people are also called "munis". The latter are sure that stupid conversations take all the energy from a person and block the mind. This factor leads to blocking self-development.

The benefits of practicing silence are invaluable.
- You can easily train your willpower. Remember that it is the efforts on oneself that form human resilience. All people need it to overcome difficulties.
- You will be able to clear your mind of various bad thoughts. In this way you will come to the truth.
- You will be able to immerse yourself in silence. And this is very useful in order for the mental state to recover again.
- You can develop strong character traits.
- You will be able to understand your desires, as often our desires are imposed. Fake needs appear when a person takes an orientation towards the external environment.
- You will be able to answer yourself the following question: "Do you live your life or do you live according to someone's imposed scenario?"

All people are very different from each other. Therefore, someone will need very little time to carry out the practice, someone will need about a month, and someone can safely attribute another 10 days to this month.
That is why the examples below are only recommendations for those people who have not yet decided on the timing of the practice.
First, decide on your options. For example, some people cannot live a minute without talking, while others try to avoid such communication.
Therefore, some individuals can be advised to start the practice of silence from one day a week, while others choose a longer period. However, even silence for 1 hour a week will be very helpful. For example, M. Gandhi set aside 1 day a week for complete silence.
It is also useful to devote 3-4 hours a day to the practice of silence.

Some people can be silent for about 10 days. To implement such a technique, you must completely remain alone with your "I". This is easy to accomplish while in the country or in a country house.
At the same time, it should be noted that you do not need to start the practice of silence without some preparation for a whole month. There is a risk that you will not be able to fulfill your own condition.
In order for everything to work out, you need to be patient and have a great desire to achieve results.... In addition to everything, turn off your emotions so as not to provoke yourself into various temptations coming from the outside.

Implementation tips
Some people think that in modern life a person is forced to make any contact with the outside world in order to withstand competition. But it is not so. Many are so addicted to the pursuit of success that they forget about rest and the state of their souls.
The reserves of the human body are not unlimited. If you constantly overload your psyche with unnecessary information that comes as a result of such dialogues, then the state of mind will necessarily destabilize.
Then the person will begin to malfunction in the nervous system as a whole. Ultimately, it will cease to be competitive. Moreover, such a subject can easily get sick at the physical level.
To prevent this from happening, any of us needs to temporarily stop our hectic activity and listen to our "I". How to do it correctly? One of the best options is to practice silence. During its implementation, the individual will simply be forced to listen to his true desires coming from the depths of consciousness.

To ensure that all of your goals are achieved, you may be advised to consider some tips.
- To achieve an excellent effect, you must be alone with yourself. Therefore, you should turn off all your phones and not use social networks. Also exclude TV viewing.
- You cannot conduct any dialogues with anyone. You can't even talk to yourself.
- You can practice breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga. Immersion in your own consciousness and connection with the Cosmos will be very beneficial for you.
- During the practice, you should devote some time to a state of "complete relaxation of the mind." How should you do this? You should completely turn off thoughts: just do not think about anything and contemplate the beauty of nature.
- If thoughts suddenly begin to "swarm in your head", then do not pay attention to them. You shouldn't fight them. This is a useless exercise. When you show indifference to your own thoughts, then they will disappear.
- If you are just starting to practice, then try to focus on it completely.
- Read educational or spiritual literature. This is a very easy way to fully immerse yourself in the practice. In addition, you can enrich your consciousness with new useful knowledge. If you devote only 2 hours a week to the practice of silence, then you should spend one hour reading the book, and the other - reflecting on the knowledge gained.
- If you do not have the opportunity for complete solitude, then inform your household about the decision to practice silence. Let them try not to disturb you during the practice.

And here is one more point to which you should pay special attention: those who have already managed to apply the practice of silence in practice can be advised to answer the following questions to themselves:
- Has harmony appeared in your soul?
- What goals did you pursue and were they achieved?
- What emotions did you experience during the practice?
- Did you like what you did?