How to please a girl at school?

Love and sympathy can arise at any age, to someone such feelings come as early as 10 or 11 years old, and someone begins to think about it only at 16. And this is absolutely normal. But mutual interest does not always arise from the first minutes, therefore many boys think about how to please a girl at school and achieve her location.

Start with yourself
Regardless of age, girls prefer well-mannered and tidy guys with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Therefore, the first step towards winning your chosen one is to objectively evaluate yourself.
To do this, you need to honestly answer yourself a few questions.
- Do you play sports?
- Do you have any hobbies, hobbies?
- Are you respected by your peers?
- Are you a good student?
- Do you watch your appearance?
If the answer to most of the questions is negative, you need to change something in yourself.
Each of these points is important in the life of a young man and helps to become a harmonious and developed person. It is such a guy who has more chances to attract the attention of a girl.

Go in for sports
Regular training is an opportunity to keep yourself in shape, and team sports teach you to find a common language with others and help develop leadership skills. Athletes are often popular at school, so it will be useful to enroll in their ranks anyway. And the possible victory in the competition will definitely help you stand out.
In addition, you can always invite a girl you like to cheer for you and say that it was her support that gave you strength and helped you achieve your goal. She will definitely appreciate such a compliment.True, for all this you need to be sure that the victory is really real, and if not, then you will be able to lose with dignity.

If you don't see yourself in sports, you can just visit the gym to develop muscles and not worry about being overweight. Even if you are an interesting conversationalist and an extraordinary person, the first impression is most often made up of the appearance, so you should take care to look attractive to girls.

Find a hobby
Hobbies can help you gain attention. You will be able to interest your darling and stand out from a number of other guys who are not interested in anything other than computer games.
If you know how to do something with your own hands, for example, burn wood or do carving, then you can use your skills to make an original present and surprise a girl.

Common hobbies are a good topic of conversation, and doing things you love together can help you bond. Find out what the girl is interested in, maybe she visits some circles or sections, then you can go there together. This will help you spend more time together, especially if she is from a parallel class or, in general, you are not the same age, so at school you only see each other during recess.
Check out her pages on social networks - often from the profile you can understand what a girl likes. Even if you do not understand anything about her hobbies, ask to tell about them, show interest.

Become a class leader
Girls like confident and courageous guys, that is, leaders who stand out in some way. Such people are usually respected in the team, their opinion is taken into account.
If you are a rather introverted person, try to get out of the circle of loneliness, make friends and use them to develop leadership qualities in yourself.
Find something that you love, like being the captain of a high school sports team or starting a music group to make a name for yourself. It is not necessary to become the absolute leader in the class, you need to strive to become one of them.
Plus, you can prove yourself to be a courageous and active person by helping others and protecting the weak. Many girls dream of a real knight, and if you are like that in her eyes, she will definitely agree to go on a date with you.

Take time to study
If a girl you like is a good student, then she is unlikely to pay attention to a poor student. Therefore, you have to pull yourself up and how to take care of your education.

You can use this as an excuse to start a dialogue, for example, ask her to explain a rule or a way to solve a problem for you.
If you study well, and your chosen one is not given something, then you yourself can offer help to her. But do it kindly so that your advice doesn't sound like a mockery or a favor. Be honest, don't try to appear better than you really are. Perhaps the girl is aware of all your affairs from the same classmates or rival guys.

Take care of your appearance
Any guy should always look neat and polite. And if he wants to please someone, then you need to double monitor your appearance and good manners.

It is not necessary, of course, to dress according to the latest fashion and only in branded clothes, to bow to all the teachers and offer to help the school technician to sweep the corridor at the school, but there are several points that need special attention.
- Shower and use deodorant regularly. The foul smell of sweat, dirty fingernails and unwashed hair make girls disgust and want to stay away from the slob.
- Do not allow cases of being at school in dirty shoes - all ladies, without exception, immediately lose interest in such people.
- Watch your clothes - they must be clean and tidy. Do not wear worn, wrinkled and greasy clothes - girls will notice this right away.
- If you have acne, get a special cream that will help get rid of them.Better go to a dermatologist so as not to make yourself worse.
- Try to get your hair cut on time and follow the fashion here at least. Girls are very sensitive to this nuance in the appearance of guys.

What do girls like?
Tastes and preferences can differ, especially during adolescence, when many are interested in trying different things. Therefore, even if you know what a girl liked at the age of 14, when she was in 7th grade, it is possible that next year, when she is already 15, she will have completely different tastes. Over the summer, many change a lot, discovering new interests. Find out what exactly she is currently fond of so as not to be embarrassed.
Age also does not always help determine someone's interests. This largely depends on the personality and temperament. There are girls who, from early childhood, liked noisy games, and then parties and parties, and there are those who, at the age of 13, think about the future and devote a lot of time to study. Some of them are very romantic natures, while others have leadership abilities and even compete with guys.
If you like a classmate, it will be easier to find out what she likes, because you constantly see her in class and you can hear her discussing her hobbies.
But if a girl is in a different class, it will be more difficult to establish contact with her, including due to the fact that you will not always be able to see each other. The way out of this situation will be the Internet - find her on social networks and see what she likes, what posts she likes and what groups she is in. You can also start communication there.

Girls are more inclined to notice different little things, so you need to remember to show your chosen one some signs of attention:
- be sure to say hello to her, otherwise she may decide that you are ashamed of her or simply ignore her;
- at least sometimes compliment her, but if you are embarrassed to do it out loud, start with nice comments under her photo or post on social networks;
- be a gentleman - give her some outerwear, hold the door, reach out when she gets out of the transport, help carry her bag.

Make no mistakes
Some guys, trying to please a girl at school, achieve the exact opposite effect. You need to pay attention to your behavior and not make mistakes.
Do not think that everything will work out by itself. Even if you are an active young man, the soul of the company, how does a girl know that you like her if you show no signs of attention?
Try not only to stand out from the crowd, but also make it clear that you care about it.

Persistence and confidence are good, but don't overdo it, nobody likes insolence.
There is no need to try to occupy all the free time of the girl and constantly flicker before her eyes. Over time, these guys start to be avoided.
Don't ask right away if she likes you. Few people can immediately answer such a question; rather, you will make the girl feel uncomfortable. Wait a while until you get used to each other. It's best if you never ask about this. If you like it, the girl herself will definitely tell you about it.
If she refused you, don't worry too much. This does not mean that something is wrong with you, because people cannot control their feelings, perhaps she just has different preferences. You can't please everyone. Try to take it calmly, do not blame the girl, and most importantly, do not try to force her to be with you - nothing good will come of it.

The following video presents a number of signs by which you can determine a girl's sympathy for a guy.