How to stop being neurotic?

Neuroticism is not a disease; it is a chain of negative stereotypes ingrained in the psyche. Originally from childhood, the problem often deprives a person of the joy of life, gives rise to inferiority complexes and increased anxiety about the future.

What is neuroticism
In our difficult time, full of stress, it is not uncommon for people to have psychological problems. Neuroticism is a mental state that is not considered a disease, but requires treatment. Neurotic is a personality type. A human individual who finds it difficult to complete the job, as he lowly estimates his capabilities and cannot realize himself. Hence, anxiety, suspiciousness, emotional instability appear in a person with neuroticism.
Such people need to be treated.

How is this violation formed?
It is known that the human brain includes approximately one hundred billion nerve cells - neurons, which are connected to each other in stable connections. This is how patterns, habitual actions and stereotypes appear in the psyche. 80–85% of neural circuits are laid before the age of five and are associated with the behavior of parents and their attitude towards the child. Children who are cherished and loved, in the vast majority of cases, become mentally healthy adults. And if the baby loves relatives and does not receive reciprocity, he suffers and feels superfluous and rejected.
Sometimes neurotic reactions develop as a consequence of another childhood psychotrauma - comparison with more successful peers.
Knowledgeable parents will not bring the child to the onset of painful reactions, focusing on unsuccessful actions and weaknesses.And also you should not tell the child that there are bad people and envious people around him.

Features and main features
If a person demonstrates by his behavior at least one of the following features, it is time to take action.
- Is in constant expectation of failure or breakdown, up to phobias.
- It goes to extremes from gullibility and naivety to mistrust and suspicion. Such people tend to blame others for all their sorrows and problems.
- The tension and anticipation of failure breeds intolerance and irritability. The neurotic is disturbed by everything and everyone, extraneous sounds and the presence of other people. He constantly feels tired and depressed.
- Despite the hypertrophied passion for one's own health, panic outbreaks and disorders of the autonomic system, pressure surges, and headaches do not go away. Feeling unwell is associated exclusively with disorders of nervous activity.
- As a result, business relationships with other people and personal life fade into the background, there is apathy in the sexual sphere.

But doctors say that it is possible to cure such conditions, even if it takes a long time and patience. You need to work on yourself in order to stop being neurotic and find the joy of life.

How to help such people
Psychologists in professional practice use a simple method developed by M. Labkovsky. He invites patients to adhere to several postulates in their daily life, helping to overcome habitual neurocircuits in thinking and behavior.
- Do only what you want yourself. Do not do what you don’t like and don’t want to do.
- Don't be afraid to say when you don't like something. This should be done immediately.
- Do not say anything superfluous, answer the question posed. Don't tell anything unless asked.
The swinging technique helps to relieve excess stress. Nature itself prompts a person to perform mechanical movements if he experiences unexpected pain, fear, anger.
People instinctively move their arms and head, bend over and return to their original position to calm down. Thus was born the practice of "self-lulling", popular in the treatment of neuroticism.

There are several important independent steps that can help with treatment. It depends on them whether you break the habit of expecting bad things and take a normal, constructive and positive attitude.
- First of all, you need to admit the increased nervousness to yourself and your loved ones. Do not ignore the problem, but listen to your own body.
- Become a friend to yourself. Understand that loving yourself is a must. A person who loves you is looking at you from the mirror.
- The feeling of a breakdown and anxiety are brewing - it means it's time to meditate. Disconnect from the situation and reflect on something else. Don't let the tension build up. To have a break. Return back to thoughts in 15-30 minutes and in a different state. This will allow you to get away from hasty conclusions and not make mistakes, change the perception and attitude towards what is happening in the direction of the unemotional.

- Try to hold out for three weeks without negative emotions. To do this, you need to fully concentrate on your own feelings. Control will allow you to carry out any piece of jewelry - a bracelet or a ring. If during the day you have an unexpected unpleasant feeling, change the ring or bracelet on your other hand. You need to overcome yourself and completely suppress the negative in relation to the situation or person, as well as to yourself. The winner of the marathon is the fighter who defeats himself and controls emotions for all three weeks, as required by this technique.
- Enjoy sports and long walks in the fresh air. The basic rule is a minimum of communication with people and maximum attention to the trees and flowers around.
- Forgive old grudges and don't add new ones. Try to let go of the thought that you have been hurt.Thank you for the science - after all, much of what was told to you was offensive, but fair. There is a path to improvement, not a reason to get upset.
- If it doesn't work, forgive yourself and give the opportunity to make mistakes. You can get over it easier and move on. As you know, the road will be mastered by the walking one.

To these points, you can add the following - of course, the environment in which you live is also important.
If possible, do not communicate with those who steal your time for creativity and doing what you love, they talk for a long time about unpleasant things. Cut off drawn-out telephone conversations and strive to communicate with people who are creative and positive in the world.
Why neuroticism arises and how to deal with it, see the video.
Thanks a lot.